
Building You Better


Everyday Leadership #137: The Little Things

Jan 20, 2025 (3 min read)

Are you paying attention to the little things?

Since mid-December, I've been on crutches. I had surgery on my right ankle to repair a torn ligament from an old injury many years ago. It had been giving me some problems and had been impacting me off and on for years. A few days after the surgery, I ended up with a blood clot in my leg up above the surgery.

To say I've been uncomfortable is an understatement. I've not been able to walk on my foot since then, making it difficult to do what I normally do every day. And one of those activities that's been impacted that I normally do is to lay my younger kids down at night. It's challenging to get up the stairs and back down, and staying vertical too long can often be uncomfortable on my leg.

The other night as I made my way upstairs to lay my youngest son down, I came into his room and found him finishing his "preparations" for me. With a smile on his face, he told me he was ready for me. He placed his stick house at the end of his bed to make a stand for my crutches to rest on while I wasn't using them. Knowing I have to keep my ankle elevated, he folded up a blanket and made a foot rest for me so I could keep my foot elevated while I was next to him as we read and sang songs. And he even got an extra pillow for my head last minute to make sure I was more than comfortable while laying him down.

I felt like a million bucks! And he didn't do anything big at all. He simply paid attention and did some little things that helped me out. This kid is a stud and made me feel so special!

How often are we paying attention to the little things? It can be as simple as noticing a team member needs a couple of new white board markers that you get them. It can be saying thank you when you notice them doing something kind for someone else. It can holding a door open for someone who is walking into the office with their arms full. It can be a million different little things that make a difference - that add value to those receiving your kindness.

So pay attention to the little things this week. It's a missed opportunity if you don't because the little things really do make a big difference.




Everyday Leadership #136: False Stability

Jan 14, 2025 (3 min read)

Have you ever played Jenga?

You take turns strategically pulling 1 block out at a time from any layer, except the top layer, and place it on top of the tower. Your goal is to see how high you can build the tower without knocking it over.

It's a exciting yet stressful game!

What is crazy about the game's concept is that you're using your existing blocks, weakening and imbalancing its foundation, to build higher and presumably better.

Are you doing that with your own life today? Do you even know if you are?

Are you sleeping less so you can get in an extra hour or two of work every day?

Are you skipping a few meals here and there to lose some weight?

Are you doubling down on your exercise routine in a day or two each week hoping to maximize results in fewer days of exercise?

Are you supplementing your nutrition in hopes for gains in energy in lieu of eating a well balance diet?

Are you watching TV for a couple hours a day to "release stress" at the end of the day when you could read or journal or meditate?

Think about your habits. What are you robbing from yourself, thinking that you're building yourself better, when in reality you're simply weakening your own foundation and creating false stability? Continuing on this path results in only one outcome in the long run - you're going to fall at some point and have to rebuild.

Don't rob yourself of real stability. Build yourself right.

For me that requires a focus on my F4 - my Cornerstones on which everything stands:

Faith, Fitness, Family, and Fun.

Compromise is not an option with these for me to be strong and grow right. What's your foundation built on? 



Everyday Leadership #135: My 2025 Foundation

Jan 8, 2025 (3 min video)

What's your focus for 2025? Do you have a word or a phrase for this year that will guide you? I do! My word is Nonnegotiable. It's a repeat from last year because it was so impactful for me, and my focus is my F4 - my foundation on which everything else is built. 

What's your focus for 2025? 



Everyday Leadership #134: Mandatory R&R

Dec 21, 2024 (2 min read)

It's not fun not havimg use of my right leg.

I had an ankle stabilization surgery on Monday to repair a torn ligament from an old basketball injury many years ago that's been causing me some problems still today. But, in my downtime already, it has given me a chance to reflect on a few things this week.

First, crutches and wheelchairs are no joke! They're a lot of work! And when handicap door openers don't work, it's not fun! My situation definitely makes me more empathetic to everyone who regularly faces every day life like this. But out of obstacles come opportunities as well.

Second, not being able to do things for myself is more challenging that I thought. I've had to turn almost completely to my wife, kids, and others to help me do what I normally do every day. It's frustrating but even more than that, it's humbling. But, it's also helped me realize it's OK to do things through others. Delegation helps others have an opportunity to learn and extend themselves while it also creates a greater sense of gratitude within me for all they do doing for me. My wife especially deserves my sincerest gratitude for her unrelenting care and effort to care for me while running and managing our household and our children almost entirely alone right now. She is amazing.

And third, it's hard to sit and just rest - but, rest is needed. Not just physical rest but mental and emotional rest. Rest is essential to recovery and restoration. And it's vital to staying sharp and performing at a high level consistently.

Opportunities from obstacles.

Development from delegation. Recovery and restoration from rest.

Learning from every day life is awesome.



Everyday Leadership #133: Brick by Brick

Nov 13 25, 2024 (2 min read)

How do you handle adversity?

Yesterday, after playing on the freshman team last year, my son was cut from this year's high school basketball team. He is devastated. He's put almost all of his free time into playing basketball. He's put in hours upon hours of practice, attended every open gym, every team workout, and done everything he's been asked to do to be on this team. But, this time, it wasn't enough.... Brick.

In his frustration and devastation, he asked himself why he wasn't enough... Brick.

Nothing I could say or do could take away the hurt this time. I wanted to help fix it for him. I hurt FOR him. Being a parent is tough!! His littlest brother came in and hugged him, rubbed his back, and got him a drink to try to comfort him. He smiled and allowed his brother the chance to serve him in his time of need instead of isolating himself... Brick.

Not an easy night at home last night as his plans for the next several months were just changed for him.

But in that adversity there is opportunity.

And slowly my son is beginning to see that. First, I must say his maturity is incredible. He reached out to a few players who he knew made it this year that didn't make the cut last year and congratulated them. I'm not sure I could have done that at his age, especially when only one current teammate reached out to offer condolences to him. He could have sought strength in criticizing other players' weaknesses or coaches decisions, but instead he chose to love and support.... Brick.

Next, after a little time processing his emotions and circumstances, he focused on what he had to next. He understood there were priorities with his homework and got to work. He didn't let this moment distract him from his priorities right then.... Brick.

A little bit later, a glimmer of possibility flashed across his mind as he said maybe this was an opportunity to focus on something different where he could grow. That's often tough to see in our adversity... Brick.

He doesn't know it yet, but he's building himself. He's building a life of possibility and success one moment at a time, one experience at a time - one brick at a time.

Brick by Brick.

That is how adversity helps you grow. It gives you bricks to build with. You just have to pick them up and use them.

What bricks are you adding to your house of growth and success today?



Everyday Leadership #132: Part 2, Different Leadership Styles

Nov 8, 2024 (2 min video)

Happy Friday everyone! Expanding a little bit more about the difference in leadership styles yet the possibility of still achieving the desired results. It all boils down to knowing what you want kind of leader you want to be known as AND the ability to exercise the right leadership style in the right circumstances. Not a great video but my thoughts nonetheless! Better to share than to be perfect! 😁 And getting in a little me-time as well before I go watch my oldest daughter's final high school marching band competitions today and tomorrow!

Building You Better, Episode 2



Everyday Leadership #131: Different Leadership Styles

Oct 30, 2024 (2 min video)

Different leadership styles can still produce desired results. The question is what style do you want to use and be known for?

Forgive the rough video but the thoughts were on my mind for 2 days straight. I'll dig into and share more thoughts soon. Take a listen and consider the differences and your style of leadership.

Building You Better, Episode 1



Everyday Leadership #130: Small Daily Actions

Oct 21, 2024 (3 min read)

I've been traveling extensively recently. Last week I was in Peru performing a facility condition assessment on one of our volunteer training facilities. Beautiful country and awesome team!

With all the travel, though, I was tired and hadn't slept well. When my alarm sounded at 5:30am Wednesday morning, the last thing I wanted to do was get up and go exercise. I ran Tuesday morning and had a great run, but I wasn't feeling it Wednesday morning. Ringing loudly in my own ears and mind while I struggled to blink the sleep from my eyes, though, was the reminder that I had a race on Saturday. Not a big race - but I had committed myself to it at the start of the year. And I was not going to quit now.

So, I got up, got dressed, and headed out the door. I went for my run along the Peruvian coastline in the early morning. The clouds were and fog were thick, the air humid, and the morning light had just barely begun. I started slowly and didn't have my best run - but I did it. It was my win that day. I conquered myself, and that was all I needed to do that day.

3 days later, up at 5:30am again on Saturday morning, I left my house for my race. I got there early and got ready. It was cold to start, and not long after I started the race, my left knee started to hurt and I began to get a headache. I adjusted my stride and refocused my mind on what I had come to do. I turned on one of my favorite podcasts and decided right then in mile 1 that I was not going to let up for this one.

I'm no spring chicken any more, and my wife will tell you I'm not anywhere close to qualifying for the Olympics let alone a track or cross country team of any caliber, but on Saturday my small decisions day after day to train and not give in to the easy way our paid off.

I finished my 5k with a personal record - almost 9 minutes faster than my average over the past couple of years. Now judging on that kind of improvement, you can tell I'm not very fast. But I'm not looking for fast or to win 1st place. I'm looking for better fitness, for a lifestyle, and for consistent improvement over time.

And that's what I got.

Small daily actions yield big wins over time. Stay consistent with the small things and you'll win with the big things.



Everyday Leadership #129: IFMA World Workplace

Oct 13, 2024 (1 min read)

I spent this last week in San Antonio at the IFMA #WorldWorkplace conference.

It was an excellent professional event focused on industry trends, challenges, and future industry shifts. We heard from Emmit Smith about the importance of process and that growth stops when we become satisfied with the status quo. We learned from Pamela Barnum, JD, MPA the importance of communication, particularly nonverbal communication and how others see us.

We learned more about the influence of AI on the industry and saw some interesting and powerful ways it is being and can be used to optimize efficiency in the workplace.

And we had great opportunities to network with old friends and new colleagues, learning about new innovations and opportunities in the market. From new services to new technologies, the industry continues to see growth while facing unique challenges with hybrid work arrangements. And it continued to experience an increased demand for highly competent and skilled facility managers.

It was a great conference and is great to be part of such a great organization. Looking forward to next year in Minneapolis!

#IFMA #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #128: Thank You, South Africa!

Sep 25, 2024 (1 min read)

I just returned home from an incredible experience in southern Africa over the last week and a half.

I had the opportunity to visit and review several of our facilities in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Angola. Seeing current conditions, learning more about current processes, and observing alternative facility solutions for high growth areas was educational to me and inspiring. It's amazing what our local teams are doing to address immediate facility needs in the short-term while working to keep up with the growth needs in the area all while continuing to provide excellent maintenence service delivery in existing facilities under very high use conditions.

Thank you, Melanie, Anton, and Never and likewise the area team for such a great experience and especially for your leadership throughout a very challenging area! 



Everyday Leadership #127: Lead from Outcomes

Sep 4, 2024 (2 min read)

When everyone focuses on the circumstances now, you can't.

You need to lead from a position of vision - from a place where outcomes guide your actions, not the circumstances of the moment. Yes, times exist where actions must be taken because circumstances require it, but don't sacrifice future success just for short-term and temporary wins today.



Everyday Leadership #126: Block Out the Noise

Aug 27, 2024 (2 min read)

Life is Loud.

What are you doing to reduce or block out the nose?

Today's work environment is overflowing with virtual meetings and communications. Emails and 5 new messaging applications are constantly pinging you for a response. Your to-do lists at work and at home are getting longer by the day. And every app today is clamoring for your constant attention with notification after notification. How do you think with all that noise constantly around you?

Here are some suggestions:

1️⃣ Eliminate clutter. Leave yourself a clean working space daily.

2️⃣ Get rid of what you aren't using! If you haven't touched it in the last 12 months, you're probably not going to. Get rid of it!

3️⃣ Silence and turn off all the notifications! You don't really need them anyway.

4️⃣ Ask to be removed from all the emails you're being copied on and message chains you're a part of that you don't really need to be in.

5️⃣ Set time aside to deal with your gathering place (if you don't know what this is, go take Time Management from Dave Crenshaw - game changer!) and your inbox.

6️⃣ Give yourself time in between meetings - seriously, intentionally scheduling meetings to end 5 or 10 minutes before the hour makes a huge difference in your mental capacity to internalize and process information.

7️⃣ Get outside and get away for a minute. Fresh air and not looking at all you have to do helps you feel, see, and think better in the short AND long run.

8️⃣ Turn off the music. It's OK to just let your mind wander for a bit.

There are so many more actions you can take to block out the noise. Give yourself space between your ears - because when you do. you'll hear, think, and see more clearly.



Everyday Leadership #125: The Secret Recipe for Success

Aug 22, 2024 (1 min read)

How many chocolate chip cookie recipes are there in the world today?

Do you know the answer to that? I don't! I tried to find an estimate and couldn't find one. What I did find, though, were thousands of different chocolate chip cookie recipes all over the world. And while there we common ingredients in many recipes, they were all different in some way or another.

That's the same for success. There is no one specific recipe for success. The ingredients to succeed are different for you than they are for me because we have different personalities, different habits, different perspectives, different preferences, and different paths that we're on. And what we want is different, too.

So don't stress if you don't think your recipe is the right one. And don't spend too much time trying to find the one right one because there isn't just one right recipe for success. Just get to work on your recipe. If you find something you don't like or find an ingredient isn't working for you, then switch it up. Try something different or new. Then, let it bake, test it out, and try again.

You'll eventually find the recipe that works for you.



Everyday Leadership #124: Gratitude Changes Attitude

Aug 7, 2024 (2 min read)

Do you say thank you enough?

My wife and I started a gratitude jar this year. Each week on Sunday, we write down something we grateful for from the previous week and stick it in the jar. We don't look at what the other one writes. At the end of the year, we're going to go through that jar and read back each of those gratitude notes.

The practice of focusing on gratitude and being sure to find something to be thankful for each week shouldn't be that hard. But, sometimes it has been. And that has been eye opening. It helps me recognize where my focus is and if my mind is in the right place each week.

Gratitude is an amazing feeling, mindset and perspective. It replaces emotions of frustration, anger and sadness and often pushes negativity out of the mind. It instigates changes of mind and perspective and fosters positivity and optimism.

The practice of gratitude is empowering. Gratitude changes attitude.

No, it's not Thanksgiving this week or any other special holiday. No, nothing terrible has happened to drive me to extending more gratitude than usual this week. It's just a great day and practice to be grateful.

What are you grateful for today?



Everyday Leadership #123: Do You Do What You Say? 

Jul 29, 2024 (2 min read)

Do what I say, not what I do.

Have you heard that expression before? I have, and my youngest son (5 years old) recently helped me realize my words and my actions were not aligned.

Last Friday while I was working at home, he came into my office to talk with me for a minute. As he walked out, he asked me to come look at something with him. I said, "OK. I'm coming."

He walked out and was gone for a minute or two before he came back into my office. He walked up to me and asked me, "Are you coming?"

Again, I responded "Yes, I'm coming." I was trying to finish writing an email at that moment when he came in the first time and was almost done as he came in the 2nd time. So I figured my answer was fine.

Apparently not.

He looked at me, touched my arm and said, "Dad, do you know what 'coming' means? It means NOW."

Touché my man.

He was right. "I'm coming" is a statement of action, and I was not doing what I said I was doing.

I immediately stopped and walked out of my office with him so he could show me what was important to him at that moment.

Do your words and actions align? Trust me - if they don't, everyone knows it, just like my son knew it with me. Make sure you do what you say and say what you do. Keep your words and actions aligned. It's a vital part of building relationships of trust and leading teams to success.



Everyday Leadership #123: The Power of 1

Jul 19, 2024 (2 min read)

You can't fix months or years of poor financial decisions in a day.

You can't fix weeks or months or years of poor health choices in a day.

You can't fix poor, long standing habits of many kinds in just a day.


You can have a good day today.

And that's all it takes to change your life forever.

One day.

One hour.

One second.

One moment.

One decision.

Just One.

There is amazing power and potential in just 1️⃣. You've heard it said that a journey of 10,000 miles begins with just 1 step. It's true.

The road to growth and success of any kind starts with a single step. Making the decision to take the step is just as important as the 10,000th step or the 1,000,000th step. What's important is that you decide to take the step - and then you do it.

Just 1 step.

Just 1 choice.

Just 1 action.

Walk for just 1 minute today if you haven't in years. Eat just 1 apple today if you haven't eaten fruit at lunch for months. Save just $1 today if you don't have any savings.

It doesn't matter if yesterday was a bad day or last week a bad week or last year a bad year. Just make 1 day good - today.

Then try again tomorrow... Just 1 day, just 1 moment at a time.


If you're looking to learn more about topics like this to improve yourself or your organization, reach out! I'm available to speak and coach and would love to get to know you and your organization's needs.

Cornerstone Leadership

"Building You Better"



Everyday Leadership #122: Team Chemistry 

Jul 15, 2024 (3 min read)

We won our first game since we started back in April!

On average, we've lost by an easy 15 or 20 points - sometimes by even much larger margins. But on Saturday, we pulled off our first win!

When we started our season, we had 11 boys on the team. It's been challenging coaching these 11 boys who are all eager to play. I've tried to give each playing time and the opportunity to learn and develop a a player, but needless to say, it wasn't easy. I'm sure plenty of the boys and their families have felt frustration and even anger at how our season has gone.

Then, we lost a couple of our good players to other sports (and kudos to them - one of them has a chance to play on a baseball team with national recognition!). And then in the weeks after that, a couple of boys quit the team. I can't blame them - it's hard to stay motivated and want to play when we're losing all the time. At that point, I wasn't even sure we'd have enough boys to play in our upcoming games.

We arrived on Saturday to our game with just 5 boys. No substitutes, so no rest for these 5. We hadn't even had the chance to practice together fully in the last 2 weeks because of holidays and family vacations. I thought our chances at winning were slim to none and had taken the mindset myself that we would take the chance to learn instead and build on a few things that went well in our last name, even though we lost.

The game started. A few minutes into the game, we were in the lead and looking strong. The other team called timeout, and as my boys came to the bench, there was a palpable energy within them and an excitement I hadn't seen in months.

We ended the first half tied up 14 to 14. The energy was still up.

After a quick discussion and some adjustments at the half, the second half started and we launched into it on fire. We shut down the other team and held them to just 4 points in the 2nd half while scoring 22 ourselves. It was amazing to see the ball movement, the spacing on the floor and the teamwork on full display. It was inspiring to say the least! And to see them celebrate their first win was worth every loss so far this season.

What changed?

One - motivation was high to win.

And two - while I had played with many player combinations and rotations all season long, I had never put these 5 on the floor together. They had noticeable chemistry and complimented each other's play really well. We were able to run our offense and set plays while playing significantly better team defense the entire game. It just worked, and we won.

When you're looking to win as a team, having the right people in the right roles makes a difference. I stumbled into the right setup on Saturday because of our circumstances, but you can intentionally set up your team to win. And when you do, the right environment exists for team chemistry to exist. And when team chemistry is present and pointed in the right way, success is right around the corner.



Everyday Leadership #121: Non-Negotiables 

Jul 11, 2024 (2 min read)


Meaning - the decisions you've already made in life that are too important to leave to chance or to in-the-moment weakness or influence. They are built on your values and occupy the top spots on your list of priorities every day. You say "no" to just about everything so you don't miss out on these almost ever.

What are your



Like the rocky mountains in the picture that are impossible to move without massive intervention, your non-negotiables almost never move without massive, careful and intentional planning.

These are your early morning wake-up alarms to go exercise before going to work; or your decisions to have a notepad with you to write down every idea that comes to your mind; or your refrigerator drawer full of fruits and vegetables that you've decided to reach for over the cookie or candy bar when appetite strikes; or your routine to read first every night for 15 minutes before you go to bed or to journal and express gratitude today and every day first thing in the morning.

Non-negotiables are the


#decisions you've made to live intentionally - or to act intentionally - aligned with your values. You don't compromise on them. When you decide to run 3 miles every other day, you do it. You rarely let a chance go by to do it, and you ignore the move in your head that wants to talk you out of it and take the easier road.

Am I perfect with my non-negotiables? No! But that word gets me through when my head tells me to quit but my heart wants me to push through.

They don't have to be big. They don't have to be hard. But they do have to be intentional and solid as rock.

If you haven't decided what is a non-negotiable for you yet, do it today.



Everyday Leadership #120: Drift or Draft? 

Jul 8, 2024 (2 min read)

Are you drifting or drafting?

To drift is to be directionless - to go wherever the wind or current takes you. It's mindlessly moving about with no clear destination, like a plastic bag blowing in the wind or a boat without a rudder floating on the water.

To draft is to closely follow what's in front of you - to capitalize on the momentum of what's in front of you. It's moving yourself and the one in front of you faster together, like a race car just inches from the car in front of it moving through a race course to see who will finish first.

Drafting requires that at least 2 vehicles be perfectly aligned and very close together. This allows both to maximize the effect of airflow around their vehicles, creating the perfect environment where the air is both pulling the vehicle behind closer while simultaneously pushing the lead vehicle faster.

Drafting happens in almost every racing sport - cycling, running, and even in swimming. It's amazing to watch, especially when drafting occurs with larger groups of racers.

Drafting has its place in our daily lives, too. Often there are individuals who are just out in front of us - a leader, a friend, a family member - who just seem to be one step ahead of us but going in a direction we want to go.

Take advantage and get aligned with these individuals. Stay close and see how you can maximize on the "airflow" around you both. I think you'll find the effect and speed at which you make progress over time surprising and beneficial.



Everyday Leadership #119: A Needed Spark

Jul 2, 2024 (2 min read)

The last few weeks have been crazy.

Kids have been at a youth conference; I went with one of my sons to a basketball camp in St George for a week; my one son was in the ER for a couple of days and then had his kidney biopsy that same week; then we traveled to visit family for a few days before coming home to the regular, busy summer schedule of our family and work.

In those 3 weeks, my time to focus on my fitness disappeared. I could barely keep up with our schedule, especially with the unplanned hospital visits, let alone getting time to exercise and follow my routine. And it set me back.

Getting back home finally, I couldn't find the motivation to get started again - even though it had been constantly on my mind. I just couldn't get back into it.

Then, my oldest son asked me if I was coming to his early morning basketball practice at 6am the next morning. I looked at my calendar and had I said yes.

And that's all it took. I went for a run while he practiced and picked back up where I left off.

That single invitation was the spark I needed to get reset and to get going again. He probably doesn't realize how impactful his simple invitation was, but it was enough to get me back on track.

We all need that spark every once in a while to get the fire of progress and growth going again. My son happened to be that spark for me last week.

What or who will your spark be to get going again if you're stuck or unmotivated today? Sometimes you don't have to look too hard or far too find it.



Everyday Leadership #118: Space to Breathe

Jun 26, 2024 (2 min read)

Space to breathe.

How often do you get away from the nonstop barrage of work, appointment schedules, kids' activities, and demands at home?

For me - Not often enough.

Rest and escape from the rigor of every day life is a must. It's necessary to find space to breathe.

Studies have shown that we're not very good at it in the United States. In 2018, the U.S. Travel Association reported that Americans used less than half their vacation time. That was the approximate equivalent of 768 million unused vacation days that year alone!! And of those unused days, 30% are forfeited completely!


Culturally, we have developed into a "connected" society - an "always on, always available, always working" society. The reality is it's not healthy.

Taking a vacation produces a multitude of benefits, and so many that I don't know why we don't take more vacation than we do. Time away from work:

1️⃣ provides opportunities for better rest and sleep

2️⃣ creates space for you to think clearly

3️⃣ boosts creativity

4️⃣ improves mood

5️⃣ improves productivity and focus

6️⃣ improves performance by as much as 8% annually

7️⃣ increases retention

8️⃣ improves overall health

.... and the list goes on.

At the end of the day, we need to do better. I know I do! Finding a harmonious combination of work and life outside of work is a must. Employees and employers need to work together to make sure we take our vacation days. The time away is paramount to our success individually and organizationally.



Everyday Leadership #117: Be Grateful

Jun 17, 2024 (3 min read)

I had a tough weekend with basketball. The team I'm coaching lost both our games on Saturday. We haven't won a game yet this season, and on Saturday with the loss securely in hand and about 90 seconds to go, I let it get the best of me.

My boys fought hard but just couldn't get things going the right way. And we only got 1 foul called against the other team the entire game while my team had 10 or 12 called against us. I didn't argue a single call the entire game, and I didn't ask for any calls up until that point.

Why did I need to start calling for fouls with 90 seconds to go when losing by 20? I have no idea. But I laid into the referees for a moment in that last minute of the game and let it carry over for a minute after the game.

And what good did it do?

It didn't. It didn't show my team how to handle loss and struggles. It was out of character for me. And it sure didn't make me feel any better. In fact, I felt cruddy all weekend because of it and wasn't able to get out of my funk from it - until today.

As I drove to work I asked myself why I was so upset over that game and that experience. I couldn't pin point why no matter how hard I tried. I just didn't want to feel that way any more. So my next question that I asked myself was how could I get past it and move on.

My first thought was I need to apologize to those referees next time I see them and ask for their forgiveness and patience with me.

My second thought was to reach out to the parents and boys on my team and to thank each of them for their regular contributions to the team. And I did that this morning while sitting in the parking lot before going into the office. I thanked each parent and boy for their support, continued effort, and heart, and I complimented each one individually for the strength they bring to the team.

Some responded.. Some didn't. I wasn't doing it for a reaction. I was doing it because I recognized that I could let go of anger and frustration by demonstrating gratitude. I recognize just how blessed and fortunate I am in so many ways and that I get to teach these boys a game I love while helping them learn life lessons through the game of basketball. I get to learn from them as much as they learn from me, and for that today I am grateful.

A heart and mind full of gratitude can make a big difference if you're feeling frustrated or upset. So take a moment and tell someone thank you for who they are and what they do for you and those around them. If doing that one time doesn't work, then do it 5 times or 10 times or enough times until you feel better - because in the end, you will feel better.

Be grateful today. 

Everyday Leadership #116: Critic or Champion? 

May 30, 2024 (2 min read)

Critic or the Champion. Which voice are you listening to?

The last 2 months have thrown my life and my family's life into a whirlwind. I traveled to Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Chile and loved working with our operations teams in each country. We wrapped up the school year for our kids with multiple music concerts and banquets each week. Marching band for our oldest daughter for next year already started. We've had about 6 basketball games a week, not to mention the practices for each of the teams. I hosted and completed a Mastermind Group over that same time, and in the midst of all of that, one of my sons fell pretty ill.

We learned he has an autoimmune disease called HSP or IGA Vascilitus. It's a disease that causes his blood vessels to inflame, burst and leak beneath his skin, which is causing severe joint and body pain and swelling. It likewise can cause stomach issues and serious kidney problems, both of which our son is facing. We don't know yet the extent of his kidney issues, but it's been a very tough 2 months for him and our family.

I and my family are no different than anyone else. We all have our challenges, whether they be physical, emotional, financial, or otherwise. And life can sometimes just be tough. I've been training for a race next month while working hard to focus on my physical health this year in order to develop better lifetime habits. Needles to say, it's been very difficult to manage.

It's been challenging to keep up with family, with work, with my fitness, and with my Mastermind Group. There are and have been many days that the voice of my inner critic tells me I'm not good enough to keep up - that I can't do it and am not strong enough. It tells me just to quit. And there are days my inner champion screams support and encourages me to push on and keep going. It energizes me in my times of greatest need and applauds my effort long after finishing a task or getting through a difficult day and night with little to no sleep while trying to help my son get through the night.

Of those voices in my head, only one is worth listening to: the Champion.

If you're facing a challenging time right now, don't listen to your inner critic. Pay attention to your inner Champion because you are good enough. You are strong enough. And you will get through this and succeed in every way if you keep going. Be who your inner Champion knows you can be.



Everyday Leadership #115: Beautiful Destinations

May 14, 2024 (1 min read)

On my run yesterday morning, my undergarments ripped slightly on the seam in my inner thigh. I didn't really notice until near the end of my 4 mile run because my thigh had been rubbed raw. It hurts today.

Running is hard for me. It's a mental and physical challenge, and it often pushes me to my limits.

The feeling I had, though, when completing my run and often when I finish any run - aside from being glad it is done - was accomplished. I'm not a fan of running most days, but I find some joy in doing it and enjoy the health benefits I get from doing it. I find some mental space when I run and sometimes find some really good places while passing through my challenge.

Often times, some of our most beautiful destinations require we travel the toughest roads.

Don't be afraid of the difficult road ahead or the challenge that you know will push you to your limits. It's those experiences, like metal in the hands of a skilled blacksmith, that we shape who we become.



Everyday Leadership #114: Reflection

May 7, 2024 (1 min read)

"You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore." -William Faulkner

Growth and next-level success stem from intentionally taking calculated risks. Your comfort zone is there when you need to focus on your priorities and to decide what risk to take next. But it's when you step outside that zone that you expand your abilities, your vision, your mindset, and your growth.



Everyday Leadership #113: Here to Help

Apr 10, 2024 (1 min read)

I was doing my leg day workout this morning, and my youngest son came down like he usually does.

He loves to workout with me when he can. I wasn't feeling it this morning and must have shown it on my face after my second set of squats because he looked at me and asked, "Did that hurt your body?"

I answered, "No. Today it hurt my mind."

Without skipping a beat he replied, "That's OK. Luckily I'm here to help you."

Nothing better and more powerful than that! My partner in everything was right by my side to workout with me, encourage me, and to be my cheerleader. No reservations, no hesitancy.... he was just ready to work and give me the push I needed today.

We all need someone like that by our sides, especially in the tough moments when a little push from someone else is what it takes to keep us going and to make the effort. Having an accountability partner like this is an invaluable resource to us!

Who is your accountability partner? Who are you lucky enough to have there ready to help you?



Everyday Leadership #112: Your Next Step

Apr 9, 2024 (1 min read)

Have you ever felt stuck and unsure of your next step?

There is a great Chinese proverb that can help when you're feeling this way:

""To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."

There is almost always someone who has been down the road we're on. And sometimes all we need to do is ask them about it.

In other words, success leaves clues. It's OK not to know what's next, but it's also OK to ask for help - to ask for information that might make your journey better, easier, or simpler.

This might come in the form of a mentor. This might come from a brief connection with someone you were just introduced to. This might come from an author or a podcast or even just a casual conversation with a family member or trusted friend. Just be open enough to ask!

When you do, the road ahead can become clearer and easier to travel because you'll have a better idea of how to prepare.



Everyday Leadership #111: Where's the Value? 

Apr 1, 2024 (2 min read)

2 oil changes.

Company 1 was really fast. It's close to home (only 10 minutes away). The staff is professional and kind. I didn't have to wait to get in or even leave my car. The price was fair, and I got exactly what I paid for.

Company 2 was a touch slower, but only by 2 or 3 minutes. I likewise didn't have to wait, but it's twice the distance from my home. They were also professional and kind. They checked all my vehicle lights to make sure they were working. They checked all my car's fluids and topped them off if they were low. They asked me if my wipers were functioning well and checked my air filter. They showed it to me and explained why it didn't need to be replaced yet. One employee chatted me up while capturing my personal information for my profile. They checked my tire pressure and then, as they finished the oil change and pressure tested it, they showed me the dipstick to show me the new oil level in my car. They asked me if everything was to my satisfaction and if there was anything more than could do for me that day. And they did all of that for the same price as the other company.

Where would you go for your oil changes?

Both companies offer the same services, but the value Company 2 provides clearly out-shines Company 1. They engage with the customer throughout the service to ensure it is a positive experience. And they provide significantly more service to their customer while creating opportunities for additional business for themselves by making the small services that need to be done periodically easy for the customer to get done.

They find a way to add value to the customer at every step of their process and all for the same price as Company 1.

Where can you add value to your customers in your business processes today? Finding a way to do so will be the difference in who chooses you over your competition. And, on the long run, it will create loyalty to your brand that's hard to beat.

And to answer my earlier question, I'll be staying with Company 2 for my oil changes.



Everyday Leadership #110: Your Greatest Asset

Mar 29, 2024 (3 min read)

Just over 27,000 miles flown, 2 countries half a world apart, and I'm back home. It was an amazing 2 weeks in Brazil and the Philippines.

I had the privilege of speaking with an incredible team in Brazil about what the future of leadership in Operations and Maintenance looks like. I talked about the qualities and skills necessary to be a leader in the coming years, and I was impressed by the team's commitment to learning and dedication to improvement over the course of their seminar.

I also was reminded of a beautiful concept in communication. As I prepared and talked with the team lead in Brazil, I jokingly expressed concern over getting my words right - especially since this would be my first time speaking with a large group in Portuguese. The lead, without skipping a beat, looked at me and said, "It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is that you connect." ......Powerful truth.

Connection brings meaning and impact to the message you communicate, and that's what is most important.

In the Philippines, as we workshoppped our way through the week, I was reminded of the importance and power of culture, teamwork, and kindness. We observed multiple buildings together, reviewing results from their business model and evaluating its effectiveness. I was impressed with their skill and overall professionalism. What hit home, though, was the evening playing basketball with the team. It didn't matter what job you had, what role you filled, or what skill level you played at, playing basketball together unified the team and makes them what they are. They love to play and play often, and inviting me to be a part of that again opened my eyes to the power of a team.

That experience they have regularly builds trust amongst one another, allows different people to lead at different times, serves as a mechanism to relieve stress as a team, and lets them laugh together and support one another. And all of those things are critical elements of building a high performance team, which we observed all week long through our workshop together.

Thank you to both areas and teams for incredible experiences and opportunities to be with you. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you, Américo, André, Leo, Dennis and Sir Chris!



Everyday Leadership #109: Failure...or Was It? 

Mar 25, 2024 (2 min read)

We lost 48 to 41 on Saturday. It was close most of the game, but we lost. It was another failure.... or was it?

Truth be told, we've only won one game with this team during this winter season - last weekend. It's been pretty tough. In fact, we lost the game right before this one on Saturday as well.

But, this is what the boys were telling me after losing the 2nd game of the day.

"That was awesome!"

"I loved losing like that!"

"I'm sad we lost but that was such a great game!"

"If we're going to lose, that's the way to do it!"

I'm not sure about you, but I don't normally celebrate a loss like that. But, I couldn't help myself in feeling the exact same way and saying as much as well.

What you don't know is that 3 months ago, these boys struggled to get 10 points in a game and even struggled to get 10 shots up in a game. They were averaging well over 20 turnovers a game. They almost never out-rebounded the other team and were rarely even competitive, often losing by 20 or more.

Not this time, though. Not the past 2 weeks. They changed, and they've improved week over week. And on Saturday, when they normally would fall way behind after getting down by 12, they battled back into the game and closed the gap to within 4. They matched the other team rebound for rebound and scored the most points they've scored all season, putting up nearly 50 shots in the game.

Every kid contributed. Everyone scored, rebounded, blocked shots, and hustled. It was amazing and the best basketball I've seen them play yet. It just took us time to get there. It didn't happen overnight. Little changes and improvements over time got us to this point, and it is awesome to see and experience.

I'm excited to see where these boys go in the coming weeks as they continue to improve little by little. Their ceiling hasn't been reached yet.

Take away from their success? Trust the system and the process of improvement. Small, incrimental adjustments yield massive improvements over time.



Everyday Leadership #108: i before e

Mar 20, 2024 (1 min read)

Do you lead people? And do you want to be successful leading people? If so, then follow this simple grammar rule; i before e.

Inspire, then Empower.

Great leaders understand the power and influence of having a vision and getting their people behind it. When those you lead buy in on where you're going, they become self-motivated and committed to the cause. And once they are, you can then Empower them to get results.

Likewise, great leaders know they can't do it all or control it all. They empower their people to do their jobs and get results. They know that to empower someone, they have to teach them, trust them, give them authority to act, and allow them the autonomy to do it their way and even fail along the way.

It's this combination that produces winning results time and time again.

What rules do you follow to be successful in leading your people?





Everyday Leadership #107: Thank You

Mar 11, 2024 (2 min read)

Just over 27,000 miles flown, 2 countries half a world apart, and I'm back home. It was an amazing 2 weeks in Brazil and the Philippines.

I had the privilege of speaking with an incredible team in Brazil about what the future of leadership in Operations and Maintenance looks like. I talked about the qualities and skills necessary to be a leader in the coming years, and I was impressed by the team's commitment to learning and dedication to improvement over the course of their seminar.

I also was reminded of a beautiful concept in communication. As I prepared and talked with the team lead in Brazil, I jokingly expressed concern over getting my words right - especially since this would be my first time speaking with a large group in Portuguese. The lead, without skipping a beat, looked at me and said, "It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is that you connect." ......Powerful truth.

Connection brings meaning and impact to the message you communicate, and that's what is most important.

In the Philippines, as we workshoppped our way through the week, I was reminded of the importance and power of culture, teamwork, and kindness. We observed multiple buildings together, reviewing results from their business model and evaluating its effectiveness. I was impressed with their skill and overall professionalism. What hit home, though, was the evening playing basketball with the team. It didn't matter what job you had, what role you filled, or what skill level you played at, playing basketball together unified the team and makes them what they are. They love to play and play often, and inviting me to be a part of that again opened my eyes to the power of a team.

That experience they have regularly builds trust amongst one another, allows different people to lead at different times, serves as a mechanism to relieve stress as a team, and lets them laugh together and support one another. And all of those things are critical elements of building a high performance team, which we observed all week long through our workshop together.

Thank you to both areas and teams for incredible experiences and opportunities to be with you. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you, Américo, André, Leo, Dennis and Sir Chris!



Everyday Leadership #106: Incremental Improvement

Feb 15, 2024 (3 min read)

We were blown out last time we played them.

We couldn't hit the ocean if we were standing in it ankle deep that day. But on Monday this week, we weren't that team anymore. We had just lost a close game in overtime the week before. It came down to the last shot of the game, but we missed. The game before that we beat the best team in the league.

On Monday this week, we made 6 of 9 three-pointers in the second half. We were down by 12 at the start of the 4th quarter but turned up the defensive intensity and held this team to just 7 points in the quarter, which helped us tie it up to send it to overtime.

It was a battle, and the gym was electric. It was an away game for us, but our fans traveled really well and made it feel more like a home game for these boys. In the end, after one of the best games I've seen this team play, we lost by a few points. Sadly, our season came to a close on that note as the game was a playoff game.

What is important to know, though, is how this team improved. It wasn't an overnight transformation. It was incremental Improvement. Each of the last several games the last few weeks they got better. They had fewer turnovers. They had more assists. They had more steals. They shot better. Their defense improved, and they played their offensive schemes more effectively. And that produced better scoring opportunities and better scoring efficiency.

Did everything improve? No, but a lot did, and it happened incrementally - one aspect of their game at a time.

We can do the same. Our capacity to improve relies heavily on our willingness to consistently work at it, but our rate of improvement increases when we focus on just one thing at a time.

It doesn't take much. Maybe you decide to run a marathon this year. If you've never run before, you're more likely to succeed if you just start by making sure you have good shoes and walk for 10 minutes every day than if you to to run 5 miles right away. If you want to build up an emergency fund, you'll do better by saving just $5 this week than if you try to stash away hundreds of dollars every month.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That's the formula for improvement. One step at a time.

Incremental Improvement.



Everyday Leadership #105: How to Be in the Top 10

Feb 3, 2024 (2 min read)

Do you want to be in the top 10% of performers, no matter what your profession or personal position?

Focus on the basics: Set goals.

Goals for:

-Your body and mind

-Getting enough rest

-Setting and keeping a budget

-Improving yourself in some way

-Your continued learning

-Whatever you want to achieve

Research suggests that less than 30% of people set goals today at the start of the year. And even less than that - less than 10% - actually stick with and reach their goals.

If you want to be exceptional, then do what the research tells us most don't - set and keep goals for yourself! That is what the top 10% of performers do.

It's that simple. I know many don't believe in goal setting or in resolutions. The research tells the story, though. The most successful people are goal-oriented and consistently set and work toward goals.

So if you want to be in the top 10% around the world, then do what most don't - set goals and get to work on them.

What goals are you working on this year?




Everyday Leadership #104: The Secret Sauce

Jan 30, 2024 (2 min read)

What's in the secret sauce?

Have you ever wondered that question when eating a special family recipe? Or, when looking at someone who is super successful, have you asked that question?

I have, and many times, were searching for the key ingredient that makes it all magically work - the one thing that if we had it, we could make the exact same flavors explode in your mouth or we could easily be as successful as that guy.

Well, the reality is, and we all know it, secret sauce has 2 main ingredients:

phw + u

Pure Hard Work and You.

There are no substitutes. There are no shortcuts. It's that simple really.

A lot of problems can be solved with pure hard work. And a lot of success can be had when "you" put in the pure hard work.

Don't waste more time trying to figure it out anymore because it is just that simple...

pure hard work + you



Everyday Leadership #103: The Power of Pivoting

Jan 29, 2024 (2 min read)

To pivot is to change the way one does or is doing something.

Last week, I helped facilitate a technology seminar with 12 of our international Salesforce Field Service administrators. Our intent was to align business needs, strategy, and roadmap while identifying issues and roadblocks. Our agenda had been worked on and carefully planned for the last couple of months. It was exciting to see it come together.

As we welcomed everyone and dove in, it quickly became apparent that our agenda would need to change. We needed to pivot.

In basketball, you can pivot. This move keeps one foot on the ground while the other is free to move so that you can turn your body and position in order to set yourself up for the best possible next move. It's a tool every player learns how to do early in their playing experiences.

And so we pivoted. We allocated significantly more time to basic discovery, alignment, issue sizing, and priortization. Over the next couple of days, we successfully built a roadmap for the next 11 months through the end of this year that focused on the highest priorities of the team while also aligning the team to the realities of software engineering and business needs and strategy. Had we stuck with our original plan, I'm confident each member of the team would have returned to their home countries unengaged and unmotivated to move ahead with the system implementation and would not have championed its adoption going forward.

A big kudos goes to our team for recognizing and being willing to pivot when we needed to and to all our administrators who stuck with us all week. You were instrumental in making this seminar a success, especially as you helped us recognize where we needed to pivot. I'm excited for our next steps and for the ability to pivot when needed.

When was the last time you had to pivot, and what happened as a result?



Everyday Leadership #102: Enjoy the Journey

Jan 23, 2024 (3 min read)

What's the hardest position to play in basketball?

I've coached my oldest boys in basketball the last couple of years, and I've also watched them on a few different teams. I've seen them win their league, lose every game in a season, start, come off the bench, play great and play terribly. And in every situation with every team, I think the hardest position to play is coming off the bench - win or lose.


When you come off the bench, your mindset has to be different.

You have to know your team's offense and defense as well as the starters, if not better (in my opinion) because you don't want team production to go down when a bench player is in.

Your mind has to help your body to be ready as well. You come in cold after having warned up, but you lose some of that benefit by sitting down and then waiting to play right after pregame warm ups. Quick firing of your muscles (both physically and mentally) is essential.

And your mindset itself has to be right. The circumstances are always different when you come in. You may be subbed in because another player is in foul trouble so your contributiom to the team, in theory, should be somewhat equal to the person you've come in for. You may be subbed in because the game is well in hand and an easy win - or even the opposite may be true, and the game is so far out of hand that's it's a sure loss, so you're time is a valuable learning experience but is sometimes hard to see it that way.

Coming off the bench is hard. But, it's a process to get better. And you always have to be ready. Many will say it's not about the destination but the process. And yes, the growth process is often where many find great satisfaction when reflecting on their destination, but don't undervalue the destination. Both are important.

So if you're a bench player at work or on your team - always be ready. You never know exactly when you're needed, but you're needed and your time will come. Enjoy the process, and likewise enjoy the destination when you get there. They're both important.



Everyday Leadership #101: A.C.E.

Jan 18, 2024 (2 min read)

Ability. Commitment. Effort. (ACE)

What does that really look like?

Ability is your skill. It's something you can improve and practice regularly. It's what you "do" to get better.

Commitment is your mindset. It's your mental focus and is demonstrated by things like your schedule and your habits (eg you read daily, you follow a nutrition plan, you meet with a mental coach weekly, etc.).

Effort is your heart. It's how hard your really try when practicing your habits.

Each one impacts the other. The greater your commitment, the better and potentiality more consistent the effort. The better your effort, the more likely your ability improves. The better your ability, the better your commitment... and so on.

This young man (not my son in the picture) understands that. His commitment is top tier. After several hours of practice, he's here - alone - working on improving his shot. And because he's committed, he's giving really good, consistent effort. And likewise, because his effort is there, his ability is improving day by day such that he has a big impact on his team's performance and outcomes in games consistently.

We all control our own ACE. And just like in a game of cards where an ACE is powerful and game changing, your ACE is powerful when played right.

What are you working towards, and what does your ACE look like?







Everyday Leadership #100: Right Before Fast

Jan 16, 2024 (1 min read)

Do it right? Or do it fast?

I have a son who loves speed. The faster the better. He lives that way in almost everything. He eats fast. He thinks fast. He plays fast. He does everything fast.

His challenge is quality. He does so many things fast that often he doesn't do them right the first time around and has to repeat the task he's done. This often frustrates him (and us as parents), but he also has an uncanny ability to do things right and really well when he wants to. This kid stopped sucking his thumb at a very young age just because the dental hygienist told him should.... so he did within about a day just because she said to.

I regularly find that the pressures of the world around us, whether perceived or real, push us to doing things fast yet demand accuracy at the same time. It's a challenge to provide both consistently, but if one had to rule the other, do it right first before you do it fast. It saves time, energy, and investment in the long-run.

“If you don't have time to do it right the first time, how will you ever have time to do it over.”

-Amy Rees Anderson



Everyday Leadership #99: Do Something that Terrifies You

Jan 5, 2024 (2 min read)

He walked through the gate onto the platform, hugged me and started crying and shaking. Adrenaline had worn off, and the full spectrum of emotions the past hour hit.

My son had just completed a high ropes course. It was inside but was between 3 to 4 stories high throughout. What's impressive about this is that he is terrified of heights.

I give him major kudos for doing this yesterday. We didn't force him to. His mom and I didn't go up with him nor did any other adult. He just did it

He didn't hesitate and got right into it with his brother, sisters, and cousins.

He gets to notch that in his belt of life accomplishments now and look back and say, "I can do hard things. I can do things that terrify me and succeed."

It takes a lot of courage to do something that terrifies you. Honestly, to overcome your nerves and both the physical and mental barriers that exist in those moments takes some incredible strength. But doing so provides a great foundation for growth - in this case, physically, mentally, and even emotionally.

He learned he has the potential and the strength to overcome obstacles.

He learned how to manage his fears toward a productive end.

He learned it's OK to be afraid but to try anyway.

He learned there is strength in numbers and in family.

He learned that taking small steps is enough to succeed.

And he learned it's OK to feel his own emotions and to experience them fully.

And I learned just how amazing he is for doing something that terrifies him.

I think we all should do something that terrifies us every now and again. It's in those experiences that we refine who we are and plant the seeds of our future growth.



Everyday Leadership #98: Connection

Jan  2, 2024 (2 min read)

On Christmas morning, before we ever open presents, my family makes goodie bags and delivers to them to people who work at a local hospital or urgent care. This year, because so few people were working we went and visited my grandmother.

She is in her late 90s and suffering from dimentia. Her stories are a mixed bag of real life experiences that have taken on a life of their own - many of the details not being true or real anymore. Her memory is going faster now, and often it is hard to get a word in with her. Most of our visits with her are simply listening to her tell her stories.

We decided to sing some Christmas carols to get during our visit. She used to sing all the time and loved to sing. I remember listening to her sing at her home and in the church choir many times, and she had a beautiful voice. I still enjoy listening to her sing when she does.

So we gathered around her, all 9 of us, and with my ukulele, we sang several songs. She smiled and sang along with the ones she could remember. She smiled the whole time and enjoyed the music. We ended with Silent Night. She knows that one still, and she immediately joined in.

About half way through the first verse, she began to cry. She barely finished singing with us. In that moment, we connected - deeply - and through music, a love of both hers and my family.

My kids weren't overly eager to leave at that moment. They were in the moment, enjoying this connection with Oma. It made our Christmas day and hers worth it because we connected so beautifully in that moment.

The power of connection with others is so important. It's what makes relationships meaningful and memorable. When you find ways to connect with others, your relationships gain depth and endurance. I loved our few minutes of deep connection with my grandmother.

Hopefully you can find ways to truly connect with those around you as you kick off this new year. It will make your year rich beyond expectation.



Everyday Leadership #97: Maintenance is a Must

Dec 23, 2023 (2 min read)

The grinding sound showed up just recently and then went away for a couple of days. Then it came back, and of course, all of my kids made a big deal out of it.

"What is that?"

"That sounds terrible!"

"It's hurting my ears!"

Once I drove it, it was pretty clear what needed to be done. My wife's car needed some new brake pads.

Simple enough, and although I didn't want to do the work, I did the job. My wife picked up the brake pads, and I changed them. It didn't take long... a little under 2 hours because one of my younger sons wanted to help (which of course is challenging and awesome ask at the same time). And it didn't cost much either.

Had we not changed them, though, we would have had bigger problems down the road. My family wouldn't have been safe and could have had a serious accident.

Taking care of little problems and doing routine maintenance on ourselves is important for the same reasons. If we don't do those things (eating healthy, getting sufficient rest, going to see the doctor occasionally, spending time reflecting, and getting outside, just to name a few), we'll experience our own problems in the long run. I'm not saying they will be detrimental necessarily, but our attitude, our effort, and our overall health physically, mentally, and emotionally can all be affected negatively.

So during this holiday season and into the new year - like you would your car (and definitely something I can do better myself) - make sure you're changing your oil, checking your tire air levels, changing your wipers, and replacing your brakes every once in a while. Some things need to be done on a set schedule while others have key indicators that prompt you to know when to do the work. Either way, do the work.

It'll help you run better, longer in life.



Everyday Leadership #96: Keep Going...

Dec 18, 2023 (2 min read)

Driving to the office this morning, it was quite foggy. Even though it's dark at 5:30 in the morning, I can usually see offices, restaurants, shops, and even the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Not today, though.

It was foggy enough I couldn't see anything that was beyond the immediate road I was driving on. And even then, at times, it was heavy and dense enough I couldn't see the stoplights ahead of me until I was within a few hundred yards of them.

I could have stopped and just waited it out, hoping it would clear up. That wouldn't have been a very good idea, though, because I would have sat in my car just idling for who knows how long (the fog has already been here since yesterday). Plus, I'd probably have gotten in trouble for just not showing up at work.

Instead, I just kept going. I drove ahead because I could see just enough in front of me to let me know I could keep going. And doing so, I made progress little by little until I got to the office this morning.

Nothing fancy about that. Nothing earth shattering or overly inspiring in doing that. Everyone does this every day as did thousands of others around me this morning. So why post about it?

Because in the quiet of my drive, it occurred to me that we often can't see the big picture. It's hard to see far down the road of where we're going. It can be difficult to visualize what we can't see. And it can be challenging to see the beauty around us on our journey.

But, when we just keep going, putting one foot in front of the other, we make it through. We see enough to keep going, even when the fog is heavy around us, and as such, we should keep going. It's the effort that gets us wherever we're going, even when we can't see it fully.

So keep moving forward using what you can see to let you progress. In time, your ability to see will become clearer as the fog lifts.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #95: A Team Mindset

Dec 12, 2023 (2 min read)

My 6-foot 3-inch fifteen year old son is playing high school basketball this year. He's worked hard to get here, and I couldn't be more proud of him - and yet, he gives me reasons to be every day.

Last week after practice when I picked him up, we started talking about practice. He said his legs felt like rubber. They had run really hard and done several high intensity drills that day. One of those drills required the team to make 25 layups in a row while running a specific routine on the court and while passing a couple of basketballs through a designed pattern.

They got to 23 and missed one.

The drill started over.

8 months ago, my son would have told me who it was. He would have likely even complained about the drill or possibly even a teammate who he didn't feel was doing their best that day. He would have shown frustration and been down on himself and on his team. He would have struggled through a head game with himself more than with the basketball game in front of him.

But this time was different. In fact, since he made the team over a month ago and in the weeks before that, it's been different. He's been different.

Not thinking about how my question positioned him to easily start down the road with a negative mindset, I asked, "Who missed the layup?"

His response was good - really good. He said, "It doesn't matter. We missed."

He then told me they got back to work on the drill and made it though the next time immediately after missing that shot.

That right there is a team mindset. If one of them loses, they all lose. If one of them wins, they all win. If one of them works, they all work. There is no "I" in team, as the saying goes.

I love how he teaches me perspective, models effort and the "next play" mentality, and helps me understand what being part of a team really means and looks like.

What are you doing to develop a team mindset?

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #teammindset 

Everyday Leadership #94: Discipline & Direction

Dec 4, 2023 (2 min read)

Have you ever set a goal but took forever to accomplish it? Or, have you ever felt really productive and organized but didn't know what for?


If so, then you've been at the crossroads of discipline and direction.


When you know where you're going but don't stay within a clear set of rules for performance (discipline), you'll struggle to reach your destination as quickly as you'd like. And, it will cost you more in the end - whether that be in your time, resources, or your effort - it will cost you more than you planned and anticipated.


If you're disciplined and follow a great schedule or have really well developed routines in your life but you don't know why (you lack direction), you'll get nowhere fast. Your productivity, your effort, and your results won't be what you wanted in the end and won't have a meaningful impact on you.


It's the combination of discipline and direction that produces desirable outcomes. It's when you clarify what you're aiming for and establish your rules for getting there and follow them that you'll engage better and find deeper satisfaction in the attainment of your goal and in the process getting there.


Discipline + Direction = Improved efficiency, effectiveness, and attainment


And improved attainment of desired outcomes equals improved satisfaction, motivation, and fulfillment.


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #discipline #direction

Everyday Leadership #93: Quiet Leadership in Guatemala 

Nov 20, 2023 (2 min read)

My time in Guatemala recently helped me see the influence of quiet leadership in action.


As I visited with the team in the area and visited with staff and local Church leaders, it was impressive to see the level of understanding between the two groups. It was also interesting to observe the different approaches of individual leaders on the team. I loved watching one of the Managers identify maintenance work that needed to be done or issues with the quality of work that was done. He could have called it out in front of the team of the 5 of us to show his expertise and skill, but he instead would pull back quietly from the group to talk with his staff responsible for the work. He would point out what he was seeing and coach his team up to the expected level of performance expected.


Quiet leadership. It was inspiring and so fun to observe.


We worked long hours during our week there. We regularly wouldn't sit down to dinner until 8 or 9 at night before finally going to our hotel. But, all that said, they also taught me the value of stopping to enjoy the moments and the scenery along the way. The work will always be there, but if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you'll miss the view and the feeling from experiencing the view. And the pictures don't do it justice... or capture the feeling of the experience of being there.


Thank you Josué and Pablo and team for a great week in your beautiful country of Guatemala!


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #92: You're Awesome

Oct 30, 2023 (1 min read)

Sometimes we all just need a little reminder that we're awesome.


My daughter gave me this note yesterday. She's awesome for believing this and for sharing it.


It's a message we all need sometimes. You're doing better than you think. Every once in a while, it's worth looking in the mirror to remind yourself of that.


Happy Monday!


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #91: Actions Speak Louder 

Oct 26, 2023 (3 min read)

She didn't say a word. I didn't even know her, but she made me feel so special in that single moment because she cared.


I visited western Africa last week for the first time in my life. I spent part of the week in Ghana and the other part in Sierra Leone. I was there for work, meeting our facility teams, working with our leadership, and inspecting several of our buildings around the area.


While we were visiting buildings in Bo in Sierra Leone, we came to a building where there happened to be a few people in it and some activity going on. We walked around outside for a few minutes before finally going inside. The doors were already open, and I happened to be the last one to walk in.


Just as I walked in, I turned to my left and immediately this little 4 year old girl came running toward me. She ran right past my colleagues statewide to me. And then, with a smile on her face, she just hugged me. She held onto me for several seconds before letting go and looking up at me with a big smile on her face.


I'd never met her before in my life, but in that moment, I felt cared for. Not a single word was spoken. Her actions did all the talking.


Maybe she mistook me for someone else or maybe she sensed that I missed my 7 kids who were at home. Or maybe, and more likely, she just loves people and likes to show people she cares.


We can say a lot of things to help and let people know we care. We live in a world that loves words, and we've become a people of incredible artistry in writing and saying words in a way that is moving and beautiful. But, nothing compares to the simple actions we can take to hashtag#show others you really do care.


Actions speak louder than words. They amplify the message that you care. What can you do today to show your teams, your family, or your friends that you care?


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #90: Take a Break 

Oct 10, 2023 (1 min read)

Sometimes you just need to take a break and breathe.


Getting out of the office or the house or wherever we're spending our time, especially when it's outside, does wonders for the soul. I had that chance yesterday morning, and it was worth every minute on my way to the office. No noise. No distractions. Fresh air, and a mountain full of color. It was almost perfect but only "almost" because it wasn't nearly long enough.


"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." -John Muir


Make sure you're taking a minute every now and again to get away from it all, whatever "it all" is for you, and just breathe.


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #89: Courage In Adversity 

Oct 4, 2023 (2 min read)

My 11 year old son is my hero today.

He is playing football this year and started at quarterback the last 2 games. This past Saturday was tough. He threw 7 interceptions, a few of which were not his fault. 1 was tipped in the air by his own receiver and another one happened because his receiver decided to tackle his defender instead of run his route. It was an ugly game. They lost 50 to 0.

My son cried during the game. He was frustrated. He got hit again and again while throwing the ball and was running for his life most of the game as his offensive line struggled to block anyone.

He could have quit, but he didn't. He could have blamed his teammates, but he didn't. He could have played it safe and asked coach to stop calling pass plays, but he didn't. He went back in again and again. He ran the offense just like coach wanted him to. He never quit on Saturday.

It hurt so much to watch him hurt and struggle, but it was equaling inspiring to watch for a different reason. He displayed exemplary courage in adversity. He didn't quit just because it was hard.

Some of our greatest growth comes from passing through struggles and difficult situations. Some of our greatest learning about ourselves comes at the times we may want to quit the most. Watching my son go through that showed me another glimpse of who he is and who he has the potential to be. And he reminded me that I can have courage in the face of my adversity and do hard things, too.

Don't quit today just because it's hard. Don't give up. Take courage and keep going. You'll find a better you on the other side of whatever challenge you're facing.

#takecourage #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter  

Everyday Leadership #88: Grateful People Are Happy 

Sep 14, 2023 (1 min read)

I was reminded yesterday why I love working with the Filippono people so much.

Last night, I jumped on my weekly call with our team in the Philippines, continuing our preparation to pilot some changes to our operational processes in the area. In that meeting, I was introduced to 2 new team members, and as they introduced themselves both expressed their gratitude for being on the team and their interest in learning together.

It just struck me in that moment again that the reason this group is so good to work with is because they are so grateful. The are grateful for everything. They expressed thanks for everyone being there and for their time. They expressed thanks for answering their questions. They expressed thanks for asking questions. They even expressed thanks for the bad dad joke shared during the meeting and how much they appreciate humor.

They just couldn't meet without expressing their thanks - and it made my day to see them so happy. And they were and are so happy because they are so grateful in and for so many things.

Gratitude like theirs is an attitude of choice. Choose to be grateful today for something - for someone. You'll find yourself feeling much happier because you are.

#begrateful #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #87: Use What You Have; Do What You Can 

Sep 5, 2023 (2 min read)

What do you do when you don't have everything you need?

You get creative and you get simple.

On Saturday afternoon, we arrived at my son's football game ready to go. A few minutes after getting there, we realized that no one brought a folding table for the water and Gatorade jugs and cups. We checked around to see if anyone had an extra but no luck.

Not wanting to have to lift up these 2 large jugs for the boys all game long, I saw an open trailer near the concessions with several large, empty trash cans inside and asked the concessions staff if we could borrow a couple of them. They weren't being used, so they gladly obliged.

Very gratefully, I walked over to our sideline with these 2 trash cans in hand. I got a few looks of confusion from our team parents, but as I walked up, I flipped them upside down and set up a make-shift table for our team for the game.

It didn't look great, but it did its job.

Sometimes that just happens. Sometimes someone doesn't show up prepared or something is missing that you needed for that meeting or presentation. Sometimes you go out with your kids and forget to pack the one thing you needed while you were out. That's life.

But, how you respond matters. When you run into situations like this, get creative and get simple. Then do what you can with what you have. That's what matters most. Use what you have. Do what you can. Don't let little hiccups become big stumbling blocks to your progress and success.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #usewhatyouhave #dowhatyoucan 

Everyday Leadership #86: My Toughest Race Yet

Aug 28, 2023 (2 min read)

It was the toughest 5k I've run... not because it was a hard course or the conditions were tough.

It was me - all me.

I've never had to walk before in a 5k, but after the first mile or so all up hill, I finally took a second and walked. I never walked again during that race but I never felt so out of shape as I did in that race on Saturday morning.

As the group spread out over the course, I quickly found myself mostly alone. I was roughly in the middle of all the 5k-ers, but my mind was crowded, racing its own race and competing with thoughts of inadequacy and encouragement. I own that my preparation was nearly non-existent. I've let my health slip off several times over the last few years. It's been one of my greatest challenges, but I committed to doing this race and 3 more still this year, and I wasn't about to quit on Saturday.

I felt so alone yet so encouraged as other racers and fans cheered me on to the finish line. And as I finished, I felt I needed to cheer a few others on behind me to help them get over the line as I needed it. And as I did, I was momentarily overcome with all the emotions and thoughts that ran through my mind and body realizing how I'd let myself down yet how much power I had to change myself.

I didn't quit then and I won't quit now. I promised myself I'd do this this year and plan to keep #thepromise to myself to get better and to improve my health. Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE thank you for the encouragement in the face of adversity!

3 more races to go this year and many months of improvement to come.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #thepromise 

Everyday Leadership #85: Who Is Making You Better? 

Aug 22, 2023 (3 min read)

One of my sons started playing football this year. It's completely new to him, but he's loving it.

For those who aren't familiar with football life, it can be a tough-love world and experience. While my son's coaches never tell at them, they are extremely direct and pointed when talking to the boys.

My first reaction in watching them practice was to protect my son from the almost ruthless correction and hard-nosed coaching style. They require perfection and don't give much allowance for the learning curve. Game time coaching is even more direct and demanding.

But as I came to pick him up from practice last night and found them running and doing bear crawls to improve their conditioning (primarily because they played poorly on Saturday), what I saw impressed me.

They were exhausted. Coach gave them time to breathe and to get water but he was pushing them hard. One of the boys took off his helmet and nearly in tears from exhaustion was ready to quit. Coach called him out to get back on the line. He did. My son stood out to me in that moment.

While several of the boys had their hands on their heads or hips to catch a breath, my son got into his 3-point stance and was waiting for coach to blow the whistle again. When he did, my son sprinted to the other line, turned around, and got into his stance again - ready and waiting for the whistle.

He loved it. He was thriving with someone was pushing him to find his limits. And he responded with more grit and determination than I've seen in him before.

That's when I realized just how good it feels to be pushed to do hard things.... to be pushed to be better than we are. And I recognized the value of this coach with these young men who recognized their potential and knew how hard he could push them.

Is someone pushing you to be better?

It feels good to be pushed. Find someone who will push you to be better today and tomorrow and the next day. You will realize and even exceed your potential so much faster when you do.

#pushyourself #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #84: How Do You Start A Fire? 

Jul 26, 2023 (3 min read)

How do you start a fire?

I was always taught you need oxygen, fuel, and a heat source. The best fires are built using small, dry kindling - like twigs, wood shavings, or newspaper - because it ignites quickly. That is under your soft woods because they also ignite quickly and burn hot fast. Once the kindling lights the soft wood, you get to the top where you have the hard woods. They burn long and slow, and this is what makes a fire enjoyable.

The key to getting it to light quickly and burn slowly is how it's built.

If you take all your materials and stack them right on top of one another, you'll find a pile of charred wood sooner than later - and no fire. Why?

There's no space.

There's no space between your materials. They can't breath and instead suffocate each other. It's the space that allows the spark from a match to combust with the materials that starts a fire. Without that space, the fire never gets going.

When built with space, then you can build a fire that you can enjoy and that serves a purpose - heat, protection, enjoyment, a place to cook, and light.

That space is critical. It's the same for us. It's essential so we can burn bright and provide the benefits we're hired and designed to provide. You might not have the right amount of space if you're feeling like you don't ever have a minute to stop, breathe and think about anything.

So, how do you build that space into your day?

-Try ending every meeting 15 minutes before the hour.

-Avoid scheduling more than 2 meetings back to back without at least a 30 minute break.

-Block off 30 minutes (or more!) just to think.

-Plan time daily to go for a walk outside for 15-20 minutes.

-Turn off your screens and notifications for the first 30 minutes of your day.

-Go sit on your front porch for 15 minutes without your phone.

-Plan no less than 30 minutes for lunch daily and make sure it's not at your desk.

-Cancel unnecessary meetings. In fact, try to shorten all your meetings to no more than 30 minutes and maximize other avenues for getting your work done (ie email, shared work tracking system, etc).

-Schedule some fun into your work regularly.

No matter how you do it, make sure you're building your life with space. I have 3 teenagers and 4 other younger children. My wife and I are never-ending Uber drivers right now for our kids, except without the payment part. We barely see each other most days with everything we have going on ourselves and with our kids especially. Our life "space" is hard to build into our routine and activities and even harder to maintain. But I can tell you we thrive individually and together much better when we're intentional about building and maintaining that space into our days and weeks. And it's with it.

I challenge you to build space into your day. Revisit all you do and be intentional with your space. It's what will let you ignite your fire and burn right.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #space 

Everyday Leadership #83: What Is Your Mindset? 

Jul 20, 2023 (2 min read)

"Many people aim at nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy."

That's a saying that has stuck out to me a lot recently. What am I working toward every day? Every week? Every month? Every year?

What am I focused on?

Often, when I find myself in a lull or seemingly distracted or feeling a little lost, it's because I've lost focus on what I'm working toward. I don't keep my vision in my foresight but instead find myself glancing in my rear view mirror or looking at something that's distracted me on the side.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and there are plenty of times that reflection and distraction are a necessary part of life and growth. But if I'm constantly looking at nothing but my past or allowing myself to constable be distracted without a clear vision for my future, I'll go nowhere really well and really fast.

How do I combat the ease of doing nothing or not moving forward?

First, I have to have a vision that inspires me to be better and to achieve. I have to know where I'm really willing to go and what price I'm willing to pay to get there. A vision for myself that is strong enough to make me want to sacrifice for it is essential.

Then, do 1️⃣ thing - just one - every day that gets me closer to where I want to go and who I want to be. It doesn't matter how small that thing is. It matters only that I do it every day and continue to build on that one thing.

That alone will keep me from being an expert shot at aiming and hitting nothing with amazing accuracy. Besides, I'd rather aim at something I want and miss it because now I know where to aim and can fix my shot. It's then that I'm making progress and growing.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #aim 

Everyday Leadership #82: What Are You Aiming At?

Jul 17, 2023 (2 min read)

"Many people aim at nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy."

That's a saying that has stuck out to me a lot recently. What am I working toward every day? Every week? Every month? Every year?

What am I focused on?

Often, when I find myself in a lull or seemingly distracted or feeling a little lost, it's because I've lost focus on what I'm working toward. I don't keep my vision in my foresight but instead find myself glancing in my rear view mirror or looking at something that's distracted me on the side.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and there are plenty of times that reflection and distraction are a necessary part of life and growth. But if I'm constantly looking at nothing but my past or allowing myself to constable be distracted without a clear vision for my future, I'll go nowhere really well and really fast.

How do I combat the ease of doing nothing or not moving forward?

First, I have to have a vision that inspires me to be better and to achieve. I have to know where I'm really willing to go and what price I'm willing to pay to get there. A vision for myself that is strong enough to make me want to sacrifice for it is essential.

Then, do 1️⃣ thing - just one - every day that gets me closer to where I want to go and who I want to be. It doesn't matter how small that thing is. It matters only that I do it every day and continue to build on that one thing.

That alone will keep me from being an expert shot at aiming and hitting nothing with amazing accuracy. Besides, I'd rather aim at something I want and miss it because now I know where to aim and can fix my shot. It's then that I'm making progress and growing.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #aim 

Everyday Leadership #81: Perspective in Tokyo, Japan

Jul 10, 2023 (2 min read)

Last week, I was in a meeting with one of our project teams. We were discussing next steps to take and how to approach each step.

In that discussion, I provided some guidance of things to avoid so as to not waste their time. One of the team thanked me for keeping them from going down that rabbit hole. Jokingly, I responded that sometimes when you go down a rabbit hole, you'll find a rabbit's foot and that's lucky.

Without hesitation, one of the project team said, "It's not lucky for the rabbit." 😄 Spot on!

Seeing it from that perspective definitely made me think differently for a minute.

As I visited Tokyo recently, I visited the Sky Tree, which is one of the tallest towers in the world. I went up to their observation decks - one at 350 meters high and the other at 450 meters high. The views were amazing. Seeing the city come to life at sunset was amazing. The perspective I gained from seeing the city from that different viewpoint helped me grasp just how huge the city really is.

I knew it was big - one of the biggest cities in the world! But fully understanding that and being able to visualize that only really came from experiencing a different perspective from up in the Sky Tree tower where I could see so much of the city at one time. It was amazing and beautiful. And again, it helped me gain better understanding and think differently about my original assumptions and beliefs.

Often, we take our belief system and experiences and project them onto those around us. We believe and champion our way of thinking and doing things as normal, acceptable, and even right, if not the only way to see and do things. But when we are aware enough and willing enough to change our perspective and see things from different angles, our thinking can be expanded and our decisions can improve.

And when that happens, our experiences change, which can help us be better people. And when we're better people individually, then we have the capacity to be better leaders.

How has a different perspective helped you be a better person and leader?

#perspective #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #80: Tokyo, Japan

Jul 3, 2023 (2 min read)

I had the privilege of visiting Tokyo, Japan last week where I facilitated a design workshop with our area team. With people from Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, Guam, and the Micronesian Islands, the cultures, grographies, and the languages couldn't have been more different.

From one of the most populated cities in the world to one of the least populated countries in the world to being separated by thousands of miles of ocean where access to resources is difficult, the challenges the area faces are enormous. Our task last week was to evaluate our existing organizational structure, roles and responsibilities and to recommend what changes should be made.

With all the stakeholders in the room and a dominant culture of obedience, facilitating open discussion and ideation was challenging - especially with 3 languages in the room where English was not the dominant language and I don't speak any of their languages.

Slow to start, the Area team took off. Engaged and motivated by the liberty to freely express ideas and challenges, the team honestly worked through difficult discussions and found new ways to think about their work and to make it better. It was amazing to experience their candor and respect and to see the wheels turning inside each person in the room.

I can say it was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had, knowing that the solutions they proposed were their own. They felt empowered and owned that responsibility with exceptional care, and I couldn't be more impressed with the professionalism and leadership demonstrated by this team.

It was an incredible week and one that will impact their future for years to come as we now begin to develop and formalize their recommendations into realities.

Thank you Yuzo Fukawa and Junpei D. and your team, for your hospitality, and for your leadership! It was an incredible week together!

#leadership #design #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #79: "Failure is success in progress."

Jun 19, 2023 (3 min read)

We played 14 games in the last 2 weeks! That was on top of a basketball camp and regular practices during that same 2 weeks.

It's been an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows. And it culminated in losing the tournament championship game by just 4 points in the last few seconds of the game.

Over the last 2 weeks, we lost a couple of games, some of them badly. Then we won one by over 40 points. Then we lost again with poor play but followed that up with a really close game but lost again on a last second shot. Then we won the next one in overtime on our own last second shot. We nearly repeated the same scenario in the next game but won in regulation with a 3-pointer in the closing seconds of that game. Then we lost another close game.

Then the tournament began. We won 4 in a row, most of them very close right to the end. We were feeling great and riding high on our emotional roller coaster by Saturday afternoon with all those wins. And then the championship game was like a combination of the last 2 weeks all at once. We played poorly at the start - the other team took a 15-point lead by half time. We battled back into it and took the lead with about 2 minutes to go. And then it was back and forth. Tied with less than 30 seconds to go, we got our perfect shot at taking the lead but missed it.

They scored after a foul to take the lead. We couldn't recover with such little time left on the clock and had to resort to fouling and hoping a miss or two would give us a chance with only a few seconds remaining. We lost the championship and by just 4 points.

Our team was exhausted and upset. And rightfully so. They fought hard and earned the right to play in that game. The mood was almost angry and ungrateful for a few minutes.

That's when we, as coaches, called them out and told them to hold their heads high. Their memories were short-term at the moment and forgetting how we played as a team just a month ago when we started playing in our league and joining tournaments.

We started only winning 2 of our first 10 games and regularly lost by 10 or more in every game. Since then, we've closed the performance gap and have won 7 of our last 14 games, and had 4 in a row to get into this last tournament championship.

We are making progress - significant progress. Our ceiling is much higher than these boys realize right now, and it took them a minute to realize that after Saturday's loss.

While they might consider not winning the championship a failure, we, as coaches, see it as a step in the right direction and making real progress toward much bigger opportunities in their future.

"Failure is success in progress."

-Albert Einstein

No matter what the circumstances or the outcomes, stay focused on learning and moving forward. Every "failure is success in progress."

#success #future #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #78: How Are You Playing the Game?   

Jun 6, 2023 (2 min read)

We were playing the game Pass the Pigs the other night.

It's a game of complete chance that requires you to throw 2 pigs. You get to throw them as many times as you want to on your turn. The way they land (on their back, on their feet, on their side, leaning on their nose, etc) earns you different point values, but there are 2 combinations that either make you lose your points for that round or wipe out all your points for the game so far. The winner is the one who gets to a certain point total first.

It might be said that it's a strategic decision when to stop throwing the pigs if you have earned a significant number of points on a turn.

And that's what happened Sunday night.

My wife and a few of my kids were playing. My son had the terrible luck of losing his points each round in 8 of the 10 rounds he threw - an unheard of experience for us playing together! My wife, on the other hand, had had a few slow turns with only a few points each round. Then, she scored big. Throw after throw she was racking up the points. The more the got, the more the tension grew to stop her turn and not risk it anymore.

We checked her points before she decided to either end her turn or throw one more time.

She was only 15 points from winning...a reasonably easy total to get in 1 or 2 throws. She hesitated and the nervous energy was palpable. Then, the decision was made. WHY NOT?

She threw one more time. All of us sat back in total disbelief as the loss hit us. 20 points! Game over! My wife's decision to take the risk paid off!

The experience, though simple, made me ask myself how am I playing the game of life? Am I taking the right risks at the right time? Am I playing to win or not to lose?

I think this reminded me that I'm here to play to win. How are you playing the game of life?

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #playtowin 

Everyday Leadership #77: I Did Everything Right  

May 30, 2023 (2 min read)

I did everything right.

I submitted my application with an updated and tailored resume and cover letter. I spoke with an individual that I've known for more than 10 years currently in the role for an hour on my own to learn more about the role. I got another individual currently in the role with whom I had worked closely over the last year to provide a recommendation for me to the hiring manager. I got a division director, someone with some influence, to likewise provide a recommendation. And I had a highly positioned manager endorse my application.

I knew all of these individuals and did everything I knew how to position myself the best way possible for the job.

Then, I got the call. It wasn't that I wasn't qualified for the position or that the team didn't think I could do the job well. It was just a feeling that they needed to go with a different individual.

I requested specific feedback that differentiated the other candidates from me and for suggestions on what I could improve for future opportunities. The response was empty. They instead referred back to the feeling to go a different direction.

It was disheartening, to be honest, especially without having a clear understanding for why I wasn't selected. But it's just a speed bump on my road to success.

It's not a dead end or a road block on my path. It's instead a learning opportunity for me....a brick I can add to my foundation for future growth and success.

Don't let temporary let-downs become long-term road blocks. Use those experiences to learn and grow and to refine you. Success will come. All of these experiences are part of that journey. Just stay consistent and keep living forward, day by day, enjoying the process of your growth and success. It will come with time.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #growth 

Everyday Leadership #76: The Law of Substitution  

May 30, 2023 (2 min read)

I found myself scrolling the other day. And every time I put my phone down, I found myself drawn back to pointless scrolling.

What was I looking for? What pulled on me to pick up my phone again to look at the plethora of useless information and pictures only to feel unsatisfied with the time spent?

I was looking for value - to feel valued or to find a way to produce value for others.

There was a lull in my work for a short time as things slowed down temporarily, and in that time, I founnd myself needing to be needed some how. I felt a pull to feel valued by someone. And in that moment, I looked to my phone to give it to me.


Because that's where I do a lot of my communicating and connecting. That's the mechanism through which I often can fulfill that desire to feel valued and to produce value for others (I work a lot with international areas, and thus most of my time working with others is through technology).

This is where I allowed the law of substitution to be in control of me instead of me controlling it.

The law of substitution is the replacement of something with something else. Simple, right? It might be a thought or a mindset that is replaced by a new thought or mindset

It might be a behavior that is replaced with a new habit

In my case, my endless scrolling replaced my connection with others that produced value for me. As such, my fulfillment that comes from the value I feel when connecting with others was voided.

What's important to note to me as I thought about this is that the law on substitution can control or be controlled. And I want to be better about controlling it.

Don't let things, ideas, or tasks of lesser value replace good habits, ideas, and behaviors for you. Be intentional and act accordingly. You will find greater satisfaction and fulfillment with all you do when you are in control.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #beintentional 

Everyday Leadership #75: How Do You Respond?  

May 22, 2023 (3 min read)

Saturday night just after I laid a few of my kids down, one of my sons called out to me. He said, "Dad, I have a bloody nose."

Exhausted from the day, I turned back around and went into his room. We walked into the bathroom together to start getting him cleaned up, but we couldn't. Within a minute his nose started bleeding significantly. It became a big mess very quickly.

I called for my wife to come up and help because he was bleeding so much.

After about 10 minutes, it hadn't stopped or even slowed down. I called my sister, who is a nurse practitioner, to talk about it and while we were on the phone, my son started bleeding from his eyes. We immediately headed for the hospital.

My son was visibly shaken. His breathing rapidly increased while his ability to stand up and stay balanced decreased. He was bleeding through every wad of tissue we put on his nose, and his vision was going blurry. It was unnerving to see.

I got the car ready, and my wife kept our son balanced and helped him try to keep his nose plugged to stop the bleeding. The nearest hospital was over 30 minutes away.

My wife during all of that experience never flinched. She remained calm and encouraging to our son. She jumped in and got right to work without a doubt everything would be fine. And in that moment she recalled there is a duct between your nose and eyes that was likely the reason our son's nose bleed was also showing up in his eyes as the blood - because there was enough of it - was traveling through that duct as we tried to plug his nose.

After bleeding for over an hour and within a few hours at the hospital, we learned an artery in his nose burst, causing the significant bleeding. They fixed it, and we were on our way home at midnight.

It got my heart beating quickly to see my son like that and not know what was happening. My wife, on the other hand, responded to the emergency with a calm confidence that was reassuring to all of us. She fell back to her training as an EMT earlier in life. She knew what to do and did it.

How do you respond to emergencies? To adversity? While the answer may differ and may depend for everyone, the answer is simple: #Training.

We all fall back to our level of training and preparation. It's important then that we train well so when the moment comes, you're prepared for it. Whatever your field of study or career path you're on, just train well. The opportunities and moments will come when your preparation will be needed.

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training."


#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #training 

Everyday Leadership #74: Accountability Breeds Success  

May 14, 2023 (2 min read)

Accountability breeds success.

On Friday night, my wife and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. We ordered our meals, and several minutes later they were brought out to us.

Our waiter quickly noticed that my wife's plate didn't look right and before he even put it down realized the wrong plate had been made for her. We assured him it wasn't a big deal and that it was fine to leave the plate with us. The meal they brought out by mistake was actually one of her favorites at that restaurant, so she had no issue eating it.

Just a few minutes after bringing our dinners out, he returned to let us know he'd identified the reason for the mixup. He had written the order down incorrectly and gave it to the kitchen that way. He then shared with us that he'd spoken to the manager about his mistake and proposed a solution to help make up for his mistake. We would get a free dessert with our dinner.

Our server could have easily blamed the chef or some other reason for the mixup, but he didn't. He recognized his own mistake, owned that mistake, and proactively sought out a way to make it right the best way he could. He didn't wait for anyone to tell him what to do. He owned the situation and acted.

"At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves - our success is a result of what we do." -Catherine Pulsifer

I expect that server will experience great success is his life. His integrity and accountability to himself were top-notch, and I hope I can hold myself to the same standard in my life regularly as he did.

#success #everydayleaderahip #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #73: Backwards or Forwards?  

May 3, 2023 (1 min read)

Did you know that Kangaroos can't go backwards?

Most animals are capable of moving backwards, but kangaroos can't. Neither can emus. Their physical characteristics make it impossible to do so. Forward motion is their only option - their only direction.

If you haven't noticed yet, a lot of the world around us is designed for forward motion. Planes take off and fly in forward motion. Signs are in front of you so you know where to go. You only have eyes in the front of your head. And while parental "eyes in the back of our heads" are really a thing, sadly, they don't really exist. Your car has a large front windshield (and only small rear view mirrors). It, like a bike, is designed to drive forward.

The world is all but forcing us to move forward.

While it is important to know where we've been and to even glance back every now and again, like we do when driving a car, our focus should always be forward. We'll never get to where we're going - or could go - if we're stuck focusing on where we've been.

Don't live looking or going backwards. The world is willing you to look ahead and to move forward because that's what you were designed to do.

#lookforward #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #72: Attitude and Effort 

Apr 28, 2023 (1 min read)

Is there ever failure? Or is it just learning and progress?

I love Giannis Antetokounmpo's response to this reporter's question after his team, the Milwaukee Bucks, lost the playoff series to the Miami Heat. The expectations were definitely higher for the Bucks this season, but I love his attitude and thought process. What do you think - is it Success and Failure?

Or is it Success and Learning?

#success #learning #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter

Everyday Leadership #71: Attitude and Effort 

Apr 26, 2023 (2 min read)

Control what you can control.

Life throws a lot at us every day. Sometimes it helps us, sometimes it distracts us, and sometimes it stresses us out.

The weather ruins plans to be outside all the time. Traffic jams come and go and are just as predictable as the weather. Deadlines shift and complicate schedules regularly. Flights get delayed and canceled routinely, creating a domino effect of changes for individuals, companies, and families.

And in every one of these situations, I have little control over the circumstances. However, I have significant influence over my experience in each situation - because I control my Attitude and Effort.

My kids regularly do chores in our house, and cleaning their bathrooms is one of them. None of them like to do it, especially when it comes to cleaning the toilet. But my 4 year old is a glowing example of controlling what he can control. He is smiling and working hard doing a chore no one wants to do. He figures he might as well enjoy it and get it done if he has to do it anyway.

Attitude and Effort.

My oldest son's basketball team has been in a few tough spots in their last 3 games. We lost all of them, but the coach we are working with has maintained an awesome cool and collected approach with these boys. During Monday night's game we fell behind by nearly 20 points. We called timeout and in the huddle, coach said, "Don't look at the scoreboard. Just focus on doing what we've worked on. I don't care if we win. It's not you that will get fired if we lose. So just play the game and do your best."

5 minutes later as we closed out the first half, the team was energized and had closed the gap to single digits. They played some of the best basketball they've played so far this season.

Attitude and Effort.

Lots of things in life are out of your control. Focus on what you can control, and your experience in this life will be much better.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #attitude #effort 

Everyday Leadership #70: Identity: Discovery or Elimination? 

Apr 21, 2023 (2 min read)

Do you know who you are? Who you want to be?

The challenge most of us have in life today is discovering our own identity. It's not a singular event that defines it for us but ends up being a journey of detours, back-ups, right and left turns, and sometimes straight aheads that gets us there. I'm still on that road myself.

Getting there often requires us to try new things and explore our interests. We don't know what we don't know more than we realize, but self discovery is not only a process of discovery.

"Finding your identity is more about a process of elimination so that you end up with more room for the things that feed you." -Matthew McConaughey

In practice that looks like this:

You may not know what you want or like, but you Know for certain you don't want more of or want to be that.

It's a necessary part of the journey to eliminate what you don't like and to remove paths you know you don't want to take. The important thing is that you take the journey. It's the only way you'll eliminate and discover who you are.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #69: Service

Apr 18, 2023 (2 min read)

What does a heart for Service look like? What does servant leadership look like? Like this.

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -Muhammad Ali

My dad, at 11pm last night, got on a video call with my daughter to help work through some school work that was really challenging... until 1:30am! Neither her mother nor I could help her as the subject was beyond our capability and memory from school so many years ago. So I called my dad for help, knowing he likely knew the material and is a night person and would still be up.

And from him came no judgements. No criticisms. No questions. No bravado to show how smart he is. Just love and a willingness to jump in and help immediately. His desire was for nothing but the best for his granddaughter. He focused on her and worked through the assignment with her in a way that helped her understand it so she could succeed. His sole focus was her understanding and success. He never once made it about him.

It was good of my daughter to ask for help when she needed it. This experience wouldn't have happened had she not. And it just goes to show that there is value in asking for help because there are many, many people out there ready and willing to share, help, and serve.

Don't wait when you need help. Just ask. It's OK to do so. People are good and willing to serve and help given the chance.

I'm so lucky to have a dad like this. He continually lives as a great example of love and Service through his actions and has a heart of gold. Thanks, Dad!

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #servantleader #help #love 

Everyday Leadership #68: Just Getting By Isn't Good Enough

Apr 14, 2023 (2 min read)

Do you settle?

While I visited New Zealand, I hiked a volcano with members of our project team - Rangitoto.

It had been rainy and cooler than normal the morning we planned to hike. The trail conditions were unknown, and the ferry ride to the volcano was pretty rough with the winds that morning.

Once we got there, there was a break in the rain, and we decided to go for it. The hike was uphill all the way. It was tough for a portion of it, particularly near the end, and we were on a time limit if we wanted to catch the next ferry back to the city.

About a half mile from the top there was a view area. It was set up with a platform and a beautiful view of the east side of the volcano and looked out into the Pacific ocean. It felt great to get there especially after the last section that climbed steeply.

It would have been easy to skip the hike. It would have been just as easy to not climb up the last half mile. It would have been easy to just do enough to get by and say we did it. It is always easier to just settle.

But trust me, the view and effort to climb to the top - to not settle - was worth it.

Just getting by - settling for what's easy - isn't good enough. You can do better. I can do better. We all can do better and live up to our potential. We can hold ourselves to a higher standard and live better every day because just getting by isn't good enough. We can live better today.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #livebetter 

Everyday Leadership #67: Don't Burn Bridges

Apr 13, 2023 (2 min read)

Don't Burn Bridges. Build them.

Several years ago, I worked in property management taking care of rental property. We regularly filled our contracts and were growing a waiting list year over year. We had great momentum and a great reputation.

I met one of our main competitors not too long after I started working there. He met with my boss, the owner, and I soon learned he would come by regularly. He toured our units, I met with him and showed him how we managed our maintenance program, and even shared our marketing practices with him.

Each time we did this I was a little dumb founded that we would be so open with him about everything. This became especially surprising as I learned more and more about his rental property. Our marketing brochures started to look the same. Our furniture began to look the same. It was like he was just copying us in everything we did and yet was not equally open and willing to collaborate when it came to visiting his property. In fact, I would say the relationship was much more focused on what we could do for him than what he could do for us. It was very one-sided and very cold. It was definitely not a love-filled relationship by any means.

This was the norm for us the entire time I worked there. Then one day, the owner (my boss) and I pursued expanding our property management services to a large, new property in the area. We developed our proposal and did our homework and finally got the chance to visit with the new property ownership team to present our proposal.

And to my surprise, in the ownership team of this new property was this owner who copy-catted everything we did at our current property.

Had my boss soured that relationship years ago, I'm very confident we never would have been invited to share our proposal.

While I worked for this owner, he would regularly say to me, "Don't burn any bridges." He lived that every day. I learned very clearly that day why. You just never know when that relationship may impact what you do in your future.

Your network is invaluable. Every person in your network is or may be invaluable at some point, regardless of how warm or cold that relationship is. Don't burn those bridges - ever. Build them and maintain them. You just never know when you'll need them to cross over to get to a new destination.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #buildbridges 

Everyday Leadership #66: Manage What You Can Control 

Apr 11, 2023 (2 min read)

I was wrestling with 2 of my sons on the trampoline. I turned my back after pushing my 4 year old away so I could focus of my 11 year old for a second. Next thing I know, I hear a scream and turn around to my 4 year old airborne with his knees out heading right at me!

I could have totally lost it on him for being too aggressive or dangerous or for potentially hurting me. But, I didn't. I laughed and caught him just in time to roll him over me and wrestle him down.

You see, we're in control of 2 important things in our lives: our attitude and our effort.

Those are choices we make every day. It's easy to get distracted and even focus on other things in life that affect us but that are completely out of our control. No matter what, though, what we can control is how we approach life every day and how much effort we put into it daily.

I'm coaching one of my son's basketball teams again right now, and one common practice is for players (at all levels of the game) to blame the refs for their lack of success. Or they'll focus on what the other team is doing to take advantage of their team. Or they'll blame a teammate for a bad pass that results in a turnover and quick basket on the outer end.... all while talking to the ref or walking up the floor while the ball is in play still.

What's missing in those scenarios? Attitude and Effort. The play is still going, so make an effort. And get your head in the game and fixate on what you can do to contribute and to reduce errors to help your team succeed.

I can't control whether or not we win the game or if I get that promotion at work. I can't control when my 4 year old is going to do a flying superman on me while wrestling on the trampoline.

But I can control how and what I think and how much effort I put into what I do every day.

Attitude is a choice every day, so pick a good one. And make the effort.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #success #attitudematters #effort 

Everyday Leadership #65: Deriving Value 

Apr 10, 2023 (1 min read)

Several weeks ago, my 6 year old told me, "Uncle Trevor is cooler than you."

He was standing with him outside while our good friend showed him his Tesla and all its bells and whistles (which were impressive, I might add). My son was enamored and loving every minute of it. Then, as we walked into our house, that's when he said it.

I couldn't agree more with him 😀, but it did get my mind thinking about value and how we associate value to people and to things and ideas but to people, in particular. My son, at the great age of just 6, finds value in a person's tangible things - like a Tesla. That, combined with the good heart, great natured kindness of Uncle Trevor (who actually isn't even related) is the basis for how my son identifies value.

For me, value in people comes from a different angle. Value comes from more than what a person has. It comes from who they are, what they believe, how they live, and what they do for others.

Uncle Trevor is definitely a person of value - but it's not because he owns a Tesla. It comes from his belief system, from how he treats everyone around him, and how he lives each day. And one day, I think my son will (and hope) that he begins to recognize that.

Let's value people for the right reasons.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #64: Play Your ACE 

Mar 31, 2023 (2 min read)

Have you ever wanted to increase your capacity?

Your capacity to lead? To be a better father or mother? To be a better student? To be a better athlete? To be a better person? To write better? To run faster?

The good news is you CAN. The better news is it's all up to you. You just have to play your ACE - your Ability, your Commitment, and your Effort. Using these 3 effectively are the key to successfully increasing your capacity over time.

Your ABILITY is not your capability alone, which is what you have a natural knack for doing. Your ability includes your capabilities (your gifts and talents) but also consists of the skills you develop and the knowledge you have and continue to grow. Your ability is your toolbox of skills and knowledge you develop over time to improve.

Your COMMITMENT encompasses your mindset, your willingness, your confidence, and your vision which guides your actions. It establishes the groundwork on which your mindset is built and anchors your willingness to achieve. It's how you think about who are you and who you have the potential to become.

Your EFFORT is manifest in the way you live each day. It's visible in the schedule you keep, in the boundaries you establish for how you want to live, in the tactics you use to succeed and in the training you participate in to further develop yourself.

And each one of these is completely in your control.

If you're looking to increase your capacity in anything, start asking yourself a few questions:

-What skills do I lack but can develop?

-What boundaries can I set for myself that will help me succeed?

-What activities can I do daily to improve my mindset?

-Do I have a vision for who I want to be and how I want to achieve my potential?

-What training can I take to up-skill my abilities?

Once you've identified these opportunities, then it's time to get to work. And while it may seem over-simplified to outline it this way, the reality is it really is that simple. You are in control of your capacity to be more. Just get to work on it. Play your ACE today.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #ace 

Everyday Leadership #63: Best Place to Learn Leadership? 

Mar 28, 2023 (3 min read)

Where is one of the best places to learn leadership and what it takes to succeed?

The list is long what it comes to what you can learn, and in many cases, should learn about leadership and the path to success:

-Having a vision

-Making a plan

-Managing expectations

-Conflict resolution

-The value of teamwork

-Work ethic

-Personal growth and development

-Finding and exceeding your limits

-Overcoming fear

-Patience with the process

-Continuous learning

-Taking action

-Empowering others

-The true value of trust



-Imperfection and what is good enough


-The power of identity

-Motivation and inspiration

And everything else not on the list. Where have I learned and continue to learn my most valuable lessons on these subjects?

In my home - in partnership with my spouse and raising my 7 children.

My home isn't perfect. It's loud. It's messy. It's fun. One of these days I won't have to hound my kids to always pick up after themselves or brush their teeth regularly. It's hilarious and gut wrenching all at the same time. It hurts (especially when you step on a lego without shoes on!). It's exhausting. It's stressful. It's exciting. It's loud. It's the single most challenging thing I've ever done and the single most rewarding. Did I mention that's it's loud?

I'm no perfect parent. I'm learning every day and recognize just how much room I have to grow through every experience I have.

But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It's the best university I could ever attend. Every lesson I learn is directly applicable to what I have to do at work and in life every day. It's the greatest teacher I could ask for.

As a father of 7 and married for almost 20 years to the same, most amazing spouse, my home is the foundation of all that I am, all that I believe, and all I have learned about leadership and success.

Where would you say your best learning has come from? I would bet if you take a few minutes to honestly reflect, regardless of what your home life and experience have been, you'll find that your home really has been one of your most, if not the, most influential teacher of leadership and success.

#leadership #success #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #homelife 

Everyday Leadership #62: "...then I act."

Mar 27, 2023 (1 min read)

At 4 year's old, this guy is full of spirit and, most recently noted, wisdom.

Last week, my little guy was up to usual antics and playing. And out of the blue he did something simple but that impressed me. For the life of me, though, I can't remember what he did.

What I do remember is asking him how he did it. And without skipping a beat, he looked at me and said:

"I think. Then I act."

What a great nugget of wisdom from a 4 year old! The instinct and approach is basic but impactful. It embodies the simplicity with which we should live each day.

Think - then act.

That is the formula of success right there.

#success #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #61: Brownie Points

Mar 24, 2023 (1 min read)

Brownie points!

That's what my 2 youngest boys wanted yesterday. They figured it out pretty quickly. Doing extra chores around the house and helping mom and dad would earn them Brownie points.

They cleaned all the windows they could reach. They emptied the dishwasher. They vacuumed the floors, and they cleaned up the living room. And they did it all voluntarily and with smiles on their faces.

After each chore they finished, they asked if they earned a brownie point. The answer was yes each time. Why the drive to earn brownie points?

They wanted to play the xbox.

The cost came in the form of some work around the house. Now, they rarely get to play on a school day and almost never during the day itself. But, they had a goal and worked for it almost all on their own. How could we say no to that?

It's a pretty simple actually. If you want something, work for it. And sometimes you have to do a little extra to get what you want - just like my boys, cleaning windows and doing other chores on their own so they could play the xbox.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #workforit 

Everyday Leadership #60: "I dont' know, but I'll Try."

Mar 21, 2023 (2 min read)

"Just start. You will learn so much by doing." -Richard Branson

On Sunday while sitting in church, my youngest son (4 years old) decided he would draw me a picture. He leaned over to me and whispered he was going to draw me a spooky forest and asked me what he should draw first. I told him to draw the moon first.

He looked at me and said, "I don't know how to draw the moon, but I'll give it a try."

He got to work and drew 2 moons on his paper. With a big smile on his face, he showed me what he'd done.

Not too long after our first meeting, he was heading into his individual class but didn't want me to leave his side. I talked with him and encouraged him that he could go without me.

After a few minutes and getting a drink of water, he told me, "I'm nervous but I think I can do it." And off he went.

I love my son's attitude on Sunday. What a great way to live life!

Your attitude and approach to the unknowns or the hard things in life are a choice. They're not always easy to make, but they are your choice. And when you choose to push yourself, you learn so much by just doing - by just trying what you don't know. You gain confidence in your abilities when you push through what makes your nervous. You learn a little bit more about what makes you uniquely you.

I had that reinforced to me by my 4 year old this weekend and am again committed to an attitude like his. I don't know how to do many things, but I'm going to try. I am nervous and unsure of myself with a few things, but I think I can do it.

Let's get after it this week and see what we can do and where we can go because we tried.

#justtry #attitudeiseverything #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #59: Preparation is Key

Mar 18, 2023 (2 min read)

Turn on your sound for this video!

This is my oldest daughter and her best friend performing a duet on vibraphone and marimba. You will notice that each one of them has 2 mallets in each hand, which if you're unfamiliar with percussion instruments and playing this is very challenging as each hand is controlling 2 mallets that play different notes and rhythms throughout the song. It is incredible.

I am so proud of my daughter for finding something she LOVES and putting in the work on it. Her dedication and consistency have paid off as they scored well enough at the district level to make it to regionals.

This level of performance requires significant preparation, and preparation comes from practice, consistency, and dedication. She clearly understands that and has preformed at a high level because of it. On her solo selection (not shown here), she is one of only 3 that received all superior ratings - the highest ratings possible - and qualified her for the state competition.

No matter what you do, preparation is a must. Preparation precedes performance. It is the secret sauce to excellence in all you do.

I'm proud to see my daughter excel and to get these incredible results when she knows she's paid the price in preparing for excellence.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #preparation 

Everyday Leadership #58: Things Not to Say as a Dance Parnter...or a Leader 

Mar 14, 2023 (2 min read)

There are things you should never say as a Dance partner... or a Leader.

Over the weekend, my oldest son attended his first dance. While that gave me flashbacks to the Electric Slide, Unchained Melody, and the YMCA and the ever-awkward asking a girl to dance experience, my primary concern was if he could dance. When I asked my son, he grinned with a tinge of nervous confidence that he'd be fine.

Well, just in case, I decided we better practice and be sure. We stood in front of each other, and I gave him some instructions. Was it wierd to dance together? Absolutely!

But, it helped. To try to make it less awkward, I jokingly told him I like liked his moves. And then, getting ready to dance, he placed one of his hands on my lower back and said, "Oooh. I like your curves!"

We lost it at that point. 😄 You don't say that to your dance partner - ever!

That's just one thing you don't say as a dance partner. I know there are plenty more! Lesson learned and a funny experience together, but it got me thinking later that weekend. What are the things we shouldn't say as leaders?

Here are a few I have heard and identified:

"It's not my fault."

"...because I'm the boss."

"You don't need to know why."

"Just trust me."

"You're lucky to have a job."

"That's impossible."

"It's not my problem."

"I'll just do it myself."

"You're on your own on this one."

"I'm too busy right now. I don't have time for this."

There are plenty more, I'm sure. And likewise, in the right context and setting, one or two of these phrases may be appropriate, but my experience leans towards these statements having a negative connotation and often have undesirable results. They erode confidence and trust in leadership and detract from unifying teams to a singular vision of what's possible. These phrases impede engagement and demotivate inspired individuals and teams. And they deteriorate culture, creating environments that focus on individual preservation and accomplishment in lieu of organizational growth and success.

What phrases would you add to the list of things not to say either as a dance partner 😁 or a leader?

#leadership #success #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #57: The Brighter Side of Life 

Mar 10, 2023 (1 min read)

What's the positive side of having covid?

Well, I got home from New Zealand over the weekend and had about 2 days before my body signaled something was off. We already had a kid with pink eye and one with the flu through the weekend. Sunday night when I went to bed, I noticed my body was achy. By 3am, I couldn't sleep. By 7am, I was heading downhill fast. By Tuesday agreeing, I had tested positive for covid and into isolation at home I went, much to the dismay of my family (with 7 kids, we always isolate for things like pink eye, the flu, covid, etc... if we don't, we just do a round Robin of passing the same sickness from one person to the next until we've all had it at least twice... it cab go on for months! And if we're really lucky, then we get stuck with something new and start all over again. 😄).

I had just come home and was more or less gone again for a few days - my wife juggling the demands of our family of 7 kids on her own again like a champ.

Then my 4 year old, who desperately wants to be by my side all the time, started to get a little runny nose and to complain about a soar throat. So, we tested him here at home for covid and sure enough, he tested positive.

His reaction was priceless. After being told he had covid, he immediately smiled and shouted, "Yeah!! Now I can snuggle daddy!" .... and with that he ran to me and gave me a big hug.

There is always a brighter side to life if we'll look for it. Thank you, little man, for being so happy to be sick because now we get to hang out together instead of going through this alone.

#perspective #attitudematters #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #56: Culture Matters 

Mar 8, 2023 (1 min read)

I spent nearly the last 2 weeks in New Zealand with our operations team, leading an operational design workshop.

It was an incredible trip. The people were amazing. The food was amazing. The country was beautiful. But what stood out to me the most was their culture.

Their culture runs deep. It holds great meaning to everyone individually and influences everything they do - from the words they use to the way they behave. Their culture informs their beliefs and vice versa. Their belief system is their culture. Meaning is embedded in everything they do, and for me, it was powerful. It drew me in and impacted me deeply.

At first I thought it might just be the leadership team as we met with them first. We spent 2 days with just them to kick things off and to see the area, their facilities, etc. But as other team members from all over the area joined the workshop - from Australia to Samoa to Fiji to Papua New Guinea - it quickly became apparent that the culture was real and ran through every level of their organization.

Kudos to the leadership team for instilling such an incredible culture in the area and for living it every day.

If you don't think culture matters or that it's just a buzz word that will pass at some point in our future, I would argue otherwise. Go visit a company where culture runs deep and you'll see what I mean. The islands of the Pacific helped me realize that on a whole new level these past weeks, and I'll be forever grateful for that experience and learning. Culture matters.

#culturematters #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #55: Work for It 

Feb 20, 2023 (1 min read)

No one can do it for you.

To be the best in the world, Usain Bolt had to beat the best of the best - again and again. He did just that in the Olympics in Beijing, in London, and in Rio de Janeiro. He spent hours training every day for years just to prepare to compete.

There were times he said he felt alone and that he didn't feel much purpose in doing it anymore. He'd already won so much that it was difficult to stay motivated to train to compete again from one race to the next. The training was repetitive. It required long hours and discipline in everything he did. He had to sacrifice what he wanted that would temporarily satisfy for that which was hard but would provide a much deeper gratification.

Bolt did it, though. He overcame himself to be the best version of himself that he could be. When asked about his career and being the best, he put it simply:

"You want to be a winner, you 'av to work hard to be a winner."

That's it. There is no shortcut or fast-track to being a winner. It requires accountability, commitment and effort (ACE). Just like Bolt said, it requires hard work. And only those willing to put in the work will get the result.

Put in the work. Hold yourself accountable. Commit and put in the effort. Be a winner today.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #beawinner 

Everyday Leadership #54: Keep Going 

Feb 17, 2023 (1 min read)

Have you ever seen flood gates open?

When they open, there is a torrent of water so powerful that nothing can stand in its way. The sheer volume, force and power of the water is overwhelming. And the speed of that moving water is overpowering.

Sometimes in life it feels like the flood gates are open. No matter what you do, you can't withstand the torrent that life is throwing your way. All you can do is hold on and hope the flood stops soon.

If you're feeling that way today, my message to you is to just keep going. Keep paddling your boat the best you can. If you don't have a boat, then keep swimming as hard as you can. No matter what you do or how you do it, just keep going.

Rachel Joyce said, "If I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, it stands to reason that I'm going to get there."

It doesn't have to be beautiful. You don't have to be amazing. You don't have to be fearless. If you can't run, walking is fine. If you can't walk, crawling is fine. If you can't smile through it, crying is fine. Just keep going.

Your destination is always only just one step away.

#keepgoing #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #53: Does 1 Make a Difference? 

Feb 13, 2023 (2 min read)

Does 1 person really make a difference?

Over the last month, my oldest son's basketball team has won some tough games. We've managed to play well enough and with enough heart to win in the last minute of each of those games - until this last Saturday.

Our game was off. We were winning at half time, but we started the 2nd half with a series of turnovers, similar to how we started the game. We scored and kept it close at first. Then we missed several defensive assignments. That was followed by more turnovers, and that was followed by some poor decision making offensively, missing our positions and spacing on several plays.

We just had an off game. But what really was the difference on Saturday?

We were missing 2 key players.

We had a substitute player from another team, but the hole to fill was too big. We were missing the hustle, the aggression, the size, and the leadership these 2 players provide to this team. They regularly contribute by rebounding and playing great defense in the paint.

Not having that, even though we had enough players and good enough players to win that game, had a huge impact on our chemistry and ability to execute well as a team.

Does 1 person really make a difference?

Take a look at professional sports teams. The round Robin of trading players to get one marquee player in hopes they can change a franchise for years to come should tell you YES - 1 person really DOES make a difference.

The same holds true for any team. Whether that be an office or administrative team or a manufacturing team or a project team. 1 person can make the difference in your success. My team's experience this past weekend highlighted that same learning for me. Does the same hold true for you?

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #leadership #success 

Everyday Leadership #52: What Are You Saying? 

Feb 1, 2023 (2 min read)

What are you saying to yourself?

Yesterday afternoon, my 4-year old decided he would make his own lunch. He decided what he wanted and grabbed what he needed out of the pantry. Getting his food ready, he needed to open a jar of a spread for his sandwich. The lid was on fairly tightly, but he went to work on it anyway.

While he was trying to open the jar, I heard him quietly talking to himself. I paused to pay closer attention to what he was saying, and this is what I heard:

"I can do this. I'm strong enough. I can open this."

So awesome and inspiring to listen to him speak to himself so positively and with such encouragement. Listening to him made me question how it is we speak to ourselves regularly and especially when we face difficulty.

In my personal experience, I've more than a few times found myself saying negative things to myself or thinking pessimistically about myself. The reality is, though, that I'm my biggest fan. You should be your biggest fan, too.

During my race over the weekend, I found myself facing a challenging situation. I was running, my feet hurt, it was cold, and the race course was snowy and icy making the run that much harder. In the middle of it, I heard myself saying and thinking things that weren't encouraging and decided I had to change my internal conversation.

I made up my mind and started saying the affirmations I have written on a card on my mirror. Within just a couple of minutes, my breathing changed and my attitude improved. My physical stamina improved.

What I learned from watching my son and reviewing my race experience this weekend is that what you say to yourself matters. It matters a lot.

Encourage yourself. Be positive with yourself. Say the things that will motivate and inspire you, and stop criticizing yourself. Avoid cutting yourself down or identifying all the things you think you're doing wrong. Stop finding fault with yourself consistently.

While it's important to recognize we all have room to improve, what we say to ourselves on that journey matters a lot. Stay positive and believe you can and you will.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #51: Mindset

Jan 30, 2023 (3 min read)

Success this weekend!

Saturday morning, in the snow, I ran my first race of the year. I'm not fast. I'm not a top competitor by any means. But I did it. I finished 1 minute 20 seconds faster than my Thanksgiving Day race.... and I did it while running on a snow covered and icy trail.

And to finish out, I jumped into a frozen lake.... water at roughly 28 degrees. I had a moment where I thought I shouldn't do it, but it passed quickly. When the time came, I jumped and just did it.


Then, the rest of the day was coaching my 2 sons on their basketball games.

Both games were some of the most physical games we've played yet. My one son looks like he sprained his thumb while my oldest son likely broke his nose near the end of his game. Both gutted it out, and both won.

Both games were close right to the end.

My one son's team went back and forth the whole game. With a few minutes to go, they were tied but finally broke free and went ahead by a basket. They held on for the win with a minute to go.

My older son's team was down by 2 with 30 seconds left. The other team had the ball and were ready to stall and hold on for the win.

They were inbounding under our basket. We pressured them heavily, and as they made their pass, we stole it right under the basket and scored to tie it up. A quick transition and missed shots between the 2 teams turned into a foul on one of our players on a shot. He made 1 of 2 free throws to put us up by 1 with 3 seconds to go. They passed the ball in quickly and heaved a desparation shot nearly 3/4 the length of the court that fell far short of its target. We won by 1.

What was the difference maker in both games, and how is that related to me running and jumping in a frozen lake?


While both teams fully contributed to their wins, each team had an X-factor.

Guage, on my younger son's team, relentlessly attacked the basket. And he defended the other team's best player. During a timeout, we encouraged him to continue to attack and to not let their best player score. He looked at me and with a determined smile that showed his grit, he patted his chest and said, "He won't get away from me, Coach. He's not scoring on me."

My older son's team also had a player who tirelessly attacked the basket. He went full speed the whole game both offensively and defensively. He ended up on the floor more than any other player during the game, going after loose balls and getting knocked down and hit by guys easily a foot taller and well heavier than him. But, his mind was made up. He made the steal at the end of the game, made the basket to tie the game, and made the free throw to win it.

And me? I'm no hero like these boys, but I decided months ago I was running and jumping in that frozen water. I didn't hesitate when it was time because my mind was made up.

Lesson learned: There's nothing more powerful than when you make up your mind. That's always the difference.


Everyday Leadership #50: Taking Opportunity

Jan 24, 2023 (3 min read)

It was a hard-fought and tough game Saturday evening, but we scratched out the win late in the 2nd half.

My son's team sat tied at half time, wondering if we would lose another game in the second half. We had lost 2 earlier in the season where we literally collapsed in the 2nd half of those games, getting blown out by teams we should have competed with. We had been working hard in practice lately on hustling and playing aggressive defensively. We knew it would take great decision-making and execution to win this one.

The 2nd half started, and the game continued its back and forth motion right where it left off - like a kid on a swing going back and forth effortlessly kicking their legs and enjoying the ride. They would score. We would score. They would miss a shot. We would miss a shot.

The momentum finally shifted part way through the 2nd half when we stopped them and then scored to take the lead for the first time in the game. The energy in the gym surged. The boys were hungry and it showed.

Every possession the other team had the ball was more difficult than the last the last 7 to 8 minutes of that game. Every pass was tipped. Every shot that they missed turned into a desperate fight for the ball. And every loose ball saw hands and bodies fighting relentlessly for it, like a hungry man searching for a meal.

My boys showed up with a hustle and heart I hadn't seen before. Nearly every loose ball had our hands on it... diving on the floor, sacrificing their bodies, reaching and sprinting every play to not give even an inch to the other team, taking every opportunity given to them to win that game.

And they did win. And the celebration began. The excitement and joy they felt (myself included!) was inspiring and overwhelming.

The difference in that game was simple. Their hustle and heart led them to take every opportunity given to them in that game. The believed that every loose ball was theirs, and they fought for it. The even created their own opportunities by executing defensively, tipping passes and blocking shots. Every play was an opportunity to be taken. They just had to be willing to take them - and they were.

Life often treats us the same way. Opportunities are regularly right there in front of us. Sometimes they're easy to see, and sometimes we have to create them ourselves. The difference for those who win in life is that they are willing to take those opportunities and run with them, and other times they create their own and win anyway.

What opportunities are right there for the taking with a little hustle and heart for you? Taking #opportunity just might be what helps you win today.

#takingopportunities #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #49: Have You Played Build Up?

Jan 16, 2023 (3 min read)

Have you ever played the game Build Up?

The object of the game is to strategically place uniquely shaped blocks in a balanced position so the tower can be built as high as possible. Each block can only touch the last 2 blocks on the tower, and the blocks you use are determined by selecting 1 of 3 cards randomly dealt to you that indicate which blocks you can use. Everyone takes turns, one block at a time, and each block has a different point value. Don't be the one to topple the tower or the person who went just before you gets the points!

My sister-in-law and her family have been here the last few days, and one of our favorite things to do together is play games. And we played Build Up last night.

After several rounds, we got to the round shown in the pictures. We started building, and of course, everyone was competing, trying to make the next person's turn more difficult so they could get the points. Funny enough, though, about half way up, the attitude in the family changed. We saw a tower that seemed improbable and that definitely could not take another block - or could it?

We moved from competition to collaboration. Everyone was helping everyone else to see how high we could build it. We talked through which cards to select together, even when it wasn't our turn, and coached each other on how to place the blocks.

And the tower grew to the highest tower I've ever seen playing the game...until finally, it fell.

I observed 2 key lessons from this experience last night:

First, a common vision of what can be - the potential in the situation - unifies a team. It drives out competition and self-preservation in the pursuit of a common goal.

Second, balance can be achieved in everything, but it comes at a cost. Balance is delicate and only takes one thing being ever so slightly out of balance to topple the whole structure. Balance is not the ideal. Building up strategically and in a way that compliments each piece's strengths and characteristics allows more to be achieved in a way that can withstand adversity better in the long run (ie the table shaking or a slight bump while placing the next piece).

And so it is with life and leadership. Vision unifies. Find one that inspires you, your organization, and your family. And instead of seeking for balance, pursue a more strategic approach in life, recognizing that there is no one right way to build up your life. Each part of your life has unique characteristics and strengths that can compliment one another and make you stronger in the long-run.

And if you're looking for a fun game that everyone can play, give Build Up a shot!

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #leadership 

Everyday Leadership #48: Don't Measure Yourself by the Gap

Jan 10, 2023 (2 min read)

How do you measure yourself?

Do you constantly compare yourself to others and their success? Do you look at what you've done and regularly run through your list of "should haves" and "could haves"?

I should have done this better...

I could have done that better...

Next time I should....

This time I could...

While we should always look forward to maximize our true potential and growth, measuring ourselves against "the gap" won't help. The gap is the space between where you are and where others are OR where you think you should be. It's a negative mindset that imposes a great shadow over who you are and what you've accomplished and can accomplish.

Instead of measuring the gap, measure yourself by how far you've come.

Look at your progress and growth over time, knowing that your goal is to always move forward - to grow more. But who you are today should be a measure of how far you've come, not how far away you may be from where others are today. Comparison...measuring the the thief of joy.

Stop measuring the gap and start measuring your progress.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #growth #success #stopmeasuringthegap 

Everyday Leadership #47: Lessons from A Wrestler

Jan 9, 2023 (3 min read)

I have several nephews who wrestle. One of them is particularly inspiring when you read about his recent experience told by his dad, my brother-in-law Peter Schmidt;

"I have 2 sons that wrestle. One

places at national tournaments and is 27-0 on the season. My other is a 95 lbs freshman with cerebral palsy.

We have to modify how he wrestles because of this and it's a tough task. He is 2-12 on the year for JV, and those [wins] are his first 2 wins in 3 years.

Every day he shows up and grinds for 2 hours. We have frequent talks about goals where he vents his frustrations with his condition. But he keeps showing up and grinding.

Our starting 103 lbs [wrestler] was injured [so tonight my son] wrestled Varsity. We knew it would be a close duel and

told everyone we couldn't give up [any] pins.

We won the duel 36-34 where

they won 7 matches and we won 6.

He lost 9-0 but fought off his back every time and didn't get pinned. All of his other losses this year have been by pin.

When he came off he

was disappointed but said, "he didn't pin me."

It won us [the team] the duel. If he would have been pinned, we would have lost 36-36 on criteria. Never been anything but proud of this kid. He felt like the champion he is tonight when I explained to him what

that effort meant to the team.

Love this kid and it has nothing to do with his win loss record!"

This story represents so many good lessons.

1️⃣ Every member of the team adds value

2️⃣ When you understand how you add value and contribute, your self-value increases

3️⃣ Great coaching, like his dad exhibited, helps connect effort to contribution and outcomes

4️⃣ Leadership is painting a vision and giving clear expected outcomes so the team knows what is necessary to succeed, just like the coaches did for these boys

5️⃣ Leadership is gratitude and love and showing that to the team

6️⃣ Growth comes from small successes built upon one another over time

7️⃣ True effort is invaluable

8️⃣ Losses are a part of winning and sometimes the most important part

9️⃣ Great leaders see the champion in everyone and set them up to reach their potential

🔟 Inspiration is all around us if we'll pay attention a little more

Hopefully you are as inspired by this story as I am to be better, to lead better, to understand your role and contribution better, and to give all you've got a little bit better today and going forward. Happy Monday to you!

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #learn #grow #success 

Everyday Leadership #46: If they don't know what they're doing wrong, they can't fix it.

Jan 5, 2023 (3 min read)

We lost our last 2 games by over 20 points. That was tough to handle for our basketball team after winning our first 2.

As the coach, I identified several things we could improve on as a team and likewise individually. I spoke with my son, who is on the team, about it first and asked him for feedback on my coaching. I asked him if how I was coaching was effective and helping and asked him to point out things I could improve.

Then, I asked him about giving feedback to each player individually and not just as a team. As I've watched my boys play, I've become aware that they seem sensitive and withdrawn to feedback - especially when it's something to improve. And it's made me cautious in how I've coached them.

My son, though, said what I needed to hear. He said, "Dad, if they don't know what they're doing wrong, they can't fix it."

Great wisdom from my 14 year old, which showed me not only a great attitude but a great desire to compete and win and to learn and grow. And it showed me the type of coach I needed to be and these boys needed me to be.

So at practice after warmups, I told the team I was there to coach them to be better and reassured them that I love them and think highly of their skills and abilities to play the game. Them I told them I was going to share individual feedback with them that might seem critical but was coming from a place of a desire to make them and our team better.

Then I challenged them to take the feedback and put in the work. I told them I was going to push them harder than I had been to see how far we could go.

They all accepted the challenge and agreed to be pushed.

Our practice was one of the best we've had all season. And all thanks to the reassuring wisdom from my son.

I'm excited about our next practice and what's to come with the rest of our season. And I'm excited to be a better coach to this team. Now that I know what I've done wrong, I am now fixing it to be better.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #coaching 

2023: What Do You Want to Become this Year?

Jan 2, 2023 (2 min read)

2 years ago on New Year's Eve, I asked everyone in my family to share what they're 2 or 3 big accomplishments were for the year. It was amazing to listen to each of my kids and my wife share!

I did the same thing again this New Year's Eve, and again, it was amazing. From stretching themselves to try new things to excelling in school and sports to making good friends, my family inspires me.

Then, yesterday, I decided to take this activity one step further. I bought everyone a journal, and every Sunday we're going to sit together and answer 1 question a week and then share with each other our answers and thoughts. My oldest daughter inspired our first question this year:

⭐️What do you want to become this year?

Asked another way, who do you want to become? What type of person do you want to work on becoming this year? What kind of growth are you looking for?

The answers were again amazing... and funny.

From my 4 year old - a bunny... a good boy, too, but mostly a bunny (his favorite animal).

From my 6 year old - a doctor or a janitor.

From my other kids and myself and my wife:

-A better brother

-A positive person

-The MVP of my team

-More organized

-More active

-More fit

-More confident in myself

-The type of person others want to be around

It motivated me to hear them share their focus and to see their vulnerabilities as well. Some of us said it wasn't very comfortable to share these things together. It helped reinforce that everyone is a work in progress and that we all have opportunities to continually grow and improve. And it helped us see we can work on this together as well.

So here we go 2023. Me and my family are working on growth this year - on becoming the type of people we want to be every day.

What do you want to become this year?

#becoming #growth #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #45: Life is Connection 

Dec 24, 2022 (2 min read)

I ran to the store yesterday to pick up a few last minute items for Christmas. A couple of my kids were with me, and we realized after a minute we needed help finding one of the things we were looking for.

Alforno was nearby working in the produce section, trying to keep up restocking with the craziness of the holiday season. I walked over and asked him to point us in the right direction. After he helped us, which only took a second, I asked him where he was from.I noticed he had a heavy accent and was just curious.

He said Argentina, and I responded back to him in Spanish. He immediately smiled, and for the next few minutes we chatted in Spanish. I shared with him that I learned Portuguese and speak that comfortably but had only studied Spanish in high school a long time ago and wasn't very proficient with it. He invited me to come practice with him any time I'm at the store.

As we left, we wished each other a Merry Christmas and were on our way. My son commented he really enjoyed the interaction. I asked him why, and he said it just made him feel good to make that small connection with Alforno even for just a few minutes.

What's great is my son didn't even talk with Alforno. He just listened and smiled. But in that moment and being a part of that interaction, he felt something. He felt the power of CONNECTION.

Of all the things that are important today, there are few more important than connection. It's what we crave and often seek for in the wrong places. It weaves us together and is the fabric of life that gives feeling and meaning to our relationships. It's deep, and it's real.

Our few minutes in conversation with Alforno gave us the opportunity to connect. It didn't take much - a little effort to ask a question, a few minutes to listen, and finding common ground. That's it. And it didn't take long.

Our connection was tangible. It was real, and we could feel it.

I invite you to look for those same opportunities, regardless of who it is. Do more than just give the normal pleasantries. Give a little extra and strive to connect.

#connection #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #44: Do You Love What You Do? 

Dec 19, 2022 (2 min read)

Do you love what you do?

One of my sons was helping clean bathrooms a little over a week ago, doing his part of the chores in our home. But he did extra that day, cleaning the toilets in all of the bathrooms in our home so none of his siblings had to.

Then, when it snowed, he jumped out to the driveway and shoveled our driveway without being asked. He did the neighbor's as well. And just a few days ago, he swept and mopped the kitchen floor in the middle of the day without being asked.

He's only 6, but he loves cleaning and working and helping - just because.

While cleaning the bathrooms last week, not complaining one bit but enjoying every moment of it, he asked me, "Dad, can I be a janitor when I grow up?"

I got a laugh out of his question as that's not the job most people aspire to have. But it got me thinking. Why would he ask that?

Because he loves what he's doing. He loves to clean, loves to work, and he just loves to help.

And when you love what you do, it changes how you feel and approach the task at hand. While most don't find cleaning a toilet or shoveling snow the ideal chores to be doing, to him it brings great enjoyment and satisfaction because he's doing what he loves to do.

Do you love what you do? It really does make a difference.

#everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter #success #lovewhatyoudo 

Lead Like A Superhero

Dec 12, 2022 (2 min read)

Yesterday at church, I heard a talk about superheroes, start athletes, and rescue-bots. Who knew that could be a topic for a Sunday sermon?

It got me thinking, though, particularly about superheroes.

We love superheroes. We admire them for their unnatural gifts and often impeccable character. But we also know they are flawed - sometimes to a fault.

And one thing almost every Superhero does at some point in their lifetime is to save that one person everyone else has abandoned or left behind. They put themselves at risk to save the one.

And that's what got me thinking. Leadership is simple and complex at the same time. It requires flexibility, adaptation, understanding or empathy, vision, and the ability to inspire others to be better. Leadership often is highlighted at the macro level for dynamic transformations and significant successes, which, don't get me wrong, is completely good and worth acknowledging.

But does leadership only really succeed when it happens at the 1-to-1 level?

We love our superheroes when they save a whole city or the world time and time again, but isn't it when they save the one that really makes them superhero to us? That makes us gravitate to them?

And in our real world every day, not to discount great organizational leaders by any means, but isn't it when we're led individually by that one "hero" that really makes the difference? Isn't that where true leadership really succeeds?

Leadership success happens at the 1-to-1 level. It's the superhero leadership mentality. So try leading like a Superhero today and see what happens.

Woild love to know your thoughts and experiences with leadership success. Is it happening only because of a great organizational leader or is it the 1-to-1 leadership happening within the organization that is making the difference?

#leadership #success #buildingyoubetter #everydayleadership 


Dec 6, 2022 (2 min read)

I ran a 5k on Thanksgiving Day. My wife and I woke up early and got out in the cold together to do it.

We were supposed to do it last year but not got covid a day or two before the race.

My training had been lacking in preparation for this race, and I told my wife to go run her race and not wait for me. (She's a better and faster runner than me all day long! And that's OK - I don't mind chasing her!)

I hadn't run this race before, and I had plenty of reasons to complain. I was tired. My training and preparation was not adequate. It was cold. And my feet hurt while I ran that morning.

That all changed as the race got under way.

From seeing people dressed up like Pilgrims and turkeys to others in just shorts and tshirts, the mood was light and fun right away. And more than that, the entire race course was lined with signs - signs from race participants that said what they're thankful for. It changed my mindset that morning.

One in particular stood out to me. It asked a question. "Do you take for granted or for gratitude?"

I knew at that moment my mind was and had been in the wrong place. I definitely have taken for granted many things, many situations, and many circumstances that I instead should have an abundance of gratitude for.

So in the season of reflection and change, I'll work to be better at having gratitude more in my heart - at recognizing how blessed I really am.

In what areas of your life can you improve your gratitude?

#gratitude #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #43: Teamwork

Dec 4, 2022 (2 min read)

My word for 2023: RUN.

What many of you don't know is that I have struggled with my weight for years. I can be incredibly disciplined and see enormous success in my fitness and health. Last year I rode a bike 3,770 miles and ran in a couple of 5k races and lost over 50 pounds.

This year has been a massive struggle to stay motivated to maintain good fitness and to get back on my feet after my car accident earlier this year. I've gained a lot of weight back and have let my good habits slowly disappear.

I've returned to a state that doesn't make me feel good about myself or even think positively about myself often enough.

So it's time to turn a permanent corner and not look back.

I've gained and am gaining a better understanding of my relationship with my nutrition thanks to Jody Moore and Katrina Ubell, MD.

I'm not committing to better fitness. I'm making a promise to myself and my fitness, thanks to Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE.

I'm finding ways to do something, even little things, consistently because something is better than nothing. Joy Mcadams regularly teaches me that.

And a whole host of others are encouraging me, inspiring me, and helping me see what I can become - Paul Lemieux, Jr., Brian Buffini, the John Maxwell Team, and so many more.

I have to give those shoutouts because while some of them may not know it, they are driving forces behind my desire to be better. As such, I have planned my 2023 year of fitness and have signed up for 5 races throughout the year. My promise means nothing without action. So here it is. There was no reason to wait to get started.

I look forward to a better me physically as well as in every other aspect of my life as my physical fitness improves.

Start planning your 2023 now. Then start working on it now. You're worth it. I'm worth it.

You can follow my journey on my blog at or at

Happy New You!

#health #success #buildingyoubetter 

My Word for 2023: RUN

Dec 2, 2022 (3 min read)

My word for 2023: RUN.

What many of you don't know is that I have struggled with my weight for years. I can be incredibly disciplined and see enormous success in my fitness and health. Last year I rode a bike 3,770 miles and ran in a couple of 5k races and lost over 50 pounds.

This year has been a massive struggle to stay motivated to maintain good fitness and to get back on my feet after my car accident earlier this year. I've gained a lot of weight back and have let my good habits slowly disappear.

I've returned to a state that doesn't make me feel good about myself or even think positively about myself often enough.

So it's time to turn a permanent corner and not look back.

I've gained and am gaining a better understanding of my relationship with my nutrition thanks to Jody Moore and Katrina Ubell, MD.

I'm not committing to better fitness. I'm making a promise to myself and my fitness, thanks to Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE.

I'm finding ways to do something, even little things, consistently because something is better than nothing. Joy Mcadams regularly teaches me that.

And a whole host of others are encouraging me, inspiring me, and helping me see what I can become - Paul Lemieux, Jr., Brian Buffini, the John Maxwell Team, and so many more.

I have to give those shoutouts because while some of them may not know it, they are driving forces behind my desire to be better. As such, I have planned my 2023 year of fitness and have signed up for 5 races throughout the year. My promise means nothing without action. So here it is. There was no reason to wait to get started.

I look forward to a better me physically as well as in every other aspect of my life as my physical fitness improves.

Start planning your 2023 now. Then start working on it now. You're worth it. I'm worth it.

You can follow my journey on my blog at or at

Happy New You!

#health #success #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #42: Persistence

November 28, 2022 (2 min read)


Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Yesterday afternoon, my boys and I went outside together to throw the football around. My 10 year old and 14 year old were running routes against each other while I'd throw to them.

My 10 year old was not having much success again his bigger and taller brother who easily has a 6-foot arm-span and towers over him by about a foot. (Granted, I can't say that every ball I threw to him was considered "catchable" 😁).

After this happened a few times, my 10 year old's frustration began to show. He ran a route again and again missed making the catch. He did it again. Another missed catch. Again. Another miss.

This happened again and again and again. My son probably ran a route 40 or so times, missing the catch every time. His frustration reached its maximum - but he didn't quit. In fact, he didn't say much. He simply ran back to me and set up again. He was determined. He was persistent.

And finally, as the sun went down, he ran up the right side of the yard, gave a fake to his older brother, and broke free deep in the yard. I stepped up and launched it toward him. His older brother, running to catch him, looked back to see the ball coming and reached his long arms up as high as they could, jumping at the last second to extend his reach as far as it could possibly go. And with that, the ball sailed past him and into the hands of my 10 year old. He nailed the catch.

Instantaneously he smiled and started cheering. I ran down the yard screaming with my hands up, picked him up like he just won the championship game, and we all celebrated fantastically.

That catch was the talk of the night for him. And it wouldn't have happened had he not been #persistent - had he not used his frustration to focus himself more to overcome the difficulty that was trying so hard to make him just quit. The reward for him, and for me, was that much sweeter when he overcame his difficulties and succeeded.

The road to success can sometimes, even often, feel like my son felt - there are nothing but failures and difficulties and frustrations all along the path. But those that are persistent, that know what they want and stick with it and use their frustration to focus their effort, will succeed in the end.

Whatever difficulty might be on your path today, stick with it. Keep going. Stay strong and be persistent. Success will come.

#success #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Creative Outlets

November 21, 2022 (2 min read)

I spent yesterday in a number of meetings for church and even work. By the time I was done, I was spent and wanted nothing more than to kick up my feet and be left alone for the night.

As a parent of 7, though, that doesn't happen very often. And my wife, who had already shouldered our family responsibilities mostly alone for the day, was ready for some help getting these guys into bed for a little more quiet in the house.

So after a quick dinner, I helped get our littlest 2 guys into bed, and then my 10 year old asked me if I would build legos with him before he went to bed.... that was last thing I wanted to do, but I hadn't spent much time with him this weekend, so I did.

30 minutes later, it was bed time for him, but I couldn't stop looking for pieces and building. My wife reminded me it was his bed time, and he dutifully cleaned up and got into bed but for 20 more minutes I couldn't stop. I kept looking for that "one piece" and then the next "one piece" (which everyone who has ever played with legos knows that one piece is always just one scoop away in the massive pile of endless mixture of legos).

I finally quit, defeated that I couldn't find that one piece. And I finally went in to say goodnight to my son who was waiting for me, laughing at me the whole time that I couldn't find that one piece. Is my creation beautiful or amazing in any way? Nope. I just started from scratch and built a plane because my son told me we were building an airport and a fleet of planes. But what I felt was unexpected.

After the day of meetings and running from one thing to the next and just feeling tired, in that moment, I felt invigorated and a bit of a surge of energy.


I had experienced a few minutes of pure creativity with my son, and it was a significant mental break for me yesterday.

Honestly, I never thought creative activities could produce that kind of mental "rest" for me, but I'm thinking I may need to do more activities like this when I'm tired.

I love creativity and opportunities to create in my work and in organizing my home. I love creativity when intentionally having fun with my kids by making up games to play or writing silly rhymes or songs with them. I love creativity in arranging and writing music occasionally. And I love creativity in processing thoughts and ideas that turn into content for me to share.

But I've never considered creative activities and creative work as a mental release before in the way it made me feel last night.

What kind of creative activities do you engage in, and do you use these activities as a mental release or for other purposes?

#creativity #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Everyday Leadership #41: Providing Value

November 16, 2022 (3 min read)

What does providing value really look like?

My car broke down in the mountains driving home from California last week.

I had been gone a week with my daughter on a marching band trip and was finally on my way home after a long day at Disneyland. It had rained for 2 days straight. The kids were all on the busses, and I was loaded up in my car - wet and tired - and took off.

After getting through some traffic and climbing up a small mountain pass outside the city, my car started beeping at me. The check engine light was one - but it wasn't just on. It was flashing at me.

I pulled off at the next closest exit a few miles up the road. 2 gas stations, a McDonald's, a Subway and a no-name motel were the only things there.

A quick car manual check and Google search told me continuing to drive could cause catastrophic engine damage.

Wonderful news. 🙄

It was late that night. No auto shops or parts stores or anyone that could help me were open or around. I booked a room for the night and waited it out.

The next morning, I called my auto mechanic back home, Garrin's Automotive, and explained what was happening. They jumped into action right away. They told me what to try and what to do, and they explained what the likely problem was.

I was able to get into a city nearby. I had a dealer check my car out but they quoted me over $2,000 to do the repairs and couldn't start for about 2 days. That wasn't an option.

Garrin's had my back. They called me back after walking through the repairs and determining exactly where in the engine the problem likely was. Based on our relationship and knowing I had some tools with me, they told me I could likely do the repairs myself and walked me through them.

After getting the parts nearby, I made the repairs myself. It took me 20 minutes and cost me $66. Garrin's cost themselves far more than that diagnosing the issue over the phone and then coaching me through the repairs. And they even checked on me later to make sure I was on my way and that the car was working well again. And they didn't charge me a dime for their time.

They put me ahead of profit and are an outstanding example what providing value looks like. They've solidified themselves as a service provider I trust, will recommend and will return to time and time again. A huge thank you and shout out to Garrin's and their team for impeccable service to me and my family, even from a distance.

What are you doing to provide value to others?

#addingvalue #buildingyoubetter #everydayleadership 

What Success Looks Like

November 14, 2022 (3 min read)

I've spent the last few months watching my daughter and her marching band compete almost every weekend since September.

This last weekend they had their last 2 competitions of the season, back to back. Friday was state championships and Saturday was Bands of America. (BOA), which is essentially a large, regional competition of multiple states.

Her band took 2nd in state and 4th overall out of all the bands that competed on Saturday in BOA - 4th out of bands from Utah, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and California. Honestly, it was AMAZING to witness and be a part of!

Success like that, though, with a school that is only 4 years old doesn't just happen. If you've ever been in or watched marching band, success at that level only comes when a huge mixture of things come together the right way at the right time.

Every person has to know where to march and hit their spots exactly right.

Every person must know their music and play it perfectly while blending with those around them.

Each drum major has to know the music inside and out and stay in sync with each other in order to lead the band from several different spots on the field.

The band and drumline have to be in sync together throughout the show.

The visuals from colorguard have to be in sync and on time.

The teachers have to lead their sections individually really well so the band collectively can perform well.

The band director must constantly teach and coach and then ultimately trust them to perform as he or she can't do anything more to help them once it's showtime.

And in this case, even a little luck has to fall your way... in our case, the weather had to cooperate so they could do their flyover (the huge flag pulled over the band in the video). Any breeze at all and that marquee moment in the show wasn't possible.

And with all that, no matter how well or good one individual does, the band only wins as a single unit. And on Saturday, this band did just that. Under the direction of a great leader, all these pieces and so many more came together in the ultimate culmination of success.

That's what success looks like individually and organizationally. Every person knows their role and performs it at an extremely high level for a common goal - a shared vision painted beautifully by their leader who trusts them to perform when it's time.

Success couldn't be painted more beautifully than that. Thank you, Cedar Valley Bands, for teaching me that!

#success #buildingyoubetter #everydayleadership 

Be So Good That...

November 7, 2022 (3 min read)

Just recently, my daughter's high school was incorrectly identified on social media and labeled as a racist school due to the actions of some teenagers a few hundred miles away. The backlash has been enormous and the school and the students have been targeted heavily this week because of it.

The response to clear up the mistaken identification has been slow and challenging. It's made many feel unsafe and worried because of the attention this has captured (even outside our state).

But in the midst of this, I heard the band director teaching his students, my daughter included, a great lesson. He told them the school was at the center of attention right now for the public and that everyone was watching what we do. Perception is reality.

The band is traveling for competitions this weekend and is in a major spotlight because of these recent events, and appropriately so, he's concerned about perceptions and safety of his students. And in his discussion with them, he said, "Be so good they can't find any way to complain about you."

I loved that powerful lesson in such a few words.

It's a powerful approach to life - Be so good that _________ - you can fill in the blank.

Be so good they can't ignore you for that promotion.

Be so good they can't find a reason to complain about you.

Be so good that they have to and want to support you.

Be so good that everyone around you gets better, too.

Being so good at something takes intention and effort. But when you're so good at that thing, it's amazing what perceptions and understanding others gain of you in their experience. So today, take a minute and think on what you're doing. Are you doing your absolute best with it? Are you doing it so well that ________?

What can you be so good at today?

#besogood #everydayleadership #buildingyoubetter 

Throw Some Punches Back

October 28, 2022 (2 min read)

"Life is going to beat you up. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't throw some punches back at it." -Bradley Bowman

The last 6 months have definitely felt like life is beating us up a little:

👉Car 1 transmission leak... attempted repairs didn't work; still leaking

👉Car 2 accident; car 1 repairs on hold

👉Back injury from accident

👉Backyard flooding from neighbors yard

👉New used car blower and other parts failed

👉New used car transmission failed; no warranty

👉2 ER visits with 2 of my sons on the same day in different locations for head injuries

👉1 year old personal laptop failed and won't restart

👉Pay raise request denied

👉Drama with our teenagers

👉New used car NEW transmission failed and replaced

👉New used car alternator failed

👉A different son broke his wrist

👉Wife cut her hand and a nerve in her finger; ER visit

👉Wife now needs surgery to repair the nerve in her hand

I share this not to draw sympathy to me and my family but to hopefully help others feel you're not alone. Life is tough sometimes. But, more importantly, this is to encourage everyone - especially me - to throw a few punches back at life.

Because of this and after some time and preparation over the last year-plus, I am punching back and launching my own speaking, coaching and training business:

Cornerstone Leadership, LLC

If you're interested in coaching services or need a speaker for an event, please reach out. From my experience over the last 18 years in facility management and raising a family of 7 kids, I'll share and help you navigate whatever life throws your way by developing your self-leadership and growth opportunities and by helping you, your youth, and your organizations find ways to build you better. You can visit my website (a work in progress but online and available!) and schedule time with me here: or at

I look forward to working with you and to building you better!

#buildingyoubetter #everydayleadership 

Negative Emotions

October 19, 2022 (2 min read)

Negative emotions are OK to feel and have, BUT...

Letting negative emotions persist interrupts our daily activities, affects our health and can take over our minds. It's OK to allow time to just be in our emotions and to experience them. In fact, emotions help us realize what matters to us. They help us recognize what we value. It's important, though, that we learn to process them - and eventually learn to use them for our good.

Use your emotions to produce positive outcomes instead of letting negativity rule the day. It's not easy to do this, and honestly, this post is more for me than anyone else, but it's important that our negative emotions serve a purpose... that they have somewhere to go.

Turn your Anger into Action...your Despair into Determination...your Frustration into Focus.

When you do, I think you'll find your ability to experience and process negative emotions can actually be a very positive experience and opportunity for you.

What do you do to process your negative emotions, and how do you use them to produce positive outcomes for yourself?

#emotionalwellness #opportunity #success



Small Wins Matter

October 12, 2022 (2 min read)

A win is a win, no matter how small.

Success doesn't happen overnight. It's a combination of small wins, failures both big and small, lessons learned, and consistent effort to keep going forward.

It's the small wins that build momentum over time.

For me yesterday, my small win and maybe my only win was that I called our insurance provider to get some clarification on our policy as it relates to some things I'm working on. It took 5, maybe 10 minutes of my day. It wasn't anything big at all and wasn't very hard to do. But it was a win!

For you, it might be as simple as waking up on time or doing the dishes today. It might be answering that one email that's been bugging you for days. It might be doing a single pushup today so that you've exercised or it might be that you read a single paragraph of a book instead of watching tv right before bed. Every and any one of these might be a win for you today, regardless how small or insignificant you may think they are.

Just know a win is a win, no matter how small. So be sure to recognize and count them all.

So today, pick just one thing you've been wanting or needing to do. Plan the time to get it done, and then do it. Then, once it's done, recognize your accomplishment, write it down and celebrate your win! You'll be amazed when you look back at the last week, month and year how much you've won and accomplished.

#success #smallwins 

Everyday Leadership #40: Modeling

October 11, 2022 (3 min read)

I told them they had to do their chores before they could play the xbox.

As usual, Saturday morning started just like any other. They were up but thrilled not to have to get ready for school. They were hanging out in their pjs with the TV on, each sporadically taking a turn to get themselves breakfast. My kids only get to watch TV on Saturdays and often only get to play their xbox then as well. My wife and I were going to be busy running several of the kids around for their activities that day while also getting ready to celebrate one of our kid's birthdays. So the kids were excited at the chance to play xbox maybe a little longer than usual.

And as usual, I told them they had to get their chores done before they could play... get dressed and ready for the day, make their beds, and clean their bathrooms. Nothing too demanding.

My kids sprung into action, motivated to play the xbox. The teamed up, made a plan together, and helped each other get everything done.... or so they thought.

After about 30 minutes, they said they were done and ready to play. It only took a minute to discover only 1 bathroom had been cleaned. They thought as long as they got one done they were good to go. Nope! :)

I told them they were awesome for what they'd done but had to finish the whole job and had another bathroom to do.

Pouting ensued.

I encouraged them to work together again and tried to motivate them by reminding them how quickly it could done working together as a team like they had already.

And as I said that, my 4-year old pipes up and says nice and loud and with a smile on his face, "Teamwork makes the dream work!"... something I've said a few times.

The job got done, they got to pay the xbox not not too much later. That moment got me thinking, though.

What kind of things am I modeling? My kids are obviously watching and listening to my what I say and do. My teams are, too. So am I modeling what I want to see in my "reflection"?

As a parent or a leader or an individual of influence, people are watching what you say and do. It's important then that you model the language and behaviors you want to see because your people - your children or your teams - will reflect what they see.

#modeling #leadership 

Is There a Difference? Environment vs Culture

October 7, 2022 (2 min read)

Is there a difference?

A great environment or a great culture - are they the same thing? I don't think so.

An environment is created in the physical space. It's built and affected by lighting, furnishings, finishes and spacing. It creates an atmosphere that can stimulate different experiences... fun, focus, relaxation, etc.

Culture is part of the workplace experience but it's more than that. Culture is really driven by attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. It's how people act in tough times and how they work together to problem solve. It's the way people treat each other every day and how they approach their work. It's built by leaders with vision who model keystone behaviors as much as it's built by leaders who don't. Culture is built whether a leader wants it to and plans for it or not and is built regardless of the environment (although environment can influence and enhance a culture).

The environment often requires a more substantial investment of resources to build and maintain than culture does but doesn't often produce the same ROI as culture does.

So important as it is to find a place to work with a great environment, focus on finding a great culture. The ROI for the company and for you will be much greater than just making sure you get to play air hockey on your breaks with your colleagues.

#culture #experience #environment #leadership 

Do You Have Grit? 

October 3, 2022 (2 min read)

Last weekend, my son who recently started wrestling, had his first tournament. What we didn't know was that he wrestled with a broken and slightly displaced left wrist.

A couple days before the tournament, his younger brother accidentally kicked his hand and wrist playing soccer while he went to block a ball at the goal. He complained about his wrist, but he didn't show any signs that anything was wrong. He didn't bruise, there wasn't any swelling, he could rotate his wrist and use it fairly normally. We figured he maybe sprained it or bruised it badly. (I guess there's a reason I'm not a doctor!)

Fast forward a couple of days after his tournament to practice. He is hurting noticeably after a specific exercise so we took him in to get it looked at only to find that it was, in fact, broken and slightly displaced. I couldn't believe it.

But even more than that was the fact that he demonstrated incredible courage and grit to go out there and wrestle anyway. He didn't want to give up the chance and didn't hold back while wrestling either.

He set his mind to the task and reset his focus on what he wanted, allowing himself to overcome the temporary pain for something bigger to him. He didn't quit.

It would have been easy to walk away - to quit - in the moment. We gave him every opportunity to do so before and during the tournament and even the following week with practice. But his grit kept him going. His determination and resolve to push himself rose above the pain and showed me what it means to have true grit.

I can't quit when things get tough or it hurts momentarily if he can wrestle with a broken wrist. My heart aches for him that we didn't realize how serious his pain was, but I stand in awe of him for his character and grit through it all and look to him as an example to follow next time I think it's tough and want to quit.

Do you have grit?

#grit #success #mindset 

Creating the Right Environment Culture

September 29, 2022 (2 min read)

One of my sons started wrestling this year. It's his first time doing it. That's my son there in the blue tshirt.

2 nights a week, he goes to the high school and practices with all the kids in the community from 5 years old up through seniors in high school. The high school coaches and high school team teach them and coach them. It's a fun environment to be in and learn in. All the boys and girls are locked in and work hard every practice. They're engaged, they're attentive, and they do what they're coaches say. They are motivated to get better.

How do they get all of these 30 to 40 kids every week to lock in like that?

At the start of practice as they warmup and then stretch, each coach walks around and shakes every kids' hand, says their name and welcomes them to practice. They check-in with each one and usually ask a specific question about each kid - about their wrestling, about their family, or something personal to them.

These coaches create an environment culture of trust and learning through that one simple task.... and they're consistent with it.

Environment is definitely influenced by your physical surroundings, but what you DO has a bigger influence on the environment you CREATE with your's really creating a CULTURE. 

So focus on CREATING the environment culture you want and need for your teams. The outcomes you want may be just a question and handshake away.

#environment #team #learning #successstrategies 

Empowering Your People

September 28, 2022 (3 min read)

We hear a lot about empowering employees. And we hear a lot that it isn't happening and yet also hear that where organizations truly invest in this practice, they are thriving at levels they never thought possible.


So what does empowering employees actually look like? How do you do it in your organization? What are the red flags that prevent you from empowering your people?


John Maxwell said, "A leader is great not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others."


Often, what we call leading and empowering others is confused with managing the work. Being task-driven, being involved in the details of your teams' work, having short-term vision, and focusing on individual efforts are just some of the signs that maybe you're not empowering your people enough or the right way.


How do you know if that's what you're doing? Take a look at your organization and see if you're getting the results you want. Is your team engaged in the work? Are they creatively approaching solutions? Is your turnover low? Is your bottom line growing as expected?


If the answer to these questions is no, then it might be time to change your approach.


To empower employees and teams, you need to give them 3 essential things:






Responsibility is giving them control of the process. It removes you from the details of how things get done and gives space for creativity and teamwork to thrive.


Authority is giving them the right to make decisions. Once they have set parameters or boundaries, give them the right to figure out how to get there.


Accountability is giving them control of the outcomes. Once they have clear expectations from you, give them ownership of the results - credit for achieving and opportunities to learn from failing.


And the fuel that makes these 3 things work together is RESOURCES. If you don't give them what they need (ie mentors, training, tools, and time), then you're really not empowering them to succeed.


If you want to know what the benefits are from empowering your people, take a look at this resource and let me know what benefits you've seen from truly empowering your people.


#empoweringothers #responsibility #accountability #authority #success

Everyday Leadership #39: Learn How to Lose

September 21, 2022 (3 min read)

I went 10 for 11 in the fourth quarter.


We were tied for first place in the district and had a head-to-head play-in game to see which team would advance to the next round. I was in 8th grade and playing on my middle school basketball team. We were playing our main rival and anxious to win.


It was a close game all the way through. The difference was we had multiple chances to take the lead and secure the win. We, or said better, I just didn't capitalize on the opportunity. I missed 10 of 11 free throws through the end of the 4th quarter that would have secured the win for us but instead led us to a competitive overtime where we lost.


The misses got to me. I was frustrated and unfocused, and the other team knew it. Loss was inevitable. It was one of the worst games of my life.


Fast forward a few years... we were down by 2 with 3 seconds left. It was our ball to inbound under our basket. We ran a play, and my teammate made a perfect pass to me cutting under the basket. I made the shot with 1 second on the clock and got fouled on the play. Tie game now. All I had to do was make the free throw and we would win. I had had the game of my life at that point. I just had to make 1free throw, and the game would be ours.


I missed. Overtime.


Just a few minutes later after focused and motivated play by my team, we won. I scored all 8 points in overtime, finishing the game with 40 points - my personal best game ever.


The difference was I learned how to lose.


I didn't learn ways to lose or to lose on purpose. That's not what I mean. I mean I learned what loss can teach me.


I learned that loss is a learning opportunity, if we're willing to look at it that way. I learned loss can be used as a motivation to improve my future self. I learned than when I separate emotion and turn on the analytical part of brain, I can find specific areas where I can improve - from my mindset to my technique to a specific skill - all of these things can teach me to be better next time. Loss can give me roadmap for where I want to go.


While I hate losing, John Maxwell I think taught the best approach to losing when he said, "Sometimes you win. Sometimes you Learn."


My challenge to you is to learn how to lose better today, and make losing your teacher.


#learn #success #opportunity #mindset

Everyday Leadership #38: Fit Matters

September 12, 2022 (3 min read)

Fit matters - a lot.

I love college football, and over the weekend big things happened at the 2 schools I love.

Nebraska, who I grew up watching win several national championships and never have a losing season, just lost to an unranked lower division team. Statistically, it was one of the worst performances by the defense ever, and that game was representative of the team the last 4 years. With a record of 16 wins and 31 losses over the last 4 years, Coach Scot Frost was fired.

BYU, where I went to school, finished last season in the top 25. And on Saturday night, their performance and growth showed out once again as they beat #9 Baylor in double overtime. They have a winning record each of the last couple of years and continue to show signs of improvement week over week, year over year.

Nebraska's Coach Frost appeared to be the text book best guy for the program when hired in 2018. A former Nebraska quarterback, he won them a national championship as a player and had major success at 2 other schools in coaching roles. He appeared to be the storybook hero to help the school win again after a tough few years for the school.

BYU hired Kalani Sitake in 2015. He wasn't a household name or on the radar nationally as a promising future head coach for any major program. He wasn't the hire that inspired a lot of people about BYU's future.

What's the difference between these 2 teams?


Both coaches are loved. Both are respected, but if you think fit doesn't matter, just take a look at the cost of hiring the wrong fit ($15 million for Nebraska). Fit matters a LOT.

And when you realize a person isn't the right fit, you have to be willing to make the tough but right decision to let them go and move on. It's usually best for everyone.

Fit matters. Do your best to hire right.

#fitmatters #success 


September 8, 2022 (2 min read)

Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

During my trip to the Philippines a few weeks back, I was again reminded of just how resilient the Philippines' people are. In any given year they will experience monsoonal flooding, earthquakes (a 7.0 just struck a few weeks ago), volcanic eruptions, occasional tsunamis of varying size, and on average, they experience about 20 typhoons a year - 20!

It's amazing they rebuild so often and haven't collapsed yet as a country from such frequent natural disasters. While I was there, I learned this resiliency isn't something new. The Philippines' people have regularly shown resiliency in the face of difficulty. The picture today shows Manila after World War II. In the forefront of the picture is a church with its main structural walls still standing while all around it the majority of the city was destroyed from bombings.

I learned that this particular church, a prominent symbol of their religious history, was originally built around 1581 and has been destroyed and rebuilt 8 different times!!

And that hit home with me. Their resilience is second to none. It's inspiring and awesome to witness.

It's easy to give up when things get tough. It takes very little effort to stay down when the world knocks you down.

But quitting on those moments won't make things easier in the long run. So take a lesson from the Philippines and exercise some resilience. The more you do, the stronger your resilience will become.

#resilience #dontquit #success 

Everyday Leadership #37: Toothpaste - Getting Your All Out of It

September 6, 2022 (2 min read)

How many times do you get to the end of a tube of toothpaste all too quickly and think there should have been more in there?

My wife and I have an unofficial competition to see who can legitimately get the last squeeze of toothpaste out of the tube. And honestly, even when they tube looks like it's completely flat and void of any possible toothpaste, we find more. We squeeze, we flatten, we roll, and we press it like it's dough until every last drop is out of the tube. This can easily go on for a few days past what any normal person might do when that close to the end of the tube.

You're probably asking why waste our time doing that. Well, we either like the silly game - or, resources. There's more there than what meets the eye and with a little effort, we can fully get what we paid for and get more out of it than most think is possible.

And so it is with our people. We're not going to physically squeeze and roll them to get what we want out of them. But, we can put in the extra effort and realize that often times there's more there than meets the eye... that their potential reaches far beyond what their apparent maximum seems to be. All they need is a little extra effort to produce it.

So, before you throw that tube of toothpaste away when you think it's done, try a little more and see how much more you get from it because you tried.

#effort #tryalittlemore #success 

Everyday Leadership #36: A Champion's Mindset

September 2, 2022 (3 min read)

Wakeup call is at 5:30am for these two - by choice - more than 2 hours before they leave for school. We can barely see the ball or the hoop because there aren't any lights out there.

They've asked me to coach them in basketball because they both have clear goals this year. My 10 year old wants to get back to the championship game next year and win. My 13 year old is set on making his school team.

They run distance for endurance. They do sprints for speed and agility. They practice the basics doing layups, passing drills, defensive positioning, and shooting 3 mornings every week. The other 2 days are spent doing pushups and crunches to build core strength.

For every missed layup they do a couple of pushups. For every dropped pass they do the same. And by choice, my 13 year old does 10 pushups for any airball he shoots. And at the end of practice, we play the 2 of them against me. It's fiercely competitive because all 3 of us want to win.

The rules on the court include:

🏀 You put in 100% effort

🏀 We do not criticize each other no matter what... only encouragement is allowed

🏀 We own our mistakes

🏀 No excuses or complaints

🏀 Use your frustration to focus your effort more

🏀 "Yes, Coach" is the response when getting coached or asked to do a drill

This is the Champion's Mindset. It's a simple formula:

A willingness to sacrifice what is easy for what you want + put in the work

This is what separates the great from the rest. This mindset is foundational to signifant success. My boys are exhibiting and learning great habits right now that will set them up for life and setting a great example for all their siblings and me. And in the end, I think they'll see and say it was worth it, especially because they chose it.

So today, choose to be a champion. It's worth it.

#champion #success #mindset #successprinciples 

Everyday Leadership #35: Everyone Wants to be Led Well

August 30, 2022 (3 min read)

A Peruvian. 2 old ladies. 1 middle-aged man with tatoos everywhere. 1 young man with a permanent disability. 2 teenage young men from Mexico.... and me.


Yesterday, the train back home had a significant delay. We aren't really sure why. We had to get off the train because it was bring reversed to go back north instead of south, and everyone going south were instructed to take 2 other trains to a different station to catch another train back south again.


The problem was the instructions were confusing and poorly communicated over the intercom system. So, as I got off the train, I saw the conductor with his window open. So I asked him for some details and clarification, and I got it.


A few minutes later, the young working student from Peru asked me in Spanish if I knew where to go. In my broken Spanish, I explained what we needed to do. He asked if he could follow me since we were going the same way. I said yes.


And as I said that, the 2 old ladies asked me for some direction on what they were supposed to do since they didn't hear everything. I told them as well, and a second later, they were following me. I even helped one of them carry her luggage to make her trip to visit her grandchildren easier.


A minute later, the 2 teenage young men saw me walking with a little group and asked me for some directions... and then they asked if they could just follow me. And then the young man with the permanent disability did the same, and then the man with tattoos.


And just like that, 5 minutes after getting off our train and being redirected to 3 different trains and different stations, I had a little group of people following me and chatting and introducing themselves to each other and getting to know each others' stories on our multiple train rides. It was a very long ride back home (it added more than an hour to my commute home) but quite delightful with this group of new acquaintances in our frustrating situation.


Why did they follow me?


Because I provided them with value they needed in their time of need.


Leadership is just that simple. This isn't meant to be a brag on me in any way but simply meant to demonstrate that everyone wants to be led well, and they'll willingly follow good leadership. And it's the leader's job to make sure they do that. And that's done by adding value to their people in their time of need.


#addingvalue #leadwell #success

Everyday Leadership #34: Choose Success

August 29, 2022 (2 min read)



You don't have to watch the full 5 minute video... it ends the same way it starts. And I only started the video half way through the drive. 😅


After church yesterday, my kids begged me to take the dirt road home. Why?


Because it's so bumpy that they can do this the whole way home and make their voices shake just like the car. This is life in our house.


You might be asking, what's the lesson in that?


First, I need to get away and get some quiet every once in a while!


And second, life is what you make of it. You want fun? Choose to make it fun. You want excitement? Choose to make it exciting. You want success? Choose to make yourself successful.


Every day in life is a choice. I could get away for some quiet if I wanted to... or I could join them and enjoy the dirt road bumps just as much as them.


#enjoytheride #choosehappiness #success

Goals vs. Growth Plans

August 26, 2022 (2 min read)

Last week I posted about my experience in the Philippines. I wrote about intentional growth.


The obvious question that many have is, what's a growth plan and how is it different than having goals?


Great question!


The short answer - a goal is a destination. A growth plan is a continuing journey. Growth focuses on acquiring skills and knowledge and identifies strategies that help in attaining long-term results. Both are valuable, and often times, you'll find your growth plan is made up of a series of smaller but progressive goals over time. If you have to choose, though, choose growth not just goals.

Click here to see some examples of the differences between a goal and a growth plan. 


#growth #successprinciples #leadershipdevelopment

Everyday Leadership #33: Be the Good

August 24, 2022 (2 min read)

They heard an explosion and within 30 minutes this family lost everything.


It only took 30 minutes for the fire and flood of water required to extinguish the flames to destroy everything. Having just recently moved in with 2 young boys that just started school, it was tough to witness how fast their lives changed. I can only imagine what they are feeling and experiencing.


But in the midst of this life-changing moment, our community stepped up and stepped in. Blankets, clothing, volunteer shoppers to replace what was lost, rooms to sleep in, meals, and a go fund me campaign were all arranged as quickly as the fire engulfed their home.


It has been amazing to witness the good in the community around me when the world we live in focuses on so much negativity. It reminded me that if we really want to see the good in the world around us, all we have to do is look for it.


Like the young man I witnessed yesterday afternoon that stood up to give up his seat to the elderly woman who entered the train station, it's easy to find the good in the world around you. You just have to look for it.


But if you really want to see the good, don't look for it. Be the good in the world you're in today.


#bethegood #successprinciples

Manilla Grass

August 17, 2022 (2 min read)

It started with just 2 square meters.


They call it Manilla grass. The U.S. National Cemetery in Manilla in the Philippines is a memorial to fallen soldiers from World War II. And I learned while visiting the site that when it was originally constructed, the Cemetery used plants from all over the Pacific region to represent the diversity and complexity of the battles throughout the region. One of those was a grass. They imported just 2 square meters of this grass. They didn't seed the area or sod any of the area.


The choice was instead made to nurture and care for the grass so that it would grow... so that it would eventually cover the more than 150 acres of reverenced land where more than 17,000 would call their final resting place on this earth and over 36,000 more would be remembered because they were never found.


Think about that.... from just 2 square meters they were able to seed and grow over 150 acres - about 610,000 square meters - of beautiful green grass.


That growth was intentional, deliberate, and planned growth. It took time, attention to detail, and a lot of care, and today it stands as an incredible testimony the the power of intentional growth.


We can do the same with ourselves. We are filled with the unlimited potential to grow to something grand and beautiful, just like Manilla grass. We simply need to follow the same pattern and be intentional, deliberate, and have a plan to grow so that we can.


So be like Manilla grass today and going forward. What are your plans to grow?


#growth #successprinciples

Philippines Kindness

August 15, 2022 (1 min read)

I spent last week in the Philippines with our leadership team there.


It was an incredible week and a new cultural experience for me in which I have so many insights and lessons-learned to share. But first, I want to give a great shout out to the team there and for their excellent work, their incredible dedication to their work and each other, and to their leadership.


It is rare to experience the kind of environment that functions at a high level with such strong interpersonal relationships with one another. Their leaders definitely love and live leadership daily, and it's evident in their teams.


And of all the lessons I learned, I cannot speak fondly enough of the kindness of the Philippine people. They set the standard for what kindness is and how it should be lived and shown every day. From the moment we arrived to playing basketball with so many employees together to the last day, even as I fell ill, their kindness may be the best in the world.... from the airport crews to the hotel staff to our own facilities team, their kindness and respect for everyone should be how we all live daily.


Thank you, Tomasito Zapanta and team and the Philippines 🇵🇭 for such a wonderful experience!


#team #leadership #thankyou #kindness

Get It Right

July 14, 2022 (3 min read)

I planted my foot hard to give a good fake to the defenders. And as I simultaneously started to turn my body away from the basket to let my team set up, my ankle hit the floor and my body collapsed.


Ankles aren't designed to bend over 90 degrees, but mine did that day playing basketball. I had an avulsion fracture and had torn the tendons in my ankle and right leg and could barely let someone touch it to help me out of the gym because it hurt so badly. I was in a walking boot for several months after that during my junior year of high school.


Fast forward several years and all of the sudden, I experienced shooting pain up my right leg and couldn't walk on my ankle. This would begin to happen frequently without warning and for no apparent reason. I even began to roll my ankle so easily that I couldn't walk down a flat street without randomly falling over because my ankle would just give out.


It was frustrating and painful. So I began seeking medical attention. I visited with a sports injury specialist first. I had xrays done and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. That didn't make sense to me, so I saw an orthopedic surgeon, who concurred with the first diagnosis. It still didn't make sense to me. Neither doctor spent more than 5 minutes with me nor looked at my ankle at all and only spent if 1 minute looking at my xrays.


I finally saw a regular urgent care doctor because my pain had increased significantly. Within the same 5 minutes I had spent with the previous doctors, he looked at my xrays and found a piece of bone fragment floating around in my ankle. He quickly learned about my injury from years earlier and was the only doctor who looked at my ankle itself and learned my tendons were not in tact. He immediately recommended a podiatry specialist, and 2 months later I had a restorative ankle surgery and my issues were gone.


It wasn't until years later that I realized the value of how important it is to get the right person working in the right job. The podiatrist was excellent and absolutely the right person to see, but what made all this work was actually the regular doctor I saw who knew what to do, even though it wasn't his specialty. He performed his skill at a high level and was prepared with a recommendation for who to see that could definitively resolve my problem. That regular doctor was worth more than all the others combined because he was the right person doing the right job.


There's nothing better in an organization than hiring the right person. Skills can be trained, but the right person - the right fit and the right attitude - makes all the difference. So it's important to get it right.


#getitright #hiringtherightperson #successprinciples

Everyday Leadership #32: Choose Happiness  

July 29, 2022 (1 min read)

"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you ice cream. And ice cream makes me happy."


That's what my oldest daughter told me yesterday. I love ice cream, too, so I can't disagree!


What struck me from her comment was that she knows what makes her happy. She's actually very clear on what makes her happy.... music, photography, and ice cream.


It got me thinking if we all know what really makes us happy. And even more than that, do we take the time to indulge in those things that bring us joy? While I love a great thunderstorm or hiking in the mountains, it would be unreasonable for me to do that all day long every day. But, I do need to take the time to engage with those activities.




Because I work to live, not the other way around. Jim Rohn said, "Happiness is not by chance, but by choice."


So choose to do something today that makes you happy simply because you can - because you do have a choice.


#choosehappiness #happiness #successprinciples

Choose Positivity

July 14, 2022 (1 min read)

Choose positivity.


Recently, one of the national parks was vandalized heavily. Within just a few hours of getting the report, staff were on-site cleaning up the mess and restoring the area to better-than-before condition.


The park could have posted pictures of the vandalism. They could have focused on how bad it was and sought public reprimand of the people who do it. Instead, though, they chose positivity.


They responded - they didn't react - and opted to highlight the great work of their team. What a great approach to dealing with difficult situations.


So choose positivity when you have the choice... we always have a choice.


#choosepositivity #livebetter

Anchor or Sail?

July 14, 2022 (2 min read)

Are you an anchor or a sail?


As a teenager, I loved getting out on the water. I got my sailing license one summer and spent a lot of time on the Chesapeake Bay learning how to sail a couple of different small boats. It was an amazing feeling to let out the sails and get those boats cruising across the water and getting it up on its side while hiking out over the edge.


Part of my licensing was learning the function of each part of the boat. And with most sailboats, they have an anchor and at least 2 sails. And each has a specific and obvious purpose.


The anchor is meant to keep the boat from moving... or, in some cases, when the water is too deep for it to hit the water's floor, to slow and stabilize the boat in rough waters.


The sails are meant to help the boat move... to help it get from one point to another... to let it fly across the water in the right conditions and when trimmed correctly.


Both have their purpose, but the boat is useless if it just sits at anchor all the time. The captain must lift the anchor in order to let the boat move forward. And the captain must trim the sails correctly to maximize its speed and direction.


So it is with leaders. Are you going to be an anchor or a sail? Are going to hold yourself or your teams or your children back from moving forward because you won't lift the anchor? Or are you going to let out the sails and trim them so they can fly?


While there is a time and a place to use the anchor, the boat cannot achieve its designed purpose unless you lift the anchor and let it sail. Choose to sail.


#sail #letthemfly #leaders

Never Stop Growing

July 11, 2022 (2 min read)



That was my son's response when I told him to stop growing.


He's only 6 years old but growing fast. He's tall, he has a killer smile, and his work ethic surpasses that of just about everyone I know. If there's a job to do, he's the first one volunteering to do it and the last one working on it.


And just recently, as he's moved up in clothing size, I looked at him and it just hit me how fast he's growing. So, jokingly I told him to stop growing, and his response was epic with one hand raised in the air..."Never!"


And with that, he smiled, turned and ran off.


In that moment, I realized his attitude was right on.


Never. Stop. Growing.


Life is better when you're growing because that means you're living.


So - Keep learning. Keep stretching. Keep challenging yourself. Keep moving. Keep looking forward. Keep pushing. Keep growing. If you aren't growing, you're dying.


#neverstopgrowing #work #learning #leadership

Everyday Leadership #31: Challenge Changes You  

July 05, 2022 (2 min read)

My physical therapy is TOUGH. Since my car accident a couple months back, I've been doing physical therapy twice a week to rehab my back injury.


Every week, we add repetitions and new exercises designed to strengthen my core and my back. And every week, the longer the routine gets, the tougher it gets... and the bigger the feeling gets to just quit or do it half-heartedly. But, out in front of me while I work out is a quote by Fred Devito that reads:


"If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you."


That quote keeps me going. Just like my boys last week that pushed way beyond their limits on our hike up the mountain, I can push further than I feel and think I have capacity to. It takes some focus and mental strength to do that.


I by no means am a superman when it comes to mental fortitude, but I'm learning every day how to be stronger. I listen to podcasts that uplift me and teach me. I read books that do the same. I am trying to change my vocabulary with myself and asking myself better questions. I'm trying to focus on my health and getting enough rest daily, which is a tough one for me. I'm challenging myself to see where my limits are and how to surpass them. And I'm trying to reflect more to learn from my own experiences and from those around me that have been there before.


Mental strength is just like physical strength. It requires focused effort and exercise to develop and maintain. This experience has definitely tested mine and is helping it grow.


What do you do to strengthen your mental capacity?


#learnandgrow #mentalstrength #personaldevelopment

Everyday Leadership #30: Borrowing Motivation  

June 27, 2022 (3 min read)

Sometimes it takes someone else's motivation to push you past your limits.


This last week, I went camping for 4 days with several young men. We had a variety of activities planned for the week to teach skills and to test our limits and learn about ourselves.


On Thursday, we did a hike up to a lake. It was about 9.6 miles out and back. The challenge was that it climbed almost 3,000 feet on the 4.8 miles out to the lake, and the trail was not smooth. It was covered in loose rocks, small boulders, and tree roots and had several downed trees and water runoff from the creek the trail followed. It made several stretches of trail muddy and difficult to pass.


About half way up, some of the boys in my group took a break and decided they were done. The climb was too difficult and exhausting, and they had lost their enthusiasm in the effort. My son was in this group, and what surprised me was his attitude.


We all took the break together, but my son started encouraging the boys. He talked about how awesome it would be to get to the top and see the lake. He, with one other young man, got our group back on their feet and moving upward. In fact, for the next couple of hours he and this other young man kept finding positive things to say and found ways around every obstacle on our path. They kept our group moving at every break, one step at a time, one ascending foot at a time.


By the time we reached the top of the ridge about 1 mile from the lake, we had hiked and climbed for almost 2 hours longer than the boys even wanted to early on. We moved slowly, but we moved.


In the end, we didn't make it to the lake and had to turn around because of how late it was in the afternoon, but what was most impressive was the leadership of these 2 young men who encouraged their peers and let them borrow some of their motivation to get them further and higher than they ever thought they could achieve.


Sometimes we need that - to borrow the motivation from others to achieve the impossible or to overcome the challenging. And it's OK when we do because it's those experiences that help us achieve more than we think we're capable of and lets us see things we never would have otherwise.


#leadership #motivation

Everyday Leadership #29: Don't Quit  

June 2022 (2 min read)

My daughter introduced me to a song over the weekend that I hadn't heard before. Here are some of the lyrics:


"I'm so tired, sitting here waiting

If I hear one more "Just be patient"

It's always gonna stay the same


So let me just give up

So let me just let go

If this isn't good for me

Well, I don't wanna know


Let me just stop trying

Let me just stop fighting

I don't want your good advice

Or reasons why I'm alright"


As I listened to the song with her, I was waiting in anticipation for a turning point - a point of redemption where things got better. It never came. The message was clear... let me be and let me quit.


While the music is pretty, the message struck me and not in a good way. Life is tough. Everyone's circumstances are different, and sometimes we need a moment to process our emotions and just feel down or sad for a season. But we WILL be alright! And we NEED each other. We NEED a good support structure of mentors, friends and family to encourage, uplift and challenge us in difficult times.


Whatever you do and no matter how difficult things may be, don't quit. Don't leave your head hanging down for long. Don't stop trying. Don't stop fighting. Patience and perseverance combined with some effort pay off in the long run.


One bad day, one bad month, or one bad year doesn't have to be permanent. The sun isn't setting on you forever. Today is a new day. Pick your head up and keep fighting. It's worth it.


#dontquit #keepfighting

Surround Yourself with Great People  

June 2022 (2 min read)

I just came back from a week visiting a few cities in Brazil with our facility operations teams there.


We visited several buildings, inspected the quality of services being contracted, interviewed some of our customers, contractors, and employees, and visited with the area leadership team for a couple of days. It was amazing.


I can't help but recognize the power of surrounding yourself with great people and great talent. The team there demonstrated an excellent commitment to high performance and to continuing improvement. They illustrated great value in developing relationships with everyone they work with. And they shared their incredible knowledge-base with me all week long, teaching me more than they realize by their example.


Surrounding yourself with great people with the right attitude makes a huge difference in the work environment. It really adds to the possibility of success in any organization.


And that's where leaders impact organizational success. Leaders need to invest the time to hire the right talent and the right attitude. But it doesn't stop there. Leaders need to continually invest in their people and their organizations so they continue to develop consistently over time.


I can buy a great, dependable top-rated car, but without regular maintenance, gas, and someone competent behind the wheel driving it, the car doesn't go anywhere. The same is true of leadership.


Thank you to the Brazil team for highlighting this through your examples this past week!


#leadership #teambuilding #success

Everyday Leadership #28: Live. Learn. Improve.  

May 2022 (2 min read)

Championship game last night. We lost to a great basketball team. My boys played really hard but we couldn't pull it off.


They were really upset, and rightfully so. They had worked incredibly hard to get here. One of our better players couldn't be there. We had significantly improved a lot from our first game through last night. We probably played our most complete game last week in the first round of the tournament to get here. Our momentum was high.


But we lost - yet we won, too. It was just tough for them to see at that moment.


1st place in our division.

2nd place in the entire county.


My son still cried, but what I loved was his attitude in the face of his adversity. He vowed to practice harder and to get to work on getting better. He committed to improving specific skills that he thought needed work. He promised he would be back to win that championship and hoist that trophy.


I think we can all learn from that experience. We lost because we didn't play our best. We didn't focus as well on what made us so good to begin with. I didn't coach my best because of distractions from our circumstances. But in all of that, we have opportunities to improve. The experience is a platform on which we will build to be better. My son's commitment will focus his frustration into productive future outcomes.


And that's what it's all about. Live. Learn. Improve.


I look forward to next season!


#live #learn #improve #greatopportunities #success

Everyday Leadership #27: Animal Crackers - Now or Later? 

May 2022 (2 min read)

Even at 13 years old, my son still loves animal crackers. They are often his snack of choice.


At any given time, he can be found with a mouth full of them or with a cup full of them and sometimes even with the whole bag of them. He is growing a ton right now so it's not uncommon for him to eat between every meal. The problem is he sometimes will eat a whole bag of animal crackers if we don't stop him! And then, when it comes time to eat dinner, he won't be super hungry.


What's funny is that when we make something he really loves for dinner and he's already eaten a bunch of crackers, he'll have this look of disappointment in his face that he can't eat as much of what he really likes. And as usual, we'll remind him to not eat so many crackers or snacks before a meal next time.


Why am I talking about animal crackers and my son's eating habits?


Life is full of snacks - things that are appealing and provide a temporary satisfaction - that hold us over enough to get us by. They scratch that "itch" enough to provide some relief. But these are also things that if consumed too heavily or too often and without discipline can ruin our future gains and opportunities. They steal from us the true reward of our patience and focus.


"Don't let current appetites rob you of future feasts."

-Brian Buffini


Stay focused on your bigger goals. Don't sleep in and skip getting up and exercising today. Don't buy that thing on Amazon when you could make an extra payment on your debt today. Don't fill up on animal crackers when you could wait and enjoy a steak instead.


Don't let what can temporarily satisfy now rob you of future growth, success, and fulfillment. You're only stealing from Yourself if you do.


#growth #success #future #opportunities #focus

It's the Note You Play Next

May 2022 (2 min read)

I play the piano, percussion, I'm learning the ukulele (slowly), I sing, and I have a guitar I plan to learn at some point.


Along all my musical learning journeys, I have practiced and played a lot of music. I've played a lot of music by incredible composers, I've written a little of my own music, and I've arranged some, too.


Over that time, some might say I've played a lot of wrong notes - wrong because the composer didn't write it the way I played it.


So what makes a note wrong in the first place?


Miles Davis, a gifted and very famous jazz musician, was attributed this quote, "It's not the note you play that's the wrong note - it's the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong."


In other words, it's what you do next that makes the previous step have or not have value.


I don't know about you, but I've taken plenty of missteps in life. I feel like I've made several the last few weeks in particular. Those experiences might stand alone; they might not. It all depends on what I do next because my next choice is what gives value to my last one.


"... it's the note you play [next]..."


#learning #music #value #leadership

Everyday Leadership #26: Communication and Dirt

May 2022 (2 min read)

What I said was down around the corner. What she heard was down around the corner.


What I meant was down the street... around 3 corners. You know... down around the bend to the right then turn left and take the first right. What she understood was down our street in the vicinity of the corner.


60 wheelbarrow loads later, all shoveled by hand, my wife had moved some free dirt to our backyard - from the wrong house.


That one is obviously on me. I didn't clearly communicate the message and information. I figured she had the same information I did and knew what I meant. And I didn't follow up to make sure we were on the same page. And that's how I met my new neighbors - by introducing myself as the guy who's family just stole all their backyard landscape dirt.


Lessons learned: When you communicate, it's important to:


1️⃣ Know your audience,

2️⃣ Tailor your message to your audience accordingly,

3️⃣ And check for understanding.


If you don't, you might end up taking the wrong neighbor's pile of dirt.


#communication #learning #awesomewife

Everyday Leadership #25: Meet Them Where They Are

May 2022 (2 min read)

Another basketball season has begun! I'm coaching one of my sons again, and now my youngest daughter is playing for the first time. So it's basketball story time again!


During my daughter's first game, she was confused plenty but picked up playing defense fairly well early on. She ran up and down the floor quickly, kept her hands up most of the time, and was consistent at guarding her person.... on both ends of the court - defensively and offensively!


From the bleachers, my oldest son yelled to his sister, "Emma, don't guard your guy when you're on offense. Try to get open to score!"


Emma looked up at him and responded, "I don't know when I'm on offense!" 😄


I love her honesty!


Moral of the story - when it comes to teaching and helping others, meet them where they are. My son's desire was to help his sister be better. The challenge? They are on different levels of experience and understanding. My son was trying to teach her as though she was on the same level as him, but that obviously didn't work.


In order to be effective helping and teaching others, you have to meet them where they are. You cannot be an effective coach or teacher or parent or leader without understanding this. You don't help someone run without helping them learn to walk first.


Like my son, he won't help my daughter to play offense until she knows what offense is and how it's different from defense.


Meet them where they are. It's one of the keys to successfully helping, coaching, teaching and leading others.


#coaching #help #leader #teaching #meetthemwheretheyare

Don't Give 110% - You Can't

April 2022 (2 min read)

You cannot give 110%.


Just like a cup being filled with water, if you keep filling it, it eventually overflows. It can't be filled more than its capacity.


Think about it. Let's assume you only get half as much done as you planned today, so you think you'll make up the time and work the tomorrow. And you might accomplish all of it the next day... but did you really make up time lost from the previous day?


Or did you just discover that your capacity is greater when you intentionally focus your effort, attention, and time?


Think about the day or week before you go on vacation. How much do you typically accomplish? For a lot of people, these days just before vacation are some of their most productive and effective work days. Why? Because they are highly focused, very intentional, and they have a clear objective.


We underestimate our own capacity and often exaggerate our outcome. You cannot give more than your actual capacity. You can, however, get better at giving 100% and at getting closer to giving 100% more of the time.


Pay attention to the times you are highly productive and effective. What was your environment like (music, lighting, door open or closed)? What did you say yes to and no to during the day? Did you answer every phone call, text, and email? How did you handle unplanned interruptions? How much sleep did you get the night before? Did you follow a routine to start the day? What did you eat?


It's a learning process, and when you learn what contributes to your ability to give 100%, you can do it more often. And when you can do that, your whole world will be different.


#give100 #productivity #learning

Everyday Leadership #24: Worth & Value

April 2022 (3 min read)

There's over $300 sitting on my couch. My two oldest sons earned that over the last two months so they could buy their own Xbox. That was the only way we would allow one in our home.


They shoveled snow for several people in the neighborhood; they pulled and moved sod for a gentleman; and they did odds and ends frequently to earn whatever they could every opportunity they got.


The xbox was worth the effort.


They set a goal. They made plans and a budget. And they worked that plan until they reached it. That was almost the only thing they talked about every day since they established their goal.


It was a highly valuable experience for both of them.


Did I just say the same thing? Or is there a difference between worth and value?


I think there's a difference.


WORTH can be defined essentially as the cost of production of something. For my boys, the time invested and work they did was their cost of production.


VALUE can be defined as the importance you assign or associate with something - like an object, your activity, or an experience. The experience my sons had setting a goal, making a plan and achieving that goal is a lesson they'll build on for their futures. It's important to them because it demonstrates they are capable of achieving their goals when they're focused and make the appropriate effort. It has value - it's highly important to them - because they worked for and earned it themselves.


Their Xbox will symbolize both, and every time they play it or invite their friends over to play it, it will be a story and experience they share that will rekindle the feelings and memories of the worth and value they associate with it for having done it themselves. It will be more than just an Xbox for both of them. And how do I know that? Because I can see it in their faces and how they lift their shoulders just a little bit more and smile just a little bit bigger as they talk about it with everyone around.


What do you truly 'value'? What is really 'worth' your time and effort?


#worth #value #work #goals #effort #learning


April 2022 (3 min read)

Last Friday started off with a bang - literally.


I was hit going through an intersection by a car turning left through the intersection. Bruised and quite sore from the collision, both of us walked away.


As my family and friends were looped in to what happened, they showed great concern for me and my well being. They focused immediately on opportunities to help and ways to make this burden easier to bare.


My oldest daughter focused immediately on the other driver after knowing I was ok.


My wife focused on me and her gratitude for my safety and that our family was still whole.


My youngest 2 boys (3 and 5 years old) focused on the loss of our Durango. It was our car - our truck that pulled our trailer - and it's gone now.


And my focus shifted many times that day, from my concern for my physical health to the insurance claim to the process and burden of having to buy a new car to the financial impact our family would now experience to gratitude for my safety and to the calm we felt because of good financial planning my wife and I had done years ago for situations like this.


What's the point of sharing this?




Our perspective changes how we view our life experiences. Where I choose to focus - the perspective I choose to view my life from - impacts what I feel, what I think, and how I react. It influences me.


"The lens through which we view our life matters because we will find what we're looking for." -Sarah Butterfield


From one perspective, I am frustrated. I am physically hurting and uncomfortable. I am annoyed that we have to buy a new car. I am upset at the situation overall.


But from another perspective, I am grateful I was not very seriously injured. I am confident our family will be OK. I am not worried because we're financially prepared for this. And I am touched by so many acts of kindness from friends and family alike.


Of these perspectives, I choose the latter. Life will be better that way today.


What perspective will you choose to see today?


#perspective #gratitude

Where's Your Focus?

March 2022 (3 min read)

He wakes up every day at 5:30a on his own. He doesn't have to get up until a little after 6 for school.


He gets dressed and goes into my office, crawls under my desk and turns on my small space heater. He grabs a book to read while he's under there - and not just any book. Right now he's reading "Self-Improvement 101" by John Maxwell.


While he reads he takes notes on index cards of the principles that stand out to him or tasks he wants to do to be better.


This is what committing to yourself looks like.


Are you committed to your own self-care and improvement?


Whether we read a book, exercise, or take a few minutes to meditate, we need to dedicate time to these activities daily. This investment of time in yourself is one of the single, largest factors in your future growth and success.


You don't need a lot of time to do this, but it's important to do it daily because the real measure of growth and success is simple - are you better today than you were yesterday?


#getbetter #selfimprovement #success #successhabits #johnmaxwell

Everyday Leadership #23: Commit to Yourself

March 2022 (2 min read)

He wakes up every day at 5:30a on his own. He doesn't have to get up until a little after 6 for school.


He gets dressed and goes into my office, crawls under my desk and turns on my small space heater. He grabs a book to read while he's under there - and not just any book. Right now he's reading "Self-Improvement 101" by John Maxwell.


While he reads he takes notes on index cards of the principles that stand out to him or tasks he wants to do to be better.


This is what committing to yourself looks like.


Are you committed to your own self-care and improvement?


Whether we read a book, exercise, or take a few minutes to meditate, we need to dedicate time to these activities daily. This investment of time in yourself is one of the single, largest factors in your future growth and success.


You don't need a lot of time to do this, but it's important to do it daily because the real measure of growth and success is simple - are you better today than you were yesterday?


#getbetter #selfimprovement #success #successhabits #johnmaxwell

Everyday Leadership #22: Protecting Against Drift

March 2022 (3 min read)

"I'm going to waste my savings today and ruin my financial future..."


I doubt you woke up this morning and said that as you looked yourself in the mirror. You probably don't ever wake up with the intent to sabotage your physical, financial, or mental well-being.


So why do we often end up so far from our actual goals?




Slowly and over time, we just drift. We're not doing it on purpose. It's a natural course of life to do so. We get distracted; the realities of life - of family, of work, of whatever - set in and interfere with our progress and our focus. The trick is to use rumble strips.


You've seen these before. Some of us - maybe many of us - have even run over them before. They run along the center line or the shoulder of interstates and highways. And when you hit them, they make an impossible-to-miss loud noise in your car and vibrate it intensely.


Why? 👉To let you know you've drifted and need to correct your course. They help you avoid a disasterous outcome.


We need the same controls in life... in our financial, our physical, our mental and our social environments. These rumble strips can help us quickly identify when we're off track and need to correct course.


These rumble strips might be a friend who helps us exercise regularly and holds us accountable for staying on schedule. They might be an automated alert in our financials to indicate a limit we've hit that we don't want to cross. They might be a weekly self-evaluation to determine where we misstepped and have opportunities to improve.


Whatever they are, these rumble strips are needed to protect us as we drift. We need them to avoid unwanted outcomes.


If you don't have any rumble strips, maybe it's time to build some into your daily and weekly goals and systems. If you do, stay the course and keep correcting course whenever you find yourself drifting.


#drift #focus #successhabits

Everyday Leadership #21: Support Network

March 2022 (2 min read)

Do you have a good support network?


A little over a week ago, a friend of one of my sons passed away unexpectedly. At only 9 years old it was a shock to everyone and has been difficult to understand and cope with.


The funeral service was a beautiful celebration of this young man's life, and I had the privilege of providing the music for the service. Because of that, I had a seat up in front of the congregation and loved what I saw.


Off to the left of my view sat a row full of boys in their basketball and football jerseys... teammates all together, torn apart in their grief yet so unified in their strength together.


It was amazing and inspiring to see how they supported each other and collectively processed this tragedy as a team.


This experience reiterated to me the power of a great team. Whether difficult roads are upon us or challenging goals are ahead of us, having the support of a great team - just like these boys - makes all the difference in the world.


#team #teamwork

Life is Precious

March 2022 (1 min read)

3 weeks ago a friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. Over the weekend, a friend of one of my sons passed away.


Both were healthy and happy, living life so well. And yet, with no warning, they slipped beyond this existence.


My heart aches, but especially so for my son. At just 10 years old, it's difficult for him to understand what happened to his friend and teammate. Life was full of potential and limitless opportunity, but for now, it seems a bit cruel and unforgiving.


I can't help but think of how precious life really is. Love every moment of every day. Live every breath like it matters - because it does. Give your family an extra hug. Say something kind just because you can. Express gratitude and kindness to everyone around you. The world needs it because we never know just how short and precious our lives may be.


#livelife #lovelife

Everyday Leadership #20: Excellence is a Habit

February 2022 (3 min read)

Flash forward...


As a parent of 7 kids with my wife, this image gave us a glimpse of the future. Our oldest daughter is exploding with potential and becoming a more beautiful woman every day. Her future is bright.


Yesterday she got to spend the day with me at work because she didn't have school. She set up in my office and got to work - school work. She never once got distracted or stopped working. She completely owns her education and controls where it's going. She's holding a 4.0 in school right now and excelling quickly in her passion for music in school.


Flashback just a couple of years... she routinely missed assignments and seemed almost disinterested in her education yet was overall a good student.


Looking at her yesterday, what changed?


Her vision, her goals, and her habits.


She found what she loves and decided to focus on it. She's set specific goals for what she wants to become and to accomplish, and she's systemized her approach. She has built better habits on that foundation.


She has realized that what she does daily produces exactly the outcome she works toward.


Thus what Aristotle said has taken shape for her:


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."


Her habits indeed are producing great results, and it's reflected in who she is today and who she is becoming daily as well.


Excellence is beautiful on her.


#habits #work #vision #successhabits #excellence

Everyday Leadership #19: Sometimes You Win. Sometimes You Learn.

February 2022 (3 min read)

90 seconds to go - we were down by 6.


My boys were exhausted. They had fought through an intense game and played extremely well. They just had to push a little harder for another 90 seconds.


As the time ticked away, the realization started to set in. The other team scored again.... down by 8... we missed another shot. 10 seconds to go...


Then 5 seconds to go...


The buzzer sounded as we launched up one last shot.


That was it. Game over. Season over. We lost.


Immediately as the emotions rose to a peak, the tears began to fall. Our team had put out a masterful effort. We just played the number one team in the league. We led the first half of the game and then went back and forth - point for point - in the second half until the last few minutes.


It was incredible to even think we could compete against this team a few weeks before. This was the same team that thrashed us badly the first time (the game where we only had 6 points through the whole game and made a run at the end and kept them from scoring even though we still lost by "only" 19).


Looking back at that game specifically and reflecting on our season, we grew so much. We made huge leaps in progress from being a non-competitor to being an equal player against the best team in the league.


Tough loss? Absolutely. Probably our toughest because we knew we could win. We believed we would. We had come so far and fought so hard.


It didn't go our way in the end, but that's OK. Our growth and learning is our biggest success.


John Maxwell says, "Sometimes you Win. Sometimes you Learn."


We did a lot of that this season. So congratulations to my boys. Congratulations to my assistant coach. Congratulations to the parents of these young men.


We will learn from this and come back better and stronger next season. So here's to our season of learning!


... until next season, keep winning when you can and keep learning!


#learning #growth #success

Everyday Leadership #18: Pool Noodles & Basketball

February 2022 (3 min read)

Pool noodles and basketball - what do they have in common?


Well, it turns out pool noodles are a great tool to teach boys how and where to hold their hands to play defense during a basketball game - seriously!


So last week, we ended our regular season and got some statistics on our team.


-We are in 8th place out of 9 teams.

-We are 2nd in the league in points scored per game.

-We win and lose by an average of 9.5 points per game.

-And we are dead LAST in points scored against us per game (points allowed per game) at 49.5 points per game.


Our obvious weakness:



So at our last practice, I brought pool noodles and made the boys hold them up over their heads and in front of their chests for half of practice. The goal was to get them focused on hand position defensively by making a random and noticeable change to what we were doing normally.


And it worked!!


I brought the pool noodles to our first tournament game last night and waved them around during the game while yelling, "Get those pool noodles up!" the whole game. And we WON!


We won 55 to 29! We held our opponent to the least amount of points scored against us all season long. We stole the ball more than any other game and made huge strides in our on-going progression as a team defensively.


And as an added bonus, our defense allowed our offense to flow so that every player on our team got shots up last night.


Sometimes you just have to change it up. Making one change can be the difference in making forward progress today and gaining momentum.


If you're stuck in a rut or feel stagnant in your progress, try changing it up. Adjust your routine. Try a different technique. Do something you haven't done before. Grab a pool noodle and see what you can do!


#changeitup #successhabits #team #success

Wellness Is...

February 2022 (2 min read)

Wellness is the state of being in good health. It's made up of not only our physical and mental condition but is a combination of all aspects of our lives - social, spiritual, financial, emotional - and how they interplay with each other.


Fitness is a key factor in wellness. Fitness is a measure of how quickly we recover. Recover from what? From exertion or use of our capacity and resources.


🗨 You run a 5k - how long does it take you to breath normally again?


🗨 You study for and take a certification exam - how long does it take to not feel mentally tired anymore?


🗨 You purchase a car or experience a medical emergency - how quickly can you replenish your savings?


In order to achieve a high level of fitness - to reduce your recovery time - you have to exercise. You have to out in the effort of planning and preparing.


To be physically fit, you have to exercise the muscles. To be intellectually fit, you have to read and meditate and challenge your mind to learn new things. To be financially fit, you have to practice saving and investing and building and managing a budget.


The better your exercise - the better planning, the better and consistent execution, the better the feedback and testing of your fitness - the higher the level of your fitness.


What exercises are you doing to achieve higher levels of fitness in your life?


#wellness #fitness #planning #health #successhabits

Everyday Leadership #17: Success is Step by Step

February 2022 (2 min read)

We won!


44 to 36. Ok - it wasn't the championship or anything big like that. It was the last game of our season before the tournament, and it was only our 2nd win of the season but we won!


The boys played really hard, and it got really close at the end. The other team played a suffocating full-court press at the end of the game and made the last few minutes very intense. But my boys kept playing together and pulled through for the win!


All our work and progress led us to this point and paid off. Little by little, step by step, day by day, our team made the effort and finally got a win. And you know what? It feels really good, and we're celebrating like champions.


Like my son's basketball team, progress and success are the products of effort, continuous improvement, and a determination to succeed through the process. And when we do succeed, celebrate the win. Why? Because you earned it and the positive reinforcement helps to build on that foundation for the next win.


Step by step. Progress after progress. Success are success. And celebration after celebration. That's the path to success.


What step are you on? What progress have you made? And what are you celebrating today?


#success #work #process #celebratesuccess

Everyday Leadership #16: Cupcake or Escape? 

February 2022 (1 min read)

It may look like just a cupcake to you.


To my 11 year old daughter who made these, it's an activity that makes her happy. It's a creative outlet that let's her mind apply what's running around inside it. It's a stress-relieving practice that gives her a place to go when life is just hard sometimes. It's a relationship building experience with her mother, and often her younger siblings, who love to bake together with her. And it's a way she brings joy to others.


With everything always in motion around us all the time, you need a place you can go or an activity you can do that gives you a productive escape - that let's your mind run freely and allows you a chance to recharge. For my talented daughter, baking is one of those experiences and activities.


What do you do?


#recharge #mentalescape

Everyday Leadership #15: Our Best Loss 

February 2022 (3 min read)

"That was our best loss!"


That's what my son said after our last game. We lost 43 to 41, but it was way different.


We were in this game the whole time. We competed defensively. We shared the ball and played as a team. We had 4 different players score and 6 players shooting the ball last night instead of only 2 or 3. We were energetic and excited. We believed we would win. It was different.


Why and how?


We changed our warmup. We adjusted our rotations. We talked to each other differently and focused more as a team. We refined our approach and pushed a little bit longer and harder.


We continued to tweak our plans and finally saw our practice paying off, and not just in a little way. We almost beat the 2nd place team in the league.


Progress is incremental. It's step by step, brick by brick that we build a foundation on which we can grow. Like a bamboo shoot, growth requires constant nourishment and patience before its growth eventually explodes. The same is true for us.


There was nothing better to hear from my son and our team that could represent their progress and success than what my son said after that game.


"That was our best loss!"


Our bamboo shoot has started to grow. So keep practicing. Keep refining. Keep working hard. Keep learning. Your progress and success will come.


#growth #success #learning #teamwork #stepbystep

Everyday Leadership #14: Can I Help? 

February 2022 (2 min read)

Do you have an attitude of helping?


Every time my wife goes into the kitchen to bake something, this little man perks up. "Do you need help? Can I help?"


Every time I go to the garage to work on something or bring tools in to do a house project, this guy is right there. "Do you need help? Can I help?"


Since the moment he could walk an talk, that's been his attitude. He just wants to help.


He doesn't worry about how much work it will be. He doesn't think about a reward for doing it or recognition for his effort. His instinct is to just help. When there's an opportunity, he just helps.


Life is just better when we help. It might take some effort to develop an attitude of helping, but it's worth it in the end because everyone loves a willing helper.




February 2022 (2 min read)

We had just come home from the hospital. He was our 3rd baby boy, and we were in love all over again.


30 minutes later we were in an ambulance heading to the children's hospital emergency room.


Shortly after getting home, my son had a seizure and stopped breathing. He was turning blue and unresponsive. I called 911, and my wife instinctivly began checking his airway, listening to his chest and then began CPR.


It was a terrifying few minutes. Thanks to my wife, he started breathing again. The paramedics arrived and got us on our way to the hospital. And over the next week, he would have multiple seizures and stop breathing. Testing and probing and evaluation after evaluation yielded no information, but he eventually recovered and, with treatments, has grown into a good and healthy young boy.


What saved our son was my wife's training. She had been an EMT before, and while it was a few years before this son was born (we have 4 boys), her training was a natural reaction to her circumstances.


Training is important, and continuous training is crucial to development and performance. We've heard it before - you fall to the level of your training - and that was true in our experience just as much as it is for everyone in life.


So take your training seriously. If you don't have a training plan, make one. Whatever your chosen career and life path, get trained and keep training until what you're learning becomes second nature. You never know when your expertise and experience will be needed.


#training #learning #growth

Keep Fighting

February 2022 (1 min read)

Another game, another loss. My oldest son's basketball team couldn't do it again last night. They lost 73 to 51.


They hate losing. But -


They scored 51 points. I wish they could see they scored the most they've scored in any game this season. I wish they could see they got down in the first half but then kept the margin even the entire second half because of playing much better defense. I wish they could see how much improvement they made playing as a complete team. I wish they could how much better they passed the ball together and helped each other score the entire game. I wish they could see how much progress and improvement they've made in just 5 games.


I hurt for my son and for his team last night. It was the most complete and best game they've played all season and yet they lost; but, they had so many other wins in the process. I wish they could see their growth through my eyes.


Keep fighting. Keep pushing. Keep putting in the work. Keep getting better. Keep challenging yourself, and keep growing. Loss is temporary and is only an event.


Through all of the loss and frustration, keep fighting. The wins will come in the end.


#keepfighting #keepgrowing #team #successmindset #success

Everyday Leadership #13: Willing to Learn

February 2022 (3 min read)

My oldest son's basketball team lost again last week.


It was a frustrating loss. We played well in the first half as a team and kept it close, but the other team outplayed us. Our team lost some focus and didn't play collectively well together.


Yesterday, though, I was inspired. My friend's son was on the team that beat my son's team. We were talking yesterday, and this friend's son told me that a guy on my team was talking to all the players on his team. My player was intentionally seeking out the competition - the winners - at school the last few days to talk to them.


My player was asking them what our team could do better. He wanted to know how we could play better. He wanted to know what strategies and skills we could work on to compete and win. He wanted to know what he could do better individually and how he could contribute more to his team.


After a few minutes, I figured out that boy from my team was my son. #prouddadmoment


Losing isn't easy, and it can frustrate progress. But when you approach it with an attitude of learning, like my son has, each loss can transform into a wealth of knowledge. It can become a building block for future success.


So instead of focusing on the losses and how disappointing they are, look at them for what you can learn and gain. Make them your building blocks for growth and success. You'll succeed much faster when you do.


#success #learning #growth #building

Everyday Leadership #12: Harmony, Not Balance

February 2022 (2 min read)

Have you ever played with one of these?


This little puzzle ball is fascinating and fun. My kids love these. The goal is to move every ball around the sphere to its matching color ring (blue ball to blue ring, black ball to black ring, and so on) by pushing each one inside the ball and moving it around. There are 12 spaces and 11 balls.


What's interesting is that you can almost never just move one ball. You have to strategically move 3 or 4 at a time in order to get 1 ball in its place. And often, you have to move a ball out of its final and correct position in order to get another ball into its correct position before moving the first one back into place.


I have 7 kids. Life is a little bit crazy all the time. With family time, work, school activities, church service, personal goals, chores and keeping up with our home, it's extremely difficult to find balance. But, balance isn't what we should be aiming for.


Balance implies that things are equally weighted. And every time we give our time to one activity, another one loses out, creating imbalance.


What we should be working for is harmony. Harmony, musically, is the combination of different notes and chords to make a pleasing sound. It's the puzzle ball - it's moving things around in the right combination to get the right result. It can be done using several different moves and different color balls each time, but the end result is the same.


Such is life. Every day demands your time and attention differently. The more you work for balance, the more imbalance you'll find. Instead, try working toward harmony. What can you do to reasonably adjust, to reset expectations and your mindset to allow for the right amount of time and effort for each of those demands? What resources can you pull on to help you? What things will you maybe have to move out of place to get something else into place?


How can you find harmony today?


#harmony #focus #successmindset #personalgrowth

Everyday Leadership #11: Seeing Yourself

February 2022 (2 min read)

How do you see yourself?


Over the weekend, I took my kids to the park. While playing basketball with a few of them, my youngest took notice of his shadow. He stopped playing and instead started posing, and when he was done posing, he chased his shadow to see how close he could get to catching it.


This moment here, though, was my favorite. He stood up straight, flexed his muscles and paused. It was as-if he was taking in how big he was in that moment.


What he doesn't realize yet, only being 3 years old, is that his shadow in that moment reflects his potential that is much bigger than he is. What he doesn't know yet is that his life will have a bigger influence on others than he knows. What he doesn't see yet is that his shadow is a portrait of just how big he can become. What he doesn't understand yet is that his shadow is a map for his future growth.


Sometimes I don't think we realize, see, and understand our own potential, influence or growth. We are bigger and better than we realize. Our potential is never-ending and our ability to grow is only stifled by our lack of doing what is necessary to grow.


So take a moment today and look at your shadow. You're bigger, better, and stronger than you realize.


"Limitless if your potential. Magnificent is your future." -Gordon B. Hinckley


#potential #biggerbetterstronger #successmindset

Everyday Leadership #10: Blah Blah Blah

February 2022 (2 min read)

My son hated writing. It required effort and time, neither of which he was willing to give.


So when his first grade teacher told his class they had a writing assignment that day, my son was not too enthusiastic about it. He was told what to write about, and while he didn't want to do it, he did it. He wrote the bare minimum necessary to meet the absolute minimum requirements of the assignment.


Seeing this and hoping he would make more of a legitimate effort, his teacher encouraged him to write more.


He didn't.


She encouraged again to write more and then some more. And finally, exhausted from being told to write more, he did. He started another sentence...and promptly finished his assignment by writing, "...blah, blah, blah."


Yup - blah, blah, blah. He was done. He did exactly what he was told - write more.


If you want a specific result, then you need to give specific instructions. The teacher had good intentions, but the instruction given was to simply write more.


We need to be clear with our vision and clear with what our instructions, goals, and expectations are if we expect to achieve specific results. If we aren't, then don't be surprised when you get "...blah, blah, blah" in the end.


#clearpathforward #blahblahblah #vision

Everyday Leadership #9: Small Victories

January 2022 (2 min read)

With about 8 minutes left in the game, we were down 39 to 6, and based on how we were playing, we had no chance at winning the game.


I coach my oldest son's basketball team, and last night we lost badly to another team. They didn't just play a better game than our team, they taunted, cheered and made winning as loud as they could. My team was frustrated, angry, and down on themselves. They couldn't score and they couldn't stop the other team from scoring.


I called timeout with about 7 minutes to go. I told the boys honestly we likely wouldn't win the game. There wasn't enough time to win, but I did tell them we could score again. I challenged them to score 6 more points - to double what they had scored the entire game up until then, and I challenged them to score the first 2 of those 6 points in the next 90 seconds.


"The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself." -Plato


We didn't score for another 2 minutes. Then, we scored again and again. Our defense picked up, and we scored again. Time was ticking away, but we kept scoring.


We didn't win the game in the end, but we did reach and actually exceeded our goal. We scored 14 points in the last 7 minutes of that game - 8 more points than they were challenged to score. And you know what else? The other team didn't score another point in that game.


We lost 39 to 20, but the victory we gained from that herculean effort was and is so valuable. This team learned of their potential, especially when they are laser-focused and working together as a team. And they can build on that going forward. "Small victories are better than none" - Neal Shusterman


#smallwins #lessonslearned #successmindset

Everyday Leadership #8: Loyalty is Driven by Value

January 2022 (1 min read)

Loyalty is driven by Value.


My youngest son, Ryan, is a daddy's boy. He sticks by my side for just about everything. However, over the summer, while living in Montana, I couldn't convince him to stick with me at the lake's edge. He wanted to be on the water where all the action was. He just didn't know how to get there without me.


One of his older brothers figured out that he could take the gear lid off the back end of the kayak, and that spot made a perfect seat for Ryan. And just like that, Ryan got what he needed that I wasn't providing - transportation to the action - what he valued most. They paddled around together for hours on the lake, and every time his brother got that kayak out, Ryan was in the back ready to get his ride.


People aren't loyal to people. They aren't loyal to products. People are loyal to the value they get from being with and around you; to the value they get FROM your product or service; to the value they get through their experience. Loyalty is driven by value.


It's true personally in relationships just as much as it is professionally in business. It's just that simple. Find a way to add value today.


#addvalue #successmindset

Everyday Leadership #7: Desire to Learn

January 2022 (2 min read)





I don't know what word to use, but my 11 year old daughter reads books like she breathes air - nonstop!


On new year's eve as we sat around the table for dinner, we asked each of our kids what we some of their favorite and most notable accomplishments were from the last year. My kids all shared a variety of achievements from making new friends during our multiple moves to learning the alphabet to virtually riding our bikes across the country 3,770 miles.


My daughter pictured here noted she had read a lot. So we decided to see just how much she'd read last year.


And the total..... 5️⃣7️⃣ books!!!!! 😵😵


The average page count of the books she read is around 250+ pages, and the longest book she read was over 700 pages long. To-date this year already, she's read 5 books and is on track to destroy her reading record from last year.


She is amazing and wants to learn - a lot. She's thoughtful in setting goals and making plans and is fully dedicated to her goals. She reads constantly. Her desire to learn is an appetite that can't be satisfied right now, and she's reading her first business book now as she gets ready to start her first business.


She's a great example to me. There's nothing we can't learn if we're willing to pay the price. Turn off the tv; put down the phone; walk away from the computer. Go learn something instead.


Go read.


#read #goalgetter #learning #successhabits

Everyday Leadership #6: Real or Perceived?

January 2022 (3 min read)

We were playing at the park over the weekend, and 2 of my kids decided to play follow the leader by walking on the basketball court lines. Their goal was to stay on the lines, moving as quickly as possible, and not fall off all around the court.


Interestingly, while watching them and even playing along, we each moved slowly and each lost our balance several times and "fell off" the line.


In reality, we couldn't really fall off of anything. The painted lines were even with the concrete they were painted on. There wasn't anything stopping us from moving fast. There were no obstacles that would slow us down or make us fall, and there wasn't any wind blowing that would push back on us. So why did we lose our balance still?


Perception. Our fear of an unreal obstacle - an unrealistic condition - made us feel incapable of moving quickly and caused us to physically lose balance. It stopped us from being really good at something so simple.


How often does that really happen? How many times do I go slowly or lose balance because I'm focused on a perceived obstacle when it doesn't really exist?


Success doesn't come when I'm focused on perceptions. Success comes from understanding my reality and taking control of it. Success comes from eliminating those mindset barriers and being intentional with my actions.


Take a moment and think. What perceived obstacles are you holding onto that are preventing you from being really good at something? What's holding you back that really has no power to do so?


Don't let perceptions interrupt your reality. Take control of your mind and succeed because you can. That's the reality.


#success #mindsetmatters

Everyday Leadership #5: Believe It's Possible

January 2022 (3 min read)

I was watching my 9 year old son's basketball practice last night. Most of these kids are just barely learning the game of basketball for the first time and started the night by doing lay up drills.


Their goal: make 2 in a row.


For the first few minutes, these boys worked hard but only managed to make 1 of every 5 attempts, if they were lucky. Even with coaching and slowing down and more coaching, they didn't improve.


Then, all of a sudden and after several minutes of the same result, they made 2 in a row. Then they made their 3rd in a row and then their 4th. Their excitement grew as did their focus... and their confidence and belief that it was possible.


For the remaining few minutes of the drill, they consistently made 3 or 4 shots in a row before they missed, drastically improving from where they started. What was the difference?


The first thing is someone finally broke through and showed everyone it was possible.


The second is everyone else believed it was now realistic and achievable.


Sometimes we have to break through the barrier of belief, and other times we have to be shown it is possible before we achieve. 🔸️The world needs breakers of belief barriers.🔸️


Who are you going to be?


#justbelieve #coaching #learning #successmindset #leadership

Everyday Leadership #4: Start with What You Have

January 2022 (1 min read)

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." -Arther Ashe

We built our house last year. We haven't finished the backyard yet, though, and neither has our backyard neighbor.


It's become a muddy mess this winter in the rain and snow and not usable. So when our daughter and our neighbor's daughter wanted to get together and didn't want to walk around the block to get together, they got to work.


Using what they had and working together, it took longer to build their sidewalk of broken tupperware lids and spare wood than it would have to just walk around the block. But the benefit from being resourceful and the investment in time now is paying the dividends for weeks to come (until we finish the yard this spring). They are getting what they want - a quick, short walk to get together.


You don't have to do grand things or produce astounding product to reap the benefits of your effort and get what you want. Start where you are and with what you have. Make the effort and just start. The benefits of your effort will get you to where you're going one tupperware lid at a time.


#maketheeffort #investment #work #successhabits #startnow

Everyday Leadership #3: Take Control

January 2022 (2 min read)

I have a color sign outside my home office door. When it's green, my family can knock and come in. When it's on red, I'm not to be disturbed.


My 3 year old knows the system and what the colors mean. He just doesn't like when it's on red. So any time he wants to come in, he grabs a step stool, changes the sign from red to green, knocks on the door and says, "Dad, I knocked so I can come in. It's on green now." 😄 Smart kid.


He comes in several times a day just to say hi or give me a hug or to say hi to my colleagues. He's a take control kind of kid. When he doesn't like his circumstances, he changes them. He doesn't wait around for someone else to do it for him, and he doesn't waste any time hoping for something to change when he can do it himself.


Life is short. Don't wait around for circumstances to change. If you don't like them, make them change. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Make it happen. Take control and own your life. Your choice to do so is the only thing holding you back.


#takecontrol #ownyourlife #successmindset #success

Everyday Leadership #2: Where's the Toothbrush? 

January 2022 (2 min read)

I couldn't find my 3 year old son's toothbrush last night. I looked in every drawer, checked over his entire bedroom, checked the other bathrooms, looked everywhere in the house and was just stumped.


I asked my others kids if they had seen in it and even asked them to help me look.


After about 10 minutes and frustrated I couldn't find it yet again, my 5 year old laid down on the bathroom floor for whatever reason and laughed. He said, "Dad, his toothbrush is right up there!"


I looked up, and just like he said, there it was - stuck to the ceiling by its suction cup handle. It was easy to see once I knew where to look, thanks to my other son.


Sometimes we just need a different perspective to find the solution to our challenges. It really can be that easy if we're willing to see the value of a different perspective.


What experiences have you had where a different perspective proved valuable? What are you doing to gain different perspectives?


#perspective #success

Update Your Bucket List

April 28, 2021 (3 min read)

Do you have a bucket list?  If not, you should.  Life has been a little crazy this last year, and to be honest, it's put a lot of us in a tailspin.  Most of us probably feel a little "off" from our normal selves with all that's happened.  So why have a bucket list?  

It provides you with some hope - with something to shoot for in life.  

On a recent podcast, Brian Buffini talked about the value of having a bucket list and the need to update it.  We live in a different world than we did even just a year ago, and a bucket list gives hope. It's a menu of opportunities and goals that can guide the decisions you make about life.  

In that podcast, Brian Buffini suggested your bucket list not just be a lit anymore of things you want to do.  It should be more than that - it should be a list that answer 3 key questions:

Think about those 3 questions for a minute.  They give a totally different perspective on what your bucket list can be.  It's not just a "for fun" list of impossible or unlikely dreams that won't ever come to pass.  It's a substantive guide with real meaning.  It opens your mind to recognize opportunity and to take it when you can.  These questions help you realize how important our time really is and how each decision we make affects the overall trajectory of our lives.  

So take a look at your bucket list today.  Make one if you don't have one.  If you have one, update it.  Write these 3 questions at the top, and then dig in.  Where do you want to go?  What do you want to do?  And what do you want to achieve in this life?  

Once you know, go after it and enjoy the ride!

Everyday Leadership #1

April 16, 2021 (2 min read)

Have you ever found yourself wondering what you can learn from what's around you?  Are there lessons to be learned about leadership, about management, or about teamwork in everyday life?  Is it crazy to think there are parallels or comparisons that can be drawn to what we see, do or hear every day?  

From where I sit, I think there's a lot to learn.  What does parenting 7 children and mediating yet another sibling fight teach me about conflict resolution?  Is there a parallel between the HOV lane and teamwork?  What can building maintenance practices and construction teach us about strategic planning?  

If we'll pay attention closely - if we'll become lifelong students of life and the world around us - we can learn lessons from everything, from every interaction, and from every person with whom we interact that teach us about teamwork, strategy, leadership and more.  The human brain has thousands of interactions a day and processes more information that we know, and with that comes a phenomenal to learn and grow.  And that's what we're going to explore here in the Everyday Leadership series.  

In the coming weeks and months, we'll take a brief dive into life's lessons and what we can learn about leadership from the everyday world around us.  From family life to work life to recreational life, we'll take a look at it all because there's a lot to learn from Everyday Leadership.  

*If you have an experience and lesson to share, please email me at  

Strategic Thinkers

June 19, 2018 (2 min read)

So how do you really define strategy?  What does it really mean to be strategically minded or to be a strategic thinker

To know that, we have to first understand what strategy is to know how to be strategic. Merriam-Webster defines strategy as a plan of action or method that’s set in motion to accomplish an overall objective[1].  Therefore, to be strategic, you have to be someone who embodies the attributes of that very definition. 

Here’s how I see it.  Strategic thinkers are:

1.       Inquisitive.  They ask the right questions to develop the right plan of action.  They are thinkers to the core.

2.       Visionaries.  They visualize the long-term objectives and understand how to add value.  They consider both intended and unintended consequences of potential strategy and can see the impact of strategic implementation on the individual and on the organization. 

3.       Planners.  They analyze data and information.  They draw meaningful conclusions from their analysis and utilize those conclusions as guiding principles in the development of strategy.

4.       Builders.  They can build a plan.  They create and define direction and build meaningful, real plans that inspire action.

5.       Doers.  They act.  They get to work and get results.  They add value to everyone and the organization around them.

Ultimately, to me, strategic thinkers are different than the day-to-day employee that’s just punching the clock.   Strategic thinkers are the ones that can see, plan for and drive results in the organization.  What do you think characterizes strategic thinkers? 


Do Something Hard

June 8, 2018 (2 min read)

It was 5:15am and 0 degrees outside. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed and go for a run.

First and foremost, I don’t enjoy running for the sake of running – on treadmills or outside. It’s not my thing. But I was 274 pounds, really out of shape, and struggling to just keep up. It wasn’t getting any easier either. What I knew, though, was that I wanted to be better and needed to put “me” on my priority list again.

So, I got up, got dressed, and went outside. And I went running.

That was about 6 months ago. I’ve been on this journey about a year now and have lost 55 pounds and feel great. And honestly - it’s been really hard to do. But I have gained so much physically by doing this.

Even more, though, beyond the physical benefits I’ve gained, I’ve learned a lot about myself. And these lessons will benefit me a lot longer than the physical strides I’ve made:

1. I’ve learned I CAN do whatever I put my mind to.

2. I’ve found that my mind NEVER stops running (even when I physically don’t want to!).

3. I’ve learned how to control my mind to push beyond the mental roadblocks that constantly try to get in my way.

4. I’m happier. I have more energy. I’m more focused, and I know I’m more productive.

5. And in the end, I’ve learned how to do something HARD and that doing something HARD makes life so much easier in the long-run.

There are definitely benefits to doing something hard in life.  I’ve learned that first-hand. What’s something HARD you’ve done and what did you learn? 

What to Do with Your Change

May 11, 2018 (5 min read)

Every one of us has experienced change in some aspect of our lives. At times, we all experience voluntary change - meaning, we alter the way we do things, think, feel or act by choice. And at other times, we all experience involuntary change - meaning, the way we do things, think, feel or act is pushed onto us whether we like it or not.

I recently had the opportunity to provide training on this topic to my colleagues at our regional meetings in Colorado. Our organization is currently undergoing some significant organizational changes of which the majority of the transitions are involuntary. The question about how to handle or manage these changes has surfaced repeatedly, especially in light of the "involuntary" nature of the pending transformation. So, to answer that question, we need to look at the different aspects of our lives that change can impact us, and those are: physical/social, emotional, mental, and financial.

First, and prior to briefly sharing how to manage involuntary change in life, we need to understand that not all change is bad. Managing change should be the individual and organizational effort of limiting or reducing the negative impacts of change on us and our environment while likewise expending equal effort in enhancing the positive impacts and benefits that change can have.

So, let's begin with involuntary physical and social change. How do you manage physical and social change? The physical and social environment is what I am referring to. Some examples of this type of change may be a reduction in workforce or a modification of geographic boundaries over which you are responsible. Policies or process may be replaced or updated to something new. The tools and resources you use may get replaced or abandoned. When these things happen, relationships and the literal work environment are affected. What can you do to manage the change (remember - managing means to reduce the negative impacts and enhance the positive benefits of the change)?

For physical and social change, you can do several things. You can continue to communicate with fellow employees, whether they are gone, you are gone, or new staff arrive on-site. Technology allows for easy access to others and should be utilized to continue to collaborate together and to offer support to one another through any change or transition. You should also get educated on the transition efforts and ask questions. Learn as much as possible and then share your thoughts, experiences, and feedback with others. The better we get at this, the better we can manage the physical and social environment in a way that makes altering what we're used to easier to cope with and adjust to.

Next, emotional and mental change. Do these areas of life even affect one another? Absolutely! Emotional behavior paves the way for mental behavior, which leads to physical action. For example, a prolonged state of sadness can lead to depression. All of us experience change differently, but it's safe to say that when involuntary change is brought upon us, we can expect to feel mixed emotions. We may be happy, anxious, nervous, confused, or anything in between or all of the above. We may experience the "run away mind" where we can't stop thinking about what is happening and start connecting our own dots in our head because we feel anxious about pending transitions.

What is interesting about emotional and mental management of change is that the heart controls our instincts. It functions as our animalistic and reactionary center of the body while our mind controls the analysis of information and is the creative center of our body. Getting the two in sync with each other is important because our instinctual or emotional response to change may not always be the best response while simply focusing only on the logical or mental response may also not serve our best interest. So how do you manage these together?

In visiting with a friend of mine who is a licensed psychologist, he shared the following basic steps to managing emotional and mental change. He noted that we need to understand that being or feeling "emotional" is fine but that we need to control - not eliminate - our emotions from the process of managing the stress of change. To do that, he said we should first STOP and breathe. Get grounded and in a space where you can feel calm, collected, and at peace with yourself. When you do, it is in this condition that you can then have confidence in your ability to control your emotions and balance them with your logical thought process. And in that process, you should become very self-aware. Ask yourself good questions and hard questions, and strive diligently to understand how involuntary change will impact you and your environment (i.e. your family, your social life, etc.). In that same vein, recognize your limits and stay within those limits. Doing so will help you make better decisions that make sense to you AND feel good to you in the long-run.

And lastly of the topics - financial. Involuntary change can definitely have an impact on your wallet. Job loss or reassignment, promotions, job changes all together, retirement adjustments, and relocations are just a few of the areas that an involuntary change can affect you. So what can you do today to manage the financial changes - whether they be good or bad?

Here are my thoughts. Take stock of your financial well-being. Make sure you know what you have and what you need (i.e. retirement accounts, savings, monthly budget, etc.). Develop a plan if you don't have one or revisit your financial plan if you do have one, and then work your plan. Make sure you have a rainy day fund set aside and that you diligently work on reducing debt so you can grow future investments. Consider it time to make a will and estate plan for your family and really make a concentrated effort to maintain a high level of financial health so that your basic needs can be met now and in the future.

In conjunction with that, constantly maintain and update your résumé. Look for work experiences that will boost your value in the workplace - even if those experiences are voluntary or are "extra" work assignments. Keep up with your network - both internally and externally. It IS about who you know as much as it is about what you know.

Involuntary change can be tough and it can also be exhilarating. The effects vary significantly for everyone. While some may wallow in their experience, others may stress to a breaking point and yet others may experience personal highs from new opportunities. No matter where you fall in that spectrum, it's important to prepare to manage change because we all know change is constant. How you handle it, though, is ultimately up to you.

Control Your Ace:  An Introduction

Jan 17, 2020 (1 min read)

Have you ever wondered if you really do control of your own success?  The answer to this question varies from person to person.  Some say success is all about who you know.  Some say success depends on luck.  Others suggest you control your own fate entirely by the decisions you make and the actions you take. 


My opinion? You need a little of everything – a little luck, a little networking, a little drive and action – a little of everything.  But you can significantly increase your opportunities and chances of success by taking control of 3 things and knowing how to use them:






Over the coming weeks, we’ll deep dive into each category to better understand what each one means and what it requires.  In the meantime, consider what each means to you and how you would rate yourself in each category.